It used to not log to daemon.log when a repository was first created, and when starting the webapp. Now both do. Redirecting stdout and stderr to the log is tricky when starting the webapp, because the web browser may want to communicate with the user. (Either a console web browser, or web.browser = echo) This is handled by restoring the original fds when running the browser.
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{- daemon support
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Utility.Daemon where
import Common
import System.Posix
{- Run an action as a daemon, with all output sent to a file descriptor.
- Can write its pid to a file, to guard against multiple instances
- running and allow easy termination.
- When successful, does not return. -}
daemonize :: Fd -> Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
daemonize logfd pidfile changedirectory a = do
maybe noop checkalreadyrunning pidfile
_ <- forkProcess child1
checkalreadyrunning f = maybe noop (const $ alreadyRunning)
=<< checkDaemon f
child1 = do
_ <- createSession
_ <- forkProcess child2
child2 = do
maybe noop lockPidFile pidfile
when changedirectory $
setCurrentDirectory "/"
nullfd <- openFd "/dev/null" ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
redir nullfd stdInput
redirLog logfd
out = exitImmediately ExitSuccess
redirLog :: Fd -> IO ()
redirLog logfd = do
mapM_ (redir logfd) [stdOutput, stdError]
closeFd logfd
redir :: Fd -> Fd -> IO ()
redir newh h = do
closeFd h
void $ dupTo newh h
{- Locks the pid file, with an exclusive, non-blocking lock.
- Writes the pid to the file, fully atomically.
- Fails if the pid file is already locked by another process. -}
lockPidFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
lockPidFile file = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
fd <- openFd file ReadWrite (Just stdFileMode) defaultFileFlags
locked <- catchMaybeIO $ setLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
fd' <- openFd newfile ReadWrite (Just stdFileMode) defaultFileFlags
{ trunc = True }
locked' <- catchMaybeIO $ setLock fd' (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
case (locked, locked') of
(Nothing, _) -> alreadyRunning
(_, Nothing) -> alreadyRunning
_ -> do
_ <- fdWrite fd' =<< show <$> getProcessID
renameFile newfile file
closeFd fd
newfile = file ++ ".new"
alreadyRunning :: IO ()
alreadyRunning = error "Daemon is already running."
{- Checks if the daemon is running, by checking that the pid file
- is locked by the same process that is listed in the pid file.
- If it's running, returns its pid. -}
checkDaemon :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe ProcessID)
checkDaemon pidfile = do
v <- catchMaybeIO $
openFd pidfile ReadOnly (Just stdFileMode) defaultFileFlags
case v of
Just fd -> do
locked <- getLock fd (ReadLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
p <- readish <$> readFile pidfile
return $ check locked p
Nothing -> return Nothing
check Nothing _ = Nothing
check _ Nothing = Nothing
check (Just (pid, _)) (Just pid')
| pid == pid' = Just pid
| otherwise = error $
"stale pid in " ++ pidfile ++
" (got " ++ show pid' ++
"; expected " ++ show pid ++ " )"
{- Stops the daemon, safely. -}
stopDaemon :: FilePath -> IO ()
stopDaemon pidfile = go =<< checkDaemon pidfile
go Nothing = noop
go (Just pid) = signalProcess sigTERM pid