Joey Hess 909d726d1d update list of other repos when adding one
This way, once it switches to the new repo, the user can switch back to the
old one, and its menu will allow switching to the new again.

However, if there are multiple repos, the others don't yet learn about the
new repo.
2013-01-03 15:34:50 -04:00

116 lines
3.7 KiB

{- git-annex assistant webapp core
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes #-}
module Assistant.WebApp where
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.Common
import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
import Utility.Yesod
import Locations.UserConfig
import Yesod
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent
inFirstRun :: Handler Bool
inFirstRun = isNothing . relDir <$> getYesod
newWebAppState :: IO (TMVar WebAppState)
newWebAppState = do
otherrepos <- listOtherRepos
atomically $ newTMVar $ WebAppState
{ showIntro = True
, otherRepos = otherrepos }
liftAssistant :: forall sub a. (Assistant a) -> GHandler sub WebApp a
liftAssistant a = liftIO . flip runAssistant a =<< assistantData <$> getYesod
getWebAppState :: forall sub. GHandler sub WebApp WebAppState
getWebAppState = liftIO . atomically . readTMVar =<< webAppState <$> getYesod
modifyWebAppState :: forall sub. (WebAppState -> WebAppState) -> GHandler sub WebApp ()
modifyWebAppState a = go =<< webAppState <$> getYesod
go s = liftIO $ atomically $ do
v <- takeTMVar s
putTMVar s $ a v
{- Runs an Annex action from the webapp.
- When the webapp is run outside a git-annex repository, the fallback
- value is returned.
runAnnex :: forall sub a. a -> Annex a -> GHandler sub WebApp a
runAnnex fallback a = ifM (noAnnex <$> getYesod)
( return fallback
, liftAssistant $ liftAnnex a
waitNotifier :: forall sub. (Assistant NotificationBroadcaster) -> NotificationId -> GHandler sub WebApp ()
waitNotifier getbroadcaster nid = liftAssistant $ do
b <- getbroadcaster
liftIO $ waitNotification $ notificationHandleFromId b nid
newNotifier :: forall sub. (Assistant NotificationBroadcaster) -> GHandler sub WebApp NotificationId
newNotifier getbroadcaster = liftAssistant $ do
b <- getbroadcaster
liftIO $ notificationHandleToId <$> newNotificationHandle b
{- Adds the auth parameter as a hidden field on a form. Must be put into
- every form. -}
webAppFormAuthToken :: Widget
webAppFormAuthToken = do
webapp <- lift getYesod
[whamlet|<input type="hidden" name="auth" value="#{secretToken webapp}">|]
{- A button with an icon, and maybe label or tooltip, that can be
- clicked to perform some action.
- With javascript, clicking it POSTs the Route, and remains on the same
- page.
- With noscript, clicking it GETs the Route. -}
actionButton :: Route WebApp -> (Maybe String) -> (Maybe String) -> String -> String -> Widget
actionButton route label tooltip buttonclass iconclass = $(widgetFile "actionbutton")
type UrlRenderFunc = Route WebApp -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text
type UrlRenderer = MVar (UrlRenderFunc)
newUrlRenderer :: IO UrlRenderer
newUrlRenderer = newEmptyMVar
setUrlRenderer :: UrlRenderer -> (UrlRenderFunc) -> IO ()
setUrlRenderer = putMVar
{- Blocks until the webapp is running and has called setUrlRenderer. -}
renderUrl :: UrlRenderer -> Route WebApp -> [(Text, Text)] -> IO Text
renderUrl urlrenderer route params = do
r <- readMVar urlrenderer
return $ r route params
{- Redirects back to the referring page, or if there's none, HomeR -}
redirectBack :: Handler ()
redirectBack = do
redirectUltDest HomeR
controlMenu :: Widget
controlMenu = do
repolist <- lift $ otherRepos <$> getWebAppState
$(widgetFile "controlmenu")
listOtherRepos :: IO [(String, String)]
listOtherRepos = do
f <- autoStartFile
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
dirs <- filter (\d -> not $ d `dirContains` cwd) . nub
<$> ifM (doesFileExist f) ( lines <$> readFile f, return [])
names <- mapM relHome dirs
return $ sort $ zip names dirs