I've been disliking how the command seek actions were written for some time, with their inversion of control and ugly workarounds. The last straw to fix it was sync --content, which didn't fit the Annex [CommandStart] interface well at all. I have not yet made it take advantage of the changed interface though. The crucial change, and probably why I didn't do it this way from the beginning, is to make each CommandStart action be run with exceptions caught, and if it fails, increment a failure counter in annex state. So I finally remove the very first code I wrote for git-annex, which was before I had exception handling in the Annex monad, and so ran outside that monad, passing state explicitly as it ran each CommandStart action. This was a real slog from 1 to 5 am. Test suite passes. Memory usage is lower than before, sometimes by a couple of megabytes, and remains constant, even when running in a large repo, and even when repeatedly failing and incrementing the error counter. So no accidental laziness space leaks. Wall clock speed is identical, even in large repos. This commit was sponsored by an anonymous bitcoiner.
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2011,2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.InitRemote where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Common.Annex
import Command
import qualified Remote
import qualified Logs.Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as R
import Logs.UUID
import Logs.Trust
import Data.Ord
def :: [Command]
def = [command "initremote"
(paramPair paramName $ paramOptional $ paramRepeating paramKeyValue)
seek SectionSetup "creates a special (non-git) remote"]
seek :: CommandSeek
seek = withWords start
start :: [String] -> CommandStart
start [] = error "Specify a name for the remote."
start (name:ws) = ifM (isJust <$> findExisting name)
( error $ "There is already a special remote named \"" ++ name ++
"\". (Use enableremote to enable an existing special remote.)"
, do
let c = newConfig name
t <- findType config
showStart "initremote" name
next $ perform t name $ M.union config c
config = Logs.Remote.keyValToConfig ws
perform :: RemoteType -> String -> R.RemoteConfig -> CommandPerform
perform t name c = do
(c', u) <- R.setup t Nothing c
next $ cleanup u name c'
cleanup :: UUID -> String -> R.RemoteConfig -> CommandCleanup
cleanup u name c = do
describeUUID u name
Logs.Remote.configSet u c
return True
{- See if there's an existing special remote with this name. -}
findExisting :: String -> Annex (Maybe (UUID, R.RemoteConfig))
findExisting name = do
t <- trustMap
matches <- sortBy (comparing $ \(u, _c) -> M.lookup u t )
. findByName name
<$> Logs.Remote.readRemoteLog
return $ headMaybe matches
newConfig :: String -> R.RemoteConfig
newConfig name = M.singleton nameKey name
findByName :: String -> M.Map UUID R.RemoteConfig -> [(UUID, R.RemoteConfig)]
findByName n = filter (matching . snd) . M.toList
matching c = case M.lookup nameKey c of
Nothing -> False
Just n'
| n' == n -> True
| otherwise -> False
remoteNames :: Annex [String]
remoteNames = do
m <- Logs.Remote.readRemoteLog
return $ mapMaybe (M.lookup nameKey . snd) $ M.toList m
{- find the specified remote type -}
findType :: R.RemoteConfig -> Annex RemoteType
findType config = maybe unspecified specified $ M.lookup typeKey config
unspecified = error "Specify the type of remote with type="
specified s = case filter (findtype s) Remote.remoteTypes of
[] -> error $ "Unknown remote type " ++ s
(t:_) -> return t
findtype s i = R.typename i == s
{- The name of a configured remote is stored in its config using this key. -}
nameKey :: String
nameKey = "name"
{- The type of a remote is stored in its config using this key. -}
typeKey :: String
typeKey = "type"