Drop support for building with ghc older than 8.4.4, and with older versions of serveral haskell libraries than will be included in Debian 10. The only remaining version ifdefs in the entire code base are now a couple for aws! This commit should only be merged after the Debian 10 release. And perhaps it will need to wait longer than that; it would make backporting new versions of git-annex to Debian 9 (stretch) which has been actively happening as recently as this year. This commit was sponsored by Ilya Shlyakhter.
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{- timestamp parsing and formatting
- Copyright 2015-2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
module Utility.TimeStamp where
import Utility.Data
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time
import Data.Ratio
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (char, decimal, signed, isDigit_w8)
{- Parses how POSIXTime shows itself: "1431286201.113452s"
- (The "s" is included for historical reasons and is optional.)
- Also handles the format with no decimal seconds. -}
parserPOSIXTime :: A.Parser POSIXTime
parserPOSIXTime = mkPOSIXTime
<$> signed decimal
<*> (declen <|> pure (0, 0))
<* optional (char 's')
declen :: A.Parser (Integer, Int)
declen = do
_ <- char '.'
b <- A.takeWhile isDigit_w8
let len = B.length b
d <- either fail pure $
A.parseOnly (decimal <* A.endOfInput) b
return (d, len)
parsePOSIXTime :: String -> Maybe POSIXTime
parsePOSIXTime s = eitherToMaybe $
A.parseOnly (parserPOSIXTime <* A.endOfInput) (B8.pack s)
{- This implementation allows for higher precision in a POSIXTime than
- supported by the system's Double, and avoids the complications of
- floating point. -}
mkPOSIXTime :: Integer -> (Integer, Int) -> POSIXTime
mkPOSIXTime n (d, dlen)
| n < 0 = fromIntegral n - fromRational r
| otherwise = fromIntegral n + fromRational r
r = d % (10 ^ dlen)
formatPOSIXTime :: String -> POSIXTime -> String
formatPOSIXTime fmt t = formatTime defaultTimeLocale fmt (posixSecondsToUTCTime t)