Avoid conversion from ByteString to String for urls that will just be converted right back to ByteString to go into the database. Also setTempUrl is not used by importfeed, so avoid checking for temp urls in this code path. This benchmarks as only a small improvement. From 2.99s to 2.78s when populating a database with 33k urls. Note that it does not seem worth replacing URLString with URLByteString generally, because the ways urls are used all entails either parseURI, which takes a string, or passing a parameter to eg curl, which also is currently a string. Sponsored-by: Leon Schuermann on Patreon
211 lines
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211 lines
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{- Sqlite database of known urls, and another of known itemids,
- for use by git-annex importfeed.
- Copyright 2023 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GADTs, FlexibleContexts, EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_persistent_template(2,8,0)
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Database.ImportFeed (
) where
import Database.Types
import qualified Database.Queue as H
import Database.Init
import Database.Utility
import Annex.Locations
import Annex.Common hiding (delete)
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Git.Types
import Git.Sha
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Git.DiffTree as DiffTree
import Logs
import Logs.Web
import Logs.MetaData
import Types.MetaData
import Annex.MetaData.StandardFields
import Annex.LockFile
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import Database.Persist.Sql hiding (Key)
import Database.Persist.TH
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Set as S
data ImportFeedDbHandle = ImportFeedDbHandle H.DbQueue
-- Note on indexes: ContentIndentifiersKeyRemoteCidIndex etc are really
-- uniqueness constraints, which cause sqlite to automatically add indexes.
-- So when adding indexes, have to take care to only add ones that work as
-- uniqueness constraints. (Unfortunately persistent does not support indexes
-- that are not uniqueness constraints;
-- https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/109)
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateImportFeed"] [persistLowerCase|
url SByteString
UniqueUrl url
itemid SByteString
UniqueItemId itemid
-- The last git-annex branch tree sha that was used to update
-- KnownUrls and KnownItemIds
tree SSha
UniqueTree tree
{- Opens the database, creating it if it doesn't exist yet.
- Updates the database from the git-annex branch. -}
openDb :: Annex ImportFeedDbHandle
openDb = do
dbdir <- calcRepo' gitAnnexImportFeedDbDir
let db = dbdir P.</> "db"
isnew <- liftIO $ not <$> R.doesPathExist db
when isnew $
initDb db $ void $
runMigrationSilent migrateImportFeed
dbh <- liftIO $ H.openDbQueue db "known_urls"
let h = ImportFeedDbHandle dbh
needsUpdateFromLog h >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just v -> do
lck <- calcRepo' gitAnnexImportFeedDbLock
withExclusiveLock lck $
updateFromLog h v
return h
closeDb :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> Annex ()
closeDb (ImportFeedDbHandle h) = liftIO $ H.closeDbQueue h
isKnownUrl :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> URLString -> IO Bool
isKnownUrl (ImportFeedDbHandle h) u =
H.queryDbQueue h $ do
l <- selectList
[ KnownUrlsUrl ==. SByteString (encodeBS u)
] []
return $ not (null l)
isKnownItemId :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> B.ByteString -> IO Bool
isKnownItemId (ImportFeedDbHandle h) i =
H.queryDbQueue h $ do
l <- selectList
[ KnownItemIdsItemid ==. SByteString i
] []
return $ not (null l)
recordKnownUrl :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> URLByteString -> IO ()
recordKnownUrl h u = queueDb h $
void $ insertUniqueFast $ KnownUrls $ SByteString u
recordKnownItemId :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> SByteString -> IO ()
recordKnownItemId h i = queueDb h $
void $ insertUniqueFast $ KnownItemIds i
recordAnnexBranchTree :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> Sha -> IO ()
recordAnnexBranchTree h s = queueDb h $ do
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter AnnexBranch])
void $ insertUniqueFast $ AnnexBranch $ toSSha s
getAnnexBranchTree :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> IO Sha
getAnnexBranchTree (ImportFeedDbHandle h) = H.queryDbQueue h $ do
l <- selectList ([] :: [Filter AnnexBranch]) []
case l of
(s:[]) -> return $ fromSSha $ annexBranchTree $ entityVal s
_ -> return emptyTree
queueDb :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> SqlPersistM () -> IO ()
queueDb (ImportFeedDbHandle h) = H.queueDb h checkcommit
-- commit queue after 10000 changes
checkcommit sz _lastcommittime
| sz > 10000 = return True
| otherwise = return False
{- Check if the git-annex branch has been updated and the database needs
- to be updated with any new information from it. -}
needsUpdateFromLog :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> Annex (Maybe (Sha, Sha))
needsUpdateFromLog db = do
oldtree <- liftIO $ getAnnexBranchTree db
Annex.Branch.updatedFromTree oldtree
{- The database should be locked for write when calling this. -}
updateFromLog :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> (Sha, Sha) -> Annex ()
updateFromLog db@(ImportFeedDbHandle h) (oldtree, currtree)
| oldtree == emptyTree = do
| otherwise = do
out = liftIO $ do
recordAnnexBranchTree db currtree
H.flushDbQueue h
knownitemids s = liftIO $ forM_ (S.toList s) $
recordKnownItemId db . SByteString . fromMetaValue
knownurls us = liftIO $ forM_ us $
recordKnownUrl db
scandiff = do
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $
DiffTree.diffTreeRecursive oldtree currtree
mapM_ godiff l
void $ liftIO $ cleanup
godiff ti = do
let f = getTopFilePath (DiffTree.file ti)
case extLogFileKey urlLogExt f of
Just k -> do
knownurls =<< getUrls' k
Nothing -> case extLogFileKey metaDataLogExt f of
Just k -> do
m <- getCurrentMetaData k
knownitemids (currentMetaDataValues itemIdField m)
Nothing -> return ()
-- When initially populating the database, this
-- is faster than diffing from the empty tree
-- and looking up every log file.
scanbranch = Annex.Branch.overBranchFileContents toscan goscan >>= \case
Just () -> return ()
Nothing -> scandiff
toscan f
| isUrlLog f = Just ()
| isMetaDataLog f = Just ()
| otherwise = Nothing
goscan reader = reader >>= \case
Just ((), f, Just content)
| isUrlLog f -> do
knownurls (parseUrlLog content)
goscan reader
| isMetaDataLog f -> do
knownitemids $
currentMetaDataValues itemIdField $
parseCurrentMetaData content
goscan reader
| otherwise -> goscan reader
Just ((), _, Nothing) -> goscan reader
Nothing -> return ()