(And a vpop command, which is still a bit buggy.) Still need to do vadd and vrm, though this also adds their documentation. Currently not very happy with the view log data serialization. I had to lose the TDFA regexps temporarily, so I can have Read/Show instances of View. I expect the view log format will change in some incompatable way later, probably adding last known refs for the parent branch to View or something like that. Anyway, it basically works, although it's a bit slow looking up the metadata. The actual git branch construction is about as fast as it can be using the current git plumbing. This commit was sponsored by Peter Hogg.
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{- git-annex general metadata
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Types.MetaData (
) where
import Common
import Utility.Base64
import Utility.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
newtype MetaData = MetaData (M.Map MetaField (S.Set MetaValue))
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- A metadata value can be currently be set (True), or may have been
- set before and we're remembering it no longer is (False). -}
newtype CurrentlySet = CurrentlySet Bool
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Arbitrary)
newtype MetaField = MetaField String
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
data MetaValue = MetaValue CurrentlySet String
deriving (Read, Show)
{- Metadata values compare and order the same whether currently set or not. -}
instance Eq MetaValue where
MetaValue _ a == MetaValue _ b = a == b
instance Ord MetaValue where
compare (MetaValue _ x) (MetaValue _ y) = compare x y
{- MetaData is serialized to a format like:
- field1 +val1 +val2 -val3 field2 +val4 +val5
class MetaSerializable v where
serialize :: v -> String
deserialize :: String -> Maybe v
instance MetaSerializable MetaData where
serialize (MetaData m) = unwords $ concatMap go $ M.toList m
go (f, vs) = serialize f : map serialize (S.toList vs)
deserialize = Just . getfield newMetaData . words
getfield m [] = m
getfield m (w:ws) = maybe m (getvalues m ws) (deserialize w)
getvalues m [] _ = m
getvalues m l@(w:ws) f = case deserialize w of
Just v -> getvalues (updateMetaData f v m) ws f
Nothing -> getfield m l
instance MetaSerializable MetaField where
serialize (MetaField f) = f
deserialize = Just . MetaField
{- Base64 problimatic values. -}
instance MetaSerializable MetaValue where
serialize (MetaValue isset v) =
serialize isset ++
if any isSpace v || "!" `isPrefixOf` v
then '!' : toB64 v
else v
deserialize (isset:'!':v) = MetaValue
<$> deserialize [isset]
<*> fromB64Maybe v
deserialize (isset:v) = MetaValue
<$> deserialize [isset]
<*> pure v
deserialize [] = Nothing
instance MetaSerializable CurrentlySet where
serialize (CurrentlySet True) = "+"
serialize (CurrentlySet False) = "-"
deserialize "+" = Just (CurrentlySet True)
deserialize "-" = Just (CurrentlySet False)
deserialize _ = Nothing
{- Fields cannot be empty, contain whitespace, or start with "+-" as
- that would break the serialization. -}
toMetaField :: String -> Maybe MetaField
toMetaField f
| legalField f = Just $ MetaField f
| otherwise = Nothing
legalField :: String -> Bool
legalField f
| null f = False
| any isSpace f = False
| any (`isPrefixOf` f) ["+", "-"] = False
| otherwise = True
toMetaValue :: String -> MetaValue
toMetaValue = MetaValue (CurrentlySet True)
mkMetaValue :: CurrentlySet -> String -> MetaValue
mkMetaValue = MetaValue
unsetMetaValue :: MetaValue -> MetaValue
unsetMetaValue (MetaValue _ s) = MetaValue (CurrentlySet False) s
fromMetaField :: MetaField -> String
fromMetaField (MetaField f) = f
fromMetaValue :: MetaValue -> String
fromMetaValue (MetaValue _ f) = f
fromMetaData :: MetaData -> [(MetaField, S.Set MetaValue)]
fromMetaData (MetaData m) = M.toList m
newMetaData :: MetaData
newMetaData = MetaData M.empty
{- Can be used to set a value, or to unset it, depending on whether
- the MetaValue has CurrentlySet or not. -}
updateMetaData :: MetaField -> MetaValue -> MetaData -> MetaData
updateMetaData f v (MetaData m) = MetaData $
M.insertWith' S.union f (S.singleton v) m
{- New metadata overrides old._-}
unionMetaData :: MetaData -> MetaData -> MetaData
unionMetaData (MetaData old) (MetaData new) = MetaData $
M.unionWith S.union new old
differenceMetaData :: MetaData -> MetaData -> MetaData
differenceMetaData (MetaData m) (MetaData excludem) = MetaData $
M.differenceWith diff m excludem
diff sl sr =
let s = S.difference sl sr
in if S.null s then Nothing else Just s
isSet :: MetaValue -> Bool
isSet (MetaValue (CurrentlySet isset) _) = isset
{- Gets only currently set values -}
currentMetaDataValues :: MetaField -> MetaData -> S.Set MetaValue
currentMetaDataValues f m = S.filter isSet (metaDataValues f m)
currentMetaData :: MetaData -> MetaData
currentMetaData (MetaData m) = removeEmptyFields $ MetaData $
M.map (S.filter isSet) m
removeEmptyFields :: MetaData -> MetaData
removeEmptyFields (MetaData m) = MetaData $ M.filter (not . S.null) m
{- Gets currently set values, but also values that have been unset. -}
metaDataValues :: MetaField -> MetaData -> S.Set MetaValue
metaDataValues f (MetaData m) = fromMaybe S.empty (M.lookup f m)
{- Ways that existing metadata can be modified -}
data ModMeta
= AddMeta MetaField MetaValue
| DelMeta MetaField MetaValue
| SetMeta MetaField MetaValue -- removes any existing values
{- Applies a ModMeta, generating the new MetaData.
- Note that the new MetaData does not include all the
- values set in the input metadata. It only contains changed values. -}
modMeta :: MetaData -> ModMeta -> MetaData
modMeta _ (AddMeta f v) = updateMetaData f v newMetaData
modMeta _ (DelMeta f oldv) = updateMetaData f (unsetMetaValue oldv) newMetaData
modMeta m (SetMeta f v) = updateMetaData f v $
foldr (updateMetaData f) newMetaData $
map unsetMetaValue $ S.toList $ currentMetaDataValues f m
{- Parses field=value, field+=value, field-=value -}
parseModMeta :: String -> Either String ModMeta
parseModMeta p = case lastMaybe f of
Just '+' -> AddMeta <$> mkMetaField f' <*> v
Just '-' -> DelMeta <$> mkMetaField f' <*> v
_ -> SetMeta <$> mkMetaField f <*> v
(f, sv) = separate (== '=') p
f' = beginning f
v = pure (toMetaValue sv)
{- Parses field=value -}
parseMetaData :: String -> Either String (MetaField, MetaValue)
parseMetaData p = (,)
<$> mkMetaField f
<*> pure (toMetaValue v)
(f, v) = separate (== '=') p
mkMetaField :: String -> Either String MetaField
mkMetaField f = maybe (Left $ badField f) Right (toMetaField f)
badField :: String -> String
badField f = "Illegal metadata field name, \"" ++ f ++ "\""
tagMetaField :: MetaField
tagMetaField = MetaField "tag"
{- Avoid putting too many fields in the map; extremely large maps make
- the seriaization test slow due to the sheer amount of data.
- It's unlikely that more than 100 fields of metadata will be used. -}
instance Arbitrary MetaData where
arbitrary = do
size <- arbitrarySizedBoundedIntegral `suchThat` (< 500)
MetaData . M.fromList <$> vector size
instance Arbitrary MetaValue where
arbitrary = MetaValue <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary MetaField where
arbitrary = MetaField <$> arbitrary `suchThat` legalField
prop_metadata_sane :: MetaData -> MetaField -> MetaValue -> Bool
prop_metadata_sane m f v = and
[ S.member v $ metaDataValues f m'
, not (isSet v) || S.member v (currentMetaDataValues f m')
, differenceMetaData m' newMetaData == m'
m' = updateMetaData f v m
prop_metadata_serialize :: MetaField -> MetaValue -> MetaData -> Bool
prop_metadata_serialize f v m = and
[ deserialize (serialize f) == Just f
, deserialize (serialize v) == Just v
, deserialize (serialize m') == Just m'
m' = removeEmptyFields m