For expire, the normal output is unchanged, but the --json output includes the uuid in machine parseable form. Which could be very useful for this somewhat obscure command. That needed ActionItemUUID to be implemented, which seemed like a lot of work, but then --- I had been going to skip implementing them for trust, untrust, dead, semitrust, and describe, but putting the uuid in the json is useful information, it tells what uuid git-annex picked given the input. It was not hard to support these once ActionItemUUID was implemented. Sponsored-By: the NIH-funded NICEMAN (ReproNim TR&D3) project
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{- items that a command can act on
- Copyright 2016-2023 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Types.ActionItem (
module Types.ActionItem,
) where
import Key
import Types.Transfer
import Types.UUID
import Git.FilePath
import Git.Quote (StringContainingQuotedPath(..))
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
data ActionItem
= ActionItemAssociatedFile AssociatedFile Key
| ActionItemKey Key
| ActionItemBranchFilePath BranchFilePath Key
| ActionItemFailedTransfer Transfer TransferInfo
| ActionItemTreeFile RawFilePath
| ActionItemUUID UUID StringContainingQuotedPath
-- ^ UUID with a description or name of the repository
| ActionItemOther (Maybe StringContainingQuotedPath)
| OnlyActionOn Key ActionItem
-- ^ Use to avoid more than one thread concurrently processing the
-- same Key.
deriving (Show, Eq)
class MkActionItem t where
mkActionItem :: t -> ActionItem
instance MkActionItem ActionItem where
mkActionItem = id
instance MkActionItem (AssociatedFile, Key) where
mkActionItem = uncurry ActionItemAssociatedFile
instance MkActionItem (Key, AssociatedFile) where
mkActionItem = uncurry $ flip ActionItemAssociatedFile
instance MkActionItem (Key, RawFilePath) where
mkActionItem (key, file) = ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile (Just file)) key
instance MkActionItem (RawFilePath, Key) where
mkActionItem (file, key) = mkActionItem (key, file)
instance MkActionItem Key where
mkActionItem = ActionItemKey
instance MkActionItem (BranchFilePath, Key) where
mkActionItem = uncurry ActionItemBranchFilePath
instance MkActionItem (Transfer, TransferInfo) where
mkActionItem = uncurry ActionItemFailedTransfer
actionItemDesc :: ActionItem -> StringContainingQuotedPath
actionItemDesc (ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile (Just f)) _) =
QuotedPath f
actionItemDesc (ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile Nothing) k) =
UnquotedByteString (serializeKey' k)
actionItemDesc (ActionItemKey k) =
UnquotedByteString (serializeKey' k)
actionItemDesc (ActionItemBranchFilePath bfp _) =
descBranchFilePath bfp
actionItemDesc (ActionItemFailedTransfer t i) = actionItemDesc $
ActionItemAssociatedFile (associatedFile i) (transferKey t)
actionItemDesc (ActionItemTreeFile f) = QuotedPath f
actionItemDesc (ActionItemUUID _ desc) = desc
actionItemDesc (ActionItemOther Nothing) = mempty
actionItemDesc (ActionItemOther (Just v)) = v
actionItemDesc (OnlyActionOn _ ai) = actionItemDesc ai
actionItemKey :: ActionItem -> Maybe Key
actionItemKey (ActionItemAssociatedFile _ k) = Just k
actionItemKey (ActionItemKey k) = Just k
actionItemKey (ActionItemBranchFilePath _ k) = Just k
actionItemKey (ActionItemFailedTransfer t _) = Just (transferKey t)
actionItemKey (ActionItemTreeFile _) = Nothing
actionItemKey (ActionItemUUID _ _) = Nothing
actionItemKey (ActionItemOther _) = Nothing
actionItemKey (OnlyActionOn _ ai) = actionItemKey ai
actionItemFile :: ActionItem -> Maybe RawFilePath
actionItemFile (ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile af) _) = af
actionItemFile (ActionItemTreeFile f) = Just f
actionItemFile (ActionItemUUID _ _) = Nothing
actionItemFile (OnlyActionOn _ ai) = actionItemFile ai
actionItemFile _ = Nothing
actionItemUUID :: ActionItem -> Maybe UUID
actionItemUUID (ActionItemUUID uuid _) = Just uuid
actionItemUUID _ = Nothing
actionItemTransferDirection :: ActionItem -> Maybe Direction
actionItemTransferDirection (ActionItemFailedTransfer t _) = Just $
transferDirection t
actionItemTransferDirection (OnlyActionOn _ ai) = actionItemTransferDirection ai
actionItemTransferDirection _ = Nothing