Joey Hess 2fd63f3cfa port transferkeys to windows; make stopping in progress transfers work too (probably)
transferkeys had used special FDs for communication, but that would be
quite annoying to do in Windows.

Instead, use stdin and stdout. But, to avoid commands like rsync stomping
on them and messing up the communications channel, they're duplicated to a
different handle; stdin is replaced with a null handle, and stdout is
replaced with a copy of stderr. This should all work in windows too.

Stopping in progress transfers may work on windows.. if the types unify
anyway. ;) May need some more porting.
2013-12-10 23:19:18 -04:00

360 lines
10 KiB

{- System.Process enhancements, including additional ways of running
- processes, and logging.
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, Rank2Types #-}
module Utility.Process (
module X,
) where
import qualified System.Process
import System.Process as X hiding (CreateProcess(..), createProcess, runInteractiveProcess, readProcess, readProcessWithExitCode, system, rawSystem, runInteractiveCommand, runProcess)
import System.Process hiding (createProcess, readProcess)
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Log.Logger
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import System.Posix.IO
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
import Utility.Misc
import Utility.Exception
type CreateProcessRunner = forall a. CreateProcess -> ((Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle) -> IO a) -> IO a
data StdHandle = StdinHandle | StdoutHandle | StderrHandle
deriving (Eq)
{- Normally, when reading from a process, it does not need to be fed any
- standard input. -}
readProcess :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO String
readProcess cmd args = readProcessEnv cmd args Nothing
readProcessEnv :: FilePath -> [String] -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> IO String
readProcessEnv cmd args environ =
withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p $ \h -> do
output <- hGetContentsStrict h
hClose h
return output
p = (proc cmd args)
{ std_out = CreatePipe
, env = environ
{- Runs an action to write to a process on its stdin,
- returns its output, and also allows specifying the environment.
:: FilePath
-> [String]
-> Maybe [(String, String)]
-> (Maybe (Handle -> IO ()))
-> (Maybe (Handle -> IO ()))
-> IO String
writeReadProcessEnv cmd args environ writestdin adjusthandle = do
(Just inh, Just outh, _, pid) <- createProcess p
maybe (return ()) (\a -> a inh) adjusthandle
maybe (return ()) (\a -> a outh) adjusthandle
-- fork off a thread to start consuming the output
output <- hGetContents outh
outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkIO $ E.evaluate (length output) >> putMVar outMVar ()
-- now write and flush any input
maybe (return ()) (\a -> a inh >> hFlush inh) writestdin
hClose inh -- done with stdin
-- wait on the output
takeMVar outMVar
hClose outh
-- wait on the process
forceSuccessProcess p pid
return output
p = (proc cmd args)
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
, std_err = Inherit
, env = environ
{- Waits for a ProcessHandle, and throws an IOError if the process
- did not exit successfully. -}
forceSuccessProcess :: CreateProcess -> ProcessHandle -> IO ()
forceSuccessProcess p pid = do
code <- waitForProcess pid
case code of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure n -> fail $ showCmd p ++ " exited " ++ show n
{- Waits for a ProcessHandle and returns True if it exited successfully.
- Note that using this with createProcessChecked will throw away
- the Bool, and is only useful to ignore the exit code of a process,
- while still waiting for it. -}
checkSuccessProcess :: ProcessHandle -> IO Bool
checkSuccessProcess pid = do
code <- waitForProcess pid
return $ code == ExitSuccess
ignoreFailureProcess :: ProcessHandle -> IO Bool
ignoreFailureProcess pid = do
void $ waitForProcess pid
return True
{- Runs createProcess, then an action on its handles, and then
- forceSuccessProcess. -}
createProcessSuccess :: CreateProcessRunner
createProcessSuccess p a = createProcessChecked (forceSuccessProcess p) p a
{- Runs createProcess, then an action on its handles, and then
- a checker action on its exit code, which must wait for the process. -}
createProcessChecked :: (ProcessHandle -> IO b) -> CreateProcessRunner
createProcessChecked checker p a = do
t@(_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess p
r <- tryNonAsync $ a t
_ <- checker pid
either E.throw return r
{- Leaves the process running, suitable for lazy streaming.
- Note: Zombies will result, and must be waited on. -}
createBackgroundProcess :: CreateProcessRunner
createBackgroundProcess p a = a =<< createProcess p
{- Runs a process, optionally feeding it some input, and
- returns a transcript combining its stdout and stderr, and
- whether it succeeded or failed. -}
processTranscript :: String -> [String] -> (Maybe String) -> IO (String, Bool)
processTranscript cmd opts input = processTranscript' cmd opts Nothing input
processTranscript' :: String -> [String] -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> (Maybe String) -> IO (String, Bool)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
{- This implementation interleves stdout and stderr in exactly the order
- the process writes them. -}
processTranscript' cmd opts environ input = do
(readf, writef) <- createPipe
readh <- fdToHandle readf
writeh <- fdToHandle writef
p@(_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess $
(proc cmd opts)
{ std_in = if isJust input then CreatePipe else Inherit
, std_out = UseHandle writeh
, std_err = UseHandle writeh
, env = environ
hClose writeh
get <- mkreader readh
-- now write and flush any input
case input of
Just s -> do
let inh = stdinHandle p
unless (null s) $ do
hPutStr inh s
hFlush inh
hClose inh
Nothing -> return ()
transcript <- get
ok <- checkSuccessProcess pid
return (transcript, ok)
{- This implementation for Windows puts stderr after stdout. -}
processTranscript' cmd opts environ input = do
p@(_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess $
(proc cmd opts)
{ std_in = if isJust input then CreatePipe else Inherit
, std_out = CreatePipe
, std_err = CreatePipe
, env = environ
getout <- mkreader (stdoutHandle p)
geterr <- mkreader (stderrHandle p)
case input of
Just s -> do
let inh = stdinHandle p
unless (null s) $ do
hPutStr inh s
hFlush inh
hClose inh
Nothing -> return ()
transcript <- (++) <$> getout <*> geterr
ok <- checkSuccessProcess pid
return (transcript, ok)
mkreader h = do
s <- hGetContents h
v <- newEmptyMVar
void $ forkIO $ do
void $ E.evaluate (length s)
putMVar v ()
return $ do
takeMVar v
return s
{- Runs a CreateProcessRunner, on a CreateProcess structure, that
- is adjusted to pipe only from/to a single StdHandle, and passes
- the resulting Handle to an action. -}
:: StdHandle
-> CreateProcessRunner
-> CreateProcess
-> (Handle -> IO a)
-> IO a
withHandle h creator p a = creator p' $ a . select
base = p
{ std_in = Inherit
, std_out = Inherit
, std_err = Inherit
(select, p')
| h == StdinHandle =
(stdinHandle, base { std_in = CreatePipe })
| h == StdoutHandle =
(stdoutHandle, base { std_out = CreatePipe })
| h == StderrHandle =
(stderrHandle, base { std_err = CreatePipe })
{- Like withHandle, but passes (stdin, stdout) handles to the action. -}
:: CreateProcessRunner
-> CreateProcess
-> ((Handle, Handle) -> IO a)
-> IO a
withBothHandles creator p a = creator p' $ a . bothHandles
p' = p
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
, std_err = Inherit
{- Forces the CreateProcessRunner to run quietly;
- both stdout and stderr are discarded. -}
:: CreateProcessRunner
-> CreateProcess
-> IO ()
withQuietOutput creator p = withFile devNull WriteMode $ \nullh -> do
let p' = p
{ std_out = UseHandle nullh
, std_err = UseHandle nullh
creator p' $ const $ return ()
devNull :: FilePath
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
devNull = "/dev/null"
devNull = "NUL"
{- Extract a desired handle from createProcess's tuple.
- These partial functions are safe as long as createProcess is run
- with appropriate parameters to set up the desired handle.
- Get it wrong and the runtime crash will always happen, so should be
- easily noticed. -}
type HandleExtractor = (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle) -> Handle
stdinHandle :: HandleExtractor
stdinHandle (Just h, _, _, _) = h
stdinHandle _ = error "expected stdinHandle"
stdoutHandle :: HandleExtractor
stdoutHandle (_, Just h, _, _) = h
stdoutHandle _ = error "expected stdoutHandle"
stderrHandle :: HandleExtractor
stderrHandle (_, _, Just h, _) = h
stderrHandle _ = error "expected stderrHandle"
bothHandles :: (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle) -> (Handle, Handle)
bothHandles (Just hin, Just hout, _, _) = (hin, hout)
bothHandles _ = error "expected bothHandles"
{- Debugging trace for a CreateProcess. -}
debugProcess :: CreateProcess -> IO ()
debugProcess p = do
debugM "Utility.Process" $ unwords
[ action ++ ":"
, showCmd p
| piped (std_in p) && piped (std_out p) = "chat"
| piped (std_in p) = "feed"
| piped (std_out p) = "read"
| otherwise = "call"
piped Inherit = False
piped _ = True
{- Shows the command that a CreateProcess will run. -}
showCmd :: CreateProcess -> String
showCmd = go . cmdspec
go (ShellCommand s) = s
go (RawCommand c ps) = c ++ " " ++ show ps
{- Starts an interactive process. Unlike runInteractiveProcess in
- System.Process, stderr is inherited. -}
:: FilePath
-> [String]
-> Maybe [(String, String)]
-> IO (ProcessHandle, Handle, Handle)
startInteractiveProcess cmd args environ = do
let p = (proc cmd args)
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
, std_err = Inherit
, env = environ
(Just from, Just to, _, pid) <- createProcess p
return (pid, to, from)
{- Wrapper around System.Process function that does debug logging. -}
createProcess :: CreateProcess -> IO (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle)
createProcess p = do
debugProcess p
System.Process.createProcess p