Did all sources except Remotes/* and Command/*
107 lines
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107 lines
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{- git-annex command line parsing and dispatch
- Copyright 2010 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module CmdLine (
) where
import System.IO.Error (try)
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Annex
import qualified AnnexQueue
import qualified Git
import Content
import Types
import Command
import Version
import Options
import Messages
import UUID
{- Runs the passed command line. -}
dispatch :: [String] -> [Command] -> [Option] -> String -> Git.Repo -> IO ()
dispatch args cmds options header gitrepo = do
state <- Annex.new gitrepo
(actions, state') <- Annex.run state $ parseCmd args header cmds options
tryRun state' $ [startup] ++ actions ++ [shutdown]
{- Parses command line, stores configure flags, and returns a
- list of actions to be run in the Annex monad. -}
parseCmd :: [String] -> String -> [Command] -> [Option] -> Annex [Annex Bool]
parseCmd argv header cmds options = do
(flags, params) <- liftIO getopt
when (null params) $ error $ "missing command" ++ usagemsg
case lookupCmd (head params) of
[] -> error $ "unknown command" ++ usagemsg
[command] -> do
_ <- sequence flags
when (cmdusesrepo command) checkVersion
prepCommand command (drop 1 params)
_ -> error "internal error: multiple matching commands"
getopt = case getOpt Permute options argv of
(flags, params, []) ->
return (flags, params)
(_, _, errs) ->
ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usagemsg))
lookupCmd cmd = filter (\c -> cmd == cmdname c) cmds
usagemsg = "\n\n" ++ usage header cmds options
{- Usage message with lists of commands and options. -}
usage :: String -> [Command] -> [Option] -> String
usage header cmds options =
usageInfo (header ++ "\n\nOptions:") options ++
"\nCommands:\n" ++ cmddescs
cmddescs = unlines $ map (indent . showcmd) cmds
showcmd c =
cmdname c ++
pad (longest cmdname + 1) (cmdname c) ++
cmdparams c ++
pad (longest cmdparams + 2) (cmdparams c) ++
cmddesc c
pad n s = replicate (n - length s) ' '
longest f = foldl max 0 $ map (length . f) cmds
{- Runs a list of Annex actions. Catches IO errors and continues
- (but explicitly thrown errors terminate the whole command).
tryRun :: Annex.AnnexState -> [Annex Bool] -> IO ()
tryRun = tryRun' 0
tryRun' :: Integer -> Annex.AnnexState -> [Annex Bool] -> IO ()
tryRun' errnum state (a:as) = do
result <- try $ Annex.run state $ do
case result of
Left err -> do
Annex.eval state $ do
showErr err
tryRun' (errnum + 1) state as
Right (True,state') -> tryRun' errnum state' as
Right (False,state') -> tryRun' (errnum + 1) state' as
tryRun' errnum _ [] = when (errnum > 0) $ error $ show errnum ++ " failed"
{- Actions to perform each time ran. -}
startup :: Annex Bool
startup = do
return True
{- Cleanup actions. -}
shutdown :: Annex Bool
shutdown = do
liftIO Git.reap
return True