Make Utility.Process wrap the parts of System.Process that I use, and add debug logging to them. Also wrote some higher-level code that allows running an action with handles to a processes stdin or stdout (or both), and checking its exit status, all in a single function call. As a bonus, the debug logging now indicates whether the process is being run to read from it, feed it data, chat with it (writing and reading), or just call it for its side effect.
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89 lines
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{- safely running shell commands
- Copyright 2010-2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Utility.SafeCommand where
import System.Exit
import Utility.Process
import System.Process (env)
import Data.String.Utils
import Control.Applicative
{- A type for parameters passed to a shell command. A command can
- be passed either some Params (multiple parameters can be included,
- whitespace-separated, or a single Param (for when parameters contain
- whitespace), or a File.
data CommandParam = Params String | Param String | File FilePath
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
{- Used to pass a list of CommandParams to a function that runs
- a command and expects Strings. -}
toCommand :: [CommandParam] -> [String]
toCommand = (>>= unwrap)
unwrap (Param s) = [s]
unwrap (Params s) = filter (not . null) (split " " s)
-- Files that start with a dash are modified to avoid
-- the command interpreting them as options.
unwrap (File s@('-':_)) = ["./" ++ s]
unwrap (File s) = [s]
{- Run a system command, and returns True or False
- if it succeeded or failed.
boolSystem :: FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
boolSystem command params = boolSystemEnv command params Nothing
boolSystemEnv :: FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> IO Bool
boolSystemEnv command params environ = dispatch <$> safeSystemEnv command params environ
dispatch ExitSuccess = True
dispatch _ = False
{- Runs a system command, returning the exit status. -}
safeSystem :: FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> IO ExitCode
safeSystem command params = safeSystemEnv command params Nothing
{- Unlike many implementations of system, SIGINT(ctrl-c) is allowed
- to propigate and will terminate the program. -}
safeSystemEnv :: FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> IO ExitCode
safeSystemEnv command params environ = do
(_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess (proc command $ toCommand params)
{ env = environ }
waitForProcess pid
{- Escapes a filename or other parameter to be safely able to be exposed to
- the shell. -}
shellEscape :: String -> String
shellEscape f = "'" ++ escaped ++ "'"
-- replace ' with '"'"'
escaped = join "'\"'\"'" $ split "'" f
{- Unescapes a set of shellEscaped words or filenames. -}
shellUnEscape :: String -> [String]
shellUnEscape [] = []
shellUnEscape s = word : shellUnEscape rest
(word, rest) = findword "" s
findword w [] = (w, "")
findword w (c:cs)
| c == ' ' = (w, cs)
| c == '\'' = inquote c w cs
| c == '"' = inquote c w cs
| otherwise = findword (w++[c]) cs
inquote _ w [] = (w, "")
inquote q w (c:cs)
| c == q = findword w cs
| otherwise = inquote q (w++[c]) cs
{- For quickcheck. -}
prop_idempotent_shellEscape :: String -> Bool
prop_idempotent_shellEscape s = [s] == (shellUnEscape . shellEscape) s
prop_idempotent_shellEscape_multiword :: [String] -> Bool
prop_idempotent_shellEscape_multiword s = s == (shellUnEscape . unwords . map shellEscape) s