This does not change the overall license of the git-annex program, which was already AGPL due to a number of sources files being AGPL already. Legally speaking, I'm adding a new license under which these files are now available; I already released their current contents under the GPL license. Now they're dual licensed GPL and AGPL. However, I intend for all my future changes to these files to only be released under the AGPL license, and I won't be tracking the dual licensing status, so I'm simply changing the license statement to say it's AGPL. (In some cases, others wrote parts of the code of a file and released it under the GPL; but in all cases I have contributed a significant portion of the code in each file and it's that code that is getting the AGPL license; the GPL license of other contributors allows combining with AGPL code.)
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{- git-annex remote log
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.Remote (
) where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Types.Remote
import Logs
import Logs.UUIDBased
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as A
import Data.ByteString.Builder
{- Adds or updates a remote's config in the log. -}
configSet :: UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex ()
configSet u cfg = do
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change remoteLog $
buildLogOld (byteString . encodeBS . showConfig)
. changeLog c u cfg
. parseLogOld remoteConfigParser
{- Map of remotes by uuid containing key/value config maps. -}
readRemoteLog :: Annex (M.Map UUID RemoteConfig)
readRemoteLog = simpleMap . parseLogOld remoteConfigParser
<$> Annex.Branch.get remoteLog
remoteConfigParser :: A.Parser RemoteConfig
remoteConfigParser = keyValToConfig . words . decodeBS <$> A.takeByteString
showConfig :: RemoteConfig -> String
showConfig = unwords . configToKeyVal
{- Given Strings like "key=value", generates a RemoteConfig. -}
keyValToConfig :: [String] -> RemoteConfig
keyValToConfig ws = M.fromList $ map (/=/) ws
(/=/) s = (k, v)
k = takeWhile (/= '=') s
v = configUnEscape $ drop (1 + length k) s
configToKeyVal :: M.Map String String -> [String]
configToKeyVal m = map toword $ sort $ M.toList m
toword (k, v) = k ++ "=" ++ configEscape v
configEscape :: String -> String
configEscape = concatMap escape
escape c
| isSpace c || c `elem` "&" = "&" ++ show (ord c) ++ ";"
| otherwise = [c]
configUnEscape :: String -> String
configUnEscape = unescape
unescape [] = []
unescape (c:rest)
| c == '&' = entity rest
| otherwise = c : unescape rest
entity s
| not (null num) && ";" `isPrefixOf` r =
chr (Prelude.read num) : unescape rest
| otherwise =
'&' : unescape s
num = takeWhile isNumber s
r = drop (length num) s
rest = drop 1 r
{- for quickcheck -}
prop_isomorphic_configEscape :: String -> Bool
prop_isomorphic_configEscape s = s == (configUnEscape . configEscape) s
prop_parse_show_Config :: RemoteConfig -> Bool
prop_parse_show_Config c
-- whitespace and '=' are not supported in config keys
| any (\k -> any isSpace k || elem '=' k) (M.keys c) = True
| any (any excluded) (M.keys c) = True
| any (any excluded) (M.elems c) = True
| otherwise = A.parseOnly remoteConfigParser (encodeBS $ showConfig c) ~~ Right c
normalize v = sort . M.toList <$> v
a ~~ b = normalize a == normalize b
-- limit to ascii alphanumerics for simplicity; characters not
-- allowed by the current character set in the config may not
-- round-trip in an identical representation due to the use of the
-- filesystem encoding.
excluded ch = not (isAlphaNum ch) || not (isAscii ch)