The goal is to be able to run CommandStart in the main thread when -J is used, rather than unncessarily passing it off to a worker thread, which incurs overhead that is signficant when the CommandStart is going to quickly decide to stop. To do that, the message it displays needs to be displayed in the worker thread, after the CommandStart has run. Also, the change will mean that CommandStart will no longer necessarily run with the same Annex state as CommandPerform. While its docs already said it should avoid modifying Annex state, I audited all the CommandStart code as part of the conversion. (Note that CommandSeek already sometimes runs with a different Annex state, and that has not been a source of any problems, so I am not too worried that this change will lead to breakage going forward.) The only modification of Annex state I found was it calling allowMessages in some Commands that default to noMessages. Dealt with that by adding a startCustomOutput and a startingUsualMessages. This lets a command start with noMessages and then select the output it wants for each CommandStart. One bit of breakage: onlyActionOn has been removed from commands that used it. The plan is that, since a StartMessage contains an ActionItem, when a Key can be extracted from that, the parallel job runner can run onlyActionOn' automatically. Then commands won't need to worry about this detail. Future work. Otherwise, this was a fairly straightforward process of making each CommandStart compile again. Hopefully other behavior changes were mostly avoided. In a few cases, a command had a CommandStart that called a CommandPerform that then called showStart multiple times. I have collapsed those down to a single start action. The main command to perhaps suffer from it is Command.Direct, which used to show a start for each file, and no longer does. Another minor behavior change is that some commands used showStart before, but had an associated file and a Key available, so were changed to ShowStart with an ActionItemAssociatedFile. That will not change the normal output or behavior, but --json output will now include the key. This should not break it for anyone using a real json parser.
294 lines
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294 lines
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{- git-annex command seeking
- These functions find appropriate files or other things based on
- the values a user passes to a command, and prepare actions operating
- on them.
- Copyright 2010-2018 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module CmdLine.Seek where
import Annex.Common
import Types.Command
import Types.FileMatcher
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
import qualified Git.LsTree as LsTree
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Limit
import CmdLine.GitAnnex.Options
import Logs.Location
import Logs.Unused
import Types.Transfer
import Logs.Transfer
import Remote.List
import qualified Remote
import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.CurrentBranch
import Annex.Content
import Annex.InodeSentinal
import qualified Database.Keys
withFilesInGit :: (FilePath -> CommandSeek) -> [WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek
withFilesInGit a l = seekActions $ prepFiltered a $
seekHelper LsFiles.inRepo l
withFilesInGitNonRecursive :: String -> (FilePath -> CommandSeek) -> [WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek
withFilesInGitNonRecursive needforce a l = ifM (Annex.getState Annex.force)
( withFilesInGit a l
, if null l
then giveup needforce
else seekActions $ prepFiltered a (getfiles [] l)
getfiles c [] = return (reverse c)
getfiles c ((WorkTreeItem p):ps) = do
(fs, cleanup) <- inRepo $ LsFiles.inRepo [p]
case fs of
[f] -> do
void $ liftIO $ cleanup
getfiles (f:c) ps
[] -> do
void $ liftIO $ cleanup
getfiles c ps
_ -> giveup needforce
withFilesNotInGit :: Bool -> (FilePath -> CommandSeek) -> [WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek
withFilesNotInGit skipdotfiles a l
| skipdotfiles = do
{- dotfiles are not acted on unless explicitly listed -}
files <- filter (not . dotfile) <$>
seekunless (null ps && not (null l)) ps
dotfiles <- seekunless (null dotps) dotps
go (files++dotfiles)
| otherwise = go =<< seekunless False l
(dotps, ps) = partition (\(WorkTreeItem f) -> dotfile f) l
seekunless True _ = return []
seekunless _ l' = do
force <- Annex.getState Annex.force
g <- gitRepo
liftIO $ Git.Command.leaveZombie
<$> LsFiles.notInRepo force (map (\(WorkTreeItem f) -> f) l') g
go fs = seekActions $ prepFiltered a $
return $ concat $ segmentPaths (map (\(WorkTreeItem f) -> f) l) fs
withPathContents :: ((FilePath, FilePath) -> CommandSeek) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withPathContents a params = do
matcher <- Limit.getMatcher
forM_ params $ \p -> do
fs <- liftIO $ get p
forM fs $ \f ->
whenM (checkmatch matcher f) $
a f
get p = ifM (isDirectory <$> getFileStatus p)
( map (\f -> (f, makeRelative (parentDir p) f))
<$> dirContentsRecursiveSkipping (".git" `isSuffixOf`) True p
, return [(p, takeFileName p)]
checkmatch matcher (f, relf) = matcher $ MatchingFile $ FileInfo
{ currFile = f
, matchFile = relf
withWords :: ([String] -> CommandSeek) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withWords a params = seekActions $ return [a params]
withStrings :: (String -> CommandSeek) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withStrings a params = seekActions $ return $ map a params
withPairs :: ((String, String) -> CommandSeek) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withPairs a params = seekActions $ return $ map a $ pairs [] params
pairs c [] = reverse c
pairs c (x:y:xs) = pairs ((x,y):c) xs
pairs _ _ = giveup "expected pairs"
withFilesToBeCommitted :: (FilePath -> CommandSeek) -> [WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek
withFilesToBeCommitted a l = seekActions $ prepFiltered a $
seekHelper LsFiles.stagedNotDeleted l
withFilesOldUnlocked :: (FilePath -> CommandSeek) -> [WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek
withFilesOldUnlocked = withFilesOldUnlocked' LsFiles.typeChanged
{- Unlocked files before v6 have changed type from a symlink to a regular file.
- Furthermore, unlocked files used to be a git-annex symlink,
- not some other sort of symlink.
withFilesOldUnlocked' :: ([FilePath] -> Git.Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)) -> (FilePath -> CommandSeek) -> [WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek
withFilesOldUnlocked' typechanged a l = seekActions $
prepFiltered a unlockedfiles
unlockedfiles = filterM isOldUnlocked =<< seekHelper typechanged l
isOldUnlocked :: FilePath -> Annex Bool
isOldUnlocked f = liftIO (notSymlink f) <&&>
(isJust <$> catKeyFile f <||> isJust <$> catKeyFileHEAD f)
withFilesOldUnlockedToBeCommitted :: (FilePath -> CommandSeek) -> [WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek
withFilesOldUnlockedToBeCommitted = withFilesOldUnlocked' LsFiles.typeChangedStaged
{- v6 unlocked pointer files that are staged, and whose content has not been
- modified-}
withUnmodifiedUnlockedPointers :: (FilePath -> CommandSeek) -> [WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek
withUnmodifiedUnlockedPointers a l = seekActions $
prepFiltered a unlockedfiles
unlockedfiles = filterM isV6UnmodifiedUnlocked
=<< seekHelper LsFiles.typeChangedStaged l
isV6UnmodifiedUnlocked :: FilePath -> Annex Bool
isV6UnmodifiedUnlocked f = catKeyFile f >>= \case
Nothing -> return False
Just k -> sameInodeCache f =<< Database.Keys.getInodeCaches k
{- Finds files that may be modified. -}
withFilesMaybeModified :: (FilePath -> CommandSeek) -> [WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek
withFilesMaybeModified a params = seekActions $
prepFiltered a $ seekHelper LsFiles.modified params
withKeys :: (Key -> CommandSeek) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withKeys a l = seekActions $ return $ map (a . parse) l
parse p = fromMaybe (giveup "bad key") $ deserializeKey p
withNothing :: CommandSeek -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withNothing a [] = a
withNothing _ _ = giveup "This command takes no parameters."
{- Handles the --all, --branch, --unused, --failed, --key, and
- --incomplete options, which specify particular keys to run an
- action on.
- In a bare repo, --all is the default.
- Otherwise falls back to a regular CommandSeek action on
- whatever params were passed.
:: Maybe KeyOptions
-> Bool
-> ((Key, ActionItem) -> CommandSeek)
-> ([WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek)
-> [WorkTreeItem]
-> CommandSeek
withKeyOptions ko auto keyaction = withKeyOptions' ko auto mkkeyaction
mkkeyaction = do
matcher <- Limit.getMatcher
return $ \v@(k, ai) ->
let i = case ai of
ActionItemBranchFilePath (BranchFilePath _ topf) _ ->
MatchingKey k (AssociatedFile $ Just $ getTopFilePath topf)
_ -> MatchingKey k (AssociatedFile Nothing)
in whenM (matcher i) $
keyaction v
:: Maybe KeyOptions
-> Bool
-> Annex ((Key, ActionItem) -> Annex ())
-> ([WorkTreeItem] -> CommandSeek)
-> [WorkTreeItem]
-> CommandSeek
withKeyOptions' ko auto mkkeyaction fallbackaction params = do
bare <- fromRepo Git.repoIsLocalBare
when (auto && bare) $
giveup "Cannot use --auto in a bare repository"
case (null params, ko) of
(True, Nothing)
| bare -> noauto $ runkeyaction finishCheck loggedKeys
| otherwise -> fallbackaction params
(False, Nothing) -> fallbackaction params
(True, Just WantAllKeys) -> noauto $ runkeyaction finishCheck loggedKeys
(True, Just WantUnusedKeys) -> noauto $ runkeyaction (pure . Just) unusedKeys'
(True, Just WantFailedTransfers) -> noauto runfailedtransfers
(True, Just (WantSpecificKey k)) -> noauto $ runkeyaction (pure . Just) (return [k])
(True, Just WantIncompleteKeys) -> noauto $ runkeyaction (pure . Just) incompletekeys
(True, Just (WantBranchKeys bs)) -> noauto $ runbranchkeys bs
(False, Just _) -> giveup "Can only specify one of file names, --all, --branch, --unused, --failed, --key, or --incomplete"
noauto a
| auto = giveup "Cannot use --auto with --all or --branch or --unused or --key or --incomplete"
| otherwise = a
incompletekeys = staleKeysPrune gitAnnexTmpObjectDir True
runkeyaction checker getks = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
ks <- getks
forM_ ks $ checker >=> maybe noop
(\k -> keyaction (k, mkActionItem k))
runbranchkeys bs = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
forM_ bs $ \b -> do
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ LsTree.lsTree LsTree.LsTreeRecursive b
forM_ l $ \i -> catKey (LsTree.sha i) >>= \case
Nothing -> noop
Just k ->
let bfp = mkActionItem (BranchFilePath b (LsTree.file i), k)
in keyaction (k, bfp)
unlessM (liftIO cleanup) $
error ("git ls-tree " ++ Git.fromRef b ++ " failed")
runfailedtransfers = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
rs <- remoteList
ts <- concat <$> mapM (getFailedTransfers . Remote.uuid) rs
forM_ ts $ \(t, i) ->
keyaction (transferKey t, mkActionItem (t, i))
prepFiltered :: (FilePath -> CommandSeek) -> Annex [FilePath] -> Annex [CommandSeek]
prepFiltered a fs = do
matcher <- Limit.getMatcher
map (process matcher) <$> fs
process matcher f = whenM (matcher $ MatchingFile $ FileInfo f f) $ a f
seekActions :: Annex [CommandSeek] -> Annex ()
seekActions gen = sequence_ =<< gen
seekHelper :: ([FilePath] -> Git.Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)) -> [WorkTreeItem] -> Annex [FilePath]
seekHelper a l = inRepo $ \g ->
concat . concat <$> forM (segmentXargsOrdered l')
(runSegmentPaths (\fs -> Git.Command.leaveZombie <$> a fs g))
l' = map (\(WorkTreeItem f) -> f) l
-- An item in the work tree, which may be a file or a directory.
newtype WorkTreeItem = WorkTreeItem FilePath
-- When in an adjusted branch that hides some files, it may not exist
-- in the current work tree, but in the original branch. This allows
-- seeking for such files.
newtype AllowHidden = AllowHidden Bool
-- Many git commands seek work tree items matching some criteria,
-- and silently skip over anything that does not exist. But users expect
-- an error message when one of the files they provided as a command-line
-- parameter doesn't exist, so this checks that each exists.
workTreeItems :: CmdParams -> Annex [WorkTreeItem]
workTreeItems = workTreeItems' (AllowHidden False)
workTreeItems' :: AllowHidden -> CmdParams -> Annex [WorkTreeItem]
workTreeItems' (AllowHidden allowhidden) ps = do
currbranch <- getCurrentBranch
forM_ ps $ \p ->
unlessM (exists p <||> hidden currbranch p) $ do
toplevelWarning False (p ++ " not found")
return (map WorkTreeItem ps)
exists p = isJust <$> liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus p)
hidden currbranch p
| allowhidden = do
f <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile p
isJust <$> catObjectMetaDataHidden f currbranch
| otherwise = return False
notSymlink :: FilePath -> IO Bool
notSymlink f = liftIO $ not . isSymbolicLink <$> getSymbolicLinkStatus f