Reject combinations of --batch (or --batch-keys) with options like --all or --key or with filenames. Most commands ignored the non-batch items when batch mode was enabled. For some reason, addurl and dropkey both processed first the specified non-batch items, followed by entering batch mode. Changed them to also error out, for consistency. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's Datalad project
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2010-2018 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.Find where
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as S (fromShort)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import Command
import Limit
import Types.Key
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Utility.Format
import Utility.DataUnits
cmd :: Command
cmd = notBareRepo $ withGlobalOptions [annexedMatchingOptions] $ mkCommand $
command "find" SectionQuery "lists available files"
paramPaths (seek <$$> optParser)
mkCommand :: Command -> Command
mkCommand = noCommit . noMessages . withGlobalOptions [jsonOptions]
data FindOptions = FindOptions
{ findThese :: CmdParams
, formatOption :: Maybe Utility.Format.Format
, keyOptions :: Maybe KeyOptions
, batchOption :: BatchMode
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser FindOptions
optParser desc = FindOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> optional parseFormatOption
<*> optional parseBranchKeysOption
<*> parseBatchOption False
parseFormatOption :: Parser Utility.Format.Format
parseFormatOption =
option (Utility.Format.gen <$> str)
( long "format" <> metavar paramFormat
<> help "control format of output"
<|> flag' (Utility.Format.gen "${file}\0")
( long "print0"
<> help "output filenames terminated with nulls"
seek :: FindOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = do
islimited <- limited
let seeker = AnnexedFileSeeker
{ startAction = start o
-- only files with content present are shown, unless
-- the user has requested others via a limit
, checkContentPresent = if islimited
then Nothing
else Just True
, usesLocationLog = False
case batchOption o of
NoBatch -> withKeyOptions (keyOptions o) False seeker
(commandAction . startKeys o)
(withFilesInGitAnnex ww seeker)
=<< workTreeItems ww (findThese o)
Batch fmt -> batchOnly (keyOptions o) (findThese o) $
batchAnnexedFiles fmt seeker
ww = WarnUnmatchLsFiles
start :: FindOptions -> SeekInput -> RawFilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start o _ file key = startingCustomOutput key $ do
showFormatted (formatOption o) file
(formatVars key (AssociatedFile (Just file)))
next $ return True
startKeys :: FindOptions -> (SeekInput, Key, ActionItem) -> CommandStart
startKeys o (si, key, ActionItemBranchFilePath (BranchFilePath _ topf) _) =
start o si (getTopFilePath topf) key
startKeys _ _ = stop
showFormatted :: Maybe Utility.Format.Format -> S.ByteString -> [(String, String)] -> Annex ()
showFormatted format unformatted vars =
unlessM (showFullJSON $ JSONChunk vars) $
case format of
Nothing -> liftIO $ S8.putStrLn unformatted
Just formatter -> liftIO $ putStr $
Utility.Format.format formatter $
M.fromList vars
formatVars :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> [(String, String)]
formatVars key (AssociatedFile af) =
(maybe id (\f l -> (("file", fromRawFilePath f) : l)) af)
[ ("key", serializeKey key)
, ("backend", decodeBS $ formatKeyVariety $ fromKey keyVariety key)
, ("bytesize", size show)
, ("humansize", size $ roughSize storageUnits True)
, ("keyname", decodeBS $ S.fromShort $ fromKey keyName key)
, ("hashdirlower", fromRawFilePath $ hashDirLower def key)
, ("hashdirmixed", fromRawFilePath $ hashDirMixed def key)
, ("mtime", whenavail show $ fromKey keyMtime key)
size c = whenavail c $ fromKey keySize key
whenavail = maybe "unknown"