The hoped for optimisation of CommandStart with -J did not materialize. In fact, not runnign CommandStart in parallel is slower than -J3. So, CommandStart are still run in parallel. (The actual bad performance I've been seeing with -J in my big repo has to do with building the remoteList.) But, this is still progress toward making -J faster, because it gets rid of the onlyActionOn roadblock in the way of making CommandCleanup jobs run separate from CommandPerform jobs. Added OnlyActionOn constructor for ActionItem which fixes the onlyActionOn breakage in the last commit. Made CustomOutput include an ActionItem, so even things using it can specify OnlyActionOn. In Command.Move and Command.Sync, there were CommandStarts that used includeCommandAction, so output messages, which is no longer allowed. Fixed by using startingCustomOutput, but that's still not quite right, since it prevents message display for the includeCommandAction run inside it too.
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{- items that a command can act on
- Copyright 2016-2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Types.ActionItem where
import Key
import Types.Transfer
import Git.FilePath
import Data.Maybe
data ActionItem
= ActionItemAssociatedFile AssociatedFile Key
| ActionItemKey Key
| ActionItemBranchFilePath BranchFilePath Key
| ActionItemFailedTransfer Transfer TransferInfo
| ActionItemWorkTreeFile FilePath
| ActionItemOther (Maybe String)
-- Use to avoid more than one thread concurrently processing the
-- same Key.
| OnlyActionOn Key ActionItem
deriving (Show, Eq)
class MkActionItem t where
mkActionItem :: t -> ActionItem
instance MkActionItem ActionItem where
mkActionItem = id
instance MkActionItem (AssociatedFile, Key) where
mkActionItem = uncurry ActionItemAssociatedFile
instance MkActionItem (Key, AssociatedFile) where
mkActionItem = uncurry $ flip ActionItemAssociatedFile
instance MkActionItem (Key, FilePath) where
mkActionItem (key, file) = ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile (Just file)) key
instance MkActionItem (FilePath, Key) where
mkActionItem (file, key) = mkActionItem (key, file)
instance MkActionItem Key where
mkActionItem = ActionItemKey
instance MkActionItem (BranchFilePath, Key) where
mkActionItem = uncurry ActionItemBranchFilePath
instance MkActionItem (Transfer, TransferInfo) where
mkActionItem = uncurry ActionItemFailedTransfer
actionItemDesc :: ActionItem -> String
actionItemDesc (ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile (Just f)) _) = f
actionItemDesc (ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile Nothing) k) =
serializeKey k
actionItemDesc (ActionItemKey k) = serializeKey k
actionItemDesc (ActionItemBranchFilePath bfp _) = descBranchFilePath bfp
actionItemDesc (ActionItemFailedTransfer t i) = actionItemDesc $
ActionItemAssociatedFile (associatedFile i) (transferKey t)
actionItemDesc (ActionItemWorkTreeFile f) = f
actionItemDesc (ActionItemOther s) = fromMaybe "" s
actionItemDesc (OnlyActionOn _ ai) = actionItemDesc ai
actionItemKey :: ActionItem -> Maybe Key
actionItemKey (ActionItemAssociatedFile _ k) = Just k
actionItemKey (ActionItemKey k) = Just k
actionItemKey (ActionItemBranchFilePath _ k) = Just k
actionItemKey (ActionItemFailedTransfer t _) = Just (transferKey t)
actionItemKey (ActionItemWorkTreeFile _) = Nothing
actionItemKey (ActionItemOther _) = Nothing
actionItemKey (OnlyActionOn _ ai) = actionItemKey ai
actionItemWorkTreeFile :: ActionItem -> Maybe FilePath
actionItemWorkTreeFile (ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile af) _) = af
actionItemWorkTreeFile (ActionItemWorkTreeFile f) = Just f
actionItemWorkTreeFile (OnlyActionOn _ ai) = actionItemWorkTreeFile ai
actionItemWorkTreeFile _ = Nothing
actionItemTransferDirection :: ActionItem -> Maybe Direction
actionItemTransferDirection (ActionItemFailedTransfer t _) = Just $
transferDirection t
actionItemTransferDirection (OnlyActionOn _ ai) = actionItemTransferDirection ai
actionItemTransferDirection _ = Nothing