Joey Hess 1acdd18ea8
deal better with clock skew situations, using vector clocks
* Deal with clock skew, both forwards and backwards, when logging
  information to the git-annex branch.
* GIT_ANNEX_VECTOR_CLOCK can now be set to a fixed value (eg 1)
  rather than needing to be advanced each time a new change is made.
* Misuse of GIT_ANNEX_VECTOR_CLOCK will no longer confuse git-annex.

When changing a file in the git-annex branch, the vector clock to use is now
determined by first looking at the current time (or GIT_ANNEX_VECTOR_CLOCK
when set), and comparing it to the newest vector clock already in use in
that file. If a newer time stamp was already in use, advance it forward by
a second instead.

When the clock is set to a time in the past, this avoids logging with
an old timestamp, which would risk that log line later being ignored in favor
of "newer" line that is really not newer.

When a log entry has been made with a clock that was set far ahead in the
future, this avoids newer information being logged with an older timestamp
and so being ignored in favor of that future-timestamped information.
Once all clocks get fixed, this will result in the vector clocks being
incremented, until finally enough time has passed that time gets back ahead
of the vector clock value, and then it will return to usual operation.

(This latter situation is not ideal, but it seems the best that can be done.
The issue with it is, since all writers will be incrementing the last
vector clock they saw, there's no way to tell when one writer made a write
significantly later in time than another, so the earlier write might
arbitrarily be picked when merging. This problem is why git-annex uses
timestamps in the first place, rather than pure vector clocks.)

Advancing forward by 1 second is somewhat arbitrary. setDead
advances a timestamp by just 1 picosecond, and the vector clock could
too. But then it would interfere with setDead, which wants to be
overrulled by any change. So it could use 2 picoseconds or something,
but that seems weird. It could just as well advance it forward by a
minute or whatever, but then it would be harder for real time to catch
up with the vector clock when forward clock slew had happened.

A complication is that many log files contain several different peices of
information, and it may be best to only use vector clocks for the same peice
of information. For example, a key's location log file contains
InfoPresent/InfoMissing for each UUID, and it only looks at the vector
clocks for the UUID that is being changed, and not other UUIDs.

Although exactly where the dividing line is can be hard to determine.
Consider metadata logs, where a field "tag" can have multiple values set
at different times. Should it advance forward past the last tag?
Probably. What about when a different field is set, should it look at
the clocks of other fields? Perhaps not, but currently it does, and
this does not seems like it will cause any problems.

Another one I'm not entirely sure about is the export log, which is
keyed by (fromuuid, touuid). So if multiple repos are exporting to the
same remote, different vector clocks can be used for that remote.
It looks like that's probably ok, because it does not try to determine
what order things occurred when there was an export conflict.

Sponsored-by: Jochen Bartl on Patreon
2021-08-04 12:33:46 -04:00

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{- git-annex monad
- Copyright 2010-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, BangPatterns #-}
module Annex (
) where
import Common
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Config
import qualified Git.Construct
import Annex.Fixup
import Git.HashObject
import Git.CheckAttr
import Git.CheckIgnore
import qualified Git.Hook
import qualified Git.Queue
import Types.Key
import Types.Backend
import Types.GitConfig
import qualified Types.Remote
import Types.Crypto
import Types.BranchState
import Types.TrustLevel
import Types.Group
import Types.Messages
import Types.Concurrency
import Types.UUID
import Types.FileMatcher
import Types.NumCopies
import Types.LockCache
import Types.DesktopNotify
import Types.CleanupActions
import Types.AdjustedBranch
import Types.WorkerPool
import Types.IndexFiles
import Types.CatFileHandles
import Types.RemoteConfig
import Types.TransferrerPool
import Types.VectorClock
import Annex.VectorClock.Utility
import Annex.Debug.Utility
import qualified Database.Keys.Handle as Keys
import Utility.InodeCache
import Utility.Url
import Utility.ResourcePool
import Utility.HumanTime
import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
{- git-annex's monad is a ReaderT around an AnnexState stored in a MVar,
- and an AnnexRead. The MVar is not exposed outside this module.
- Note that when an Annex action fails and the exception is caught,
- any changes the action has made to the AnnexState are retained,
- due to the use of the MVar to store the state.
newtype Annex a = Annex { runAnnex :: ReaderT (MVar AnnexState, AnnexRead) IO a }
deriving (
MonadReader (MVar AnnexState, AnnexRead),
-- Values that can be read, but not modified by an Annex action.
data AnnexRead = AnnexRead
{ activekeys :: TVar (M.Map Key ThreadId)
, activeremotes :: MVar (M.Map (Types.Remote.RemoteA Annex) Integer)
, keysdbhandle :: Keys.DbHandle
, sshstalecleaned :: TMVar Bool
, signalactions :: TVar (M.Map SignalAction (Int -> IO ()))
, transferrerpool :: TransferrerPool
, debugenabled :: Bool
, debugselector :: DebugSelector
, ciphers :: TMVar (M.Map StorableCipher Cipher)
newAnnexRead :: GitConfig -> IO AnnexRead
newAnnexRead c = do
emptyactivekeys <- newTVarIO M.empty
emptyactiveremotes <- newMVar M.empty
kh <- Keys.newDbHandle
sc <- newTMVarIO False
si <- newTVarIO M.empty
tp <- newTransferrerPool
cm <- newTMVarIO M.empty
return $ AnnexRead
{ activekeys = emptyactivekeys
, activeremotes = emptyactiveremotes
, keysdbhandle = kh
, sshstalecleaned = sc
, signalactions = si
, transferrerpool = tp
, debugenabled = annexDebug c
, debugselector = debugSelectorFromGitConfig c
, ciphers = cm
-- Values that can change while running an Annex action.
data AnnexState = AnnexState
{ repo :: Git.Repo
, repoadjustment :: (Git.Repo -> IO Git.Repo)
, gitconfig :: GitConfig
, gitconfigadjustment :: (GitConfig -> GitConfig)
, gitconfigoverride :: [String]
, gitremotes :: Maybe [Git.Repo]
, backend :: Maybe (BackendA Annex)
, remotes :: [Types.Remote.RemoteA Annex]
, output :: MessageState
, concurrency :: ConcurrencySetting
, force :: Bool
, fast :: Bool
, daemon :: Bool
, branchstate :: BranchState
, repoqueue :: Maybe (Git.Queue.Queue Annex)
, catfilehandles :: CatFileHandles
, hashobjecthandle :: Maybe HashObjectHandle
, checkattrhandle :: Maybe (ResourcePool CheckAttrHandle)
, checkignorehandle :: Maybe (ResourcePool CheckIgnoreHandle)
, forcebackend :: Maybe String
, globalnumcopies :: Maybe NumCopies
, globalmincopies :: Maybe MinCopies
, forcenumcopies :: Maybe NumCopies
, forcemincopies :: Maybe MinCopies
, limit :: ExpandableMatcher Annex
, timelimit :: Maybe (Duration, POSIXTime)
, sizelimit :: Maybe (TVar Integer)
, uuiddescmap :: Maybe UUIDDescMap
, preferredcontentmap :: Maybe (FileMatcherMap Annex)
, requiredcontentmap :: Maybe (FileMatcherMap Annex)
, remoteconfigmap :: Maybe (M.Map UUID RemoteConfig)
, forcetrust :: TrustMap
, trustmap :: Maybe TrustMap
, groupmap :: Maybe GroupMap
, lockcache :: LockCache
, flags :: M.Map String Bool
, fields :: M.Map String String
, cleanupactions :: M.Map CleanupAction (Annex ())
, sentinalstatus :: Maybe SentinalStatus
, useragent :: Maybe String
, errcounter :: Integer
, skippedfiles :: Bool
, adjustedbranchrefreshcounter :: Integer
, unusedkeys :: Maybe (S.Set Key)
, tempurls :: M.Map Key URLString
, existinghooks :: M.Map Git.Hook.Hook Bool
, desktopnotify :: DesktopNotify
, workers :: Maybe (TMVar (WorkerPool (AnnexState, AnnexRead)))
, cachedcurrentbranch :: (Maybe (Maybe Git.Branch, Maybe Adjustment))
, cachedgitenv :: Maybe (AltIndexFile, FilePath, [(String, String)])
, urloptions :: Maybe UrlOptions
, insmudgecleanfilter :: Bool
, getvectorclock :: IO CandidateVectorClock
newAnnexState :: GitConfig -> Git.Repo -> IO AnnexState
newAnnexState c r = do
o <- newMessageState
vc <- startVectorClock
return $ AnnexState
{ repo = r
, repoadjustment = return
, gitconfig = c
, gitconfigadjustment = id
, gitconfigoverride = []
, gitremotes = Nothing
, backend = Nothing
, remotes = []
, output = o
, concurrency = ConcurrencyCmdLine NonConcurrent
, force = False
, fast = False
, daemon = False
, branchstate = startBranchState
, repoqueue = Nothing
, catfilehandles = catFileHandlesNonConcurrent
, hashobjecthandle = Nothing
, checkattrhandle = Nothing
, checkignorehandle = Nothing
, forcebackend = Nothing
, globalnumcopies = Nothing
, globalmincopies = Nothing
, forcenumcopies = Nothing
, forcemincopies = Nothing
, limit = BuildingMatcher []
, timelimit = Nothing
, sizelimit = Nothing
, uuiddescmap = Nothing
, preferredcontentmap = Nothing
, requiredcontentmap = Nothing
, remoteconfigmap = Nothing
, forcetrust = M.empty
, trustmap = Nothing
, groupmap = Nothing
, lockcache = M.empty
, flags = M.empty
, fields = M.empty
, cleanupactions = M.empty
, sentinalstatus = Nothing
, useragent = Nothing
, errcounter = 0
, skippedfiles = False
, adjustedbranchrefreshcounter = 0
, unusedkeys = Nothing
, tempurls = M.empty
, existinghooks = M.empty
, desktopnotify = mempty
, workers = Nothing
, cachedcurrentbranch = Nothing
, cachedgitenv = Nothing
, urloptions = Nothing
, insmudgecleanfilter = False
, getvectorclock = vc
{- Makes an Annex state object for the specified git repo.
- Ensures the config is read, if it was not already, and performs
- any necessary git repo fixups. -}
new :: Git.Repo -> IO (AnnexState, AnnexRead)
new r = do
r' <- r
let c = extractGitConfig FromGitConfig r'
st <- newAnnexState c =<< fixupRepo r' c
rd <- newAnnexRead c
return (st, rd)
{- Performs an action in the Annex monad from a starting state,
- returning a new state. -}
run :: (AnnexState, AnnexRead) -> Annex a -> IO (a, (AnnexState, AnnexRead))
run (st, rd) a = do
mv <- newMVar st
run' mv rd a
run' :: MVar AnnexState -> AnnexRead -> Annex a -> IO (a, (AnnexState, AnnexRead))
run' mvar rd a = do
r <- runReaderT (runAnnex a) (mvar, rd)
`onException` (flush rd)
flush rd
st <- takeMVar mvar
return (r, (st, rd))
flush = Keys.flushDbQueue . keysdbhandle
{- Performs an action in the Annex monad from a starting state,
- and throws away the changed state. -}
eval :: (AnnexState, AnnexRead) -> Annex a -> IO a
eval v a = fst <$> run v a
{- Makes a runner action, that allows diving into IO and from inside
- the IO action, running an Annex action. -}
makeRunner :: Annex (Annex a -> IO a)
makeRunner = do
(mvar, rd) <- ask
return $ \a -> do
(r, (s, _rd)) <- run' mvar rd a
putMVar mvar s
return r
getRead :: (AnnexRead -> v) -> Annex v
getRead selector = selector . snd <$> ask
getState :: (AnnexState -> v) -> Annex v
getState selector = do
mvar <- fst <$> ask
st <- liftIO $ readMVar mvar
return $ selector st
changeState :: (AnnexState -> AnnexState) -> Annex ()
changeState modifier = do
mvar <- fst <$> ask
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ mvar $ return . modifier
withState :: (AnnexState -> IO (AnnexState, b)) -> Annex b
withState modifier = do
mvar <- fst <$> ask
liftIO $ modifyMVar mvar modifier
{- Sets a flag to True -}
setFlag :: String -> Annex ()
setFlag flag = changeState $ \st ->
st { flags = M.insert flag True $ flags st }
{- Sets a field to a value -}
setField :: String -> String -> Annex ()
setField field value = changeState $ \st ->
st { fields = M.insert field value $ fields st }
{- Adds a cleanup action to perform. -}
addCleanupAction :: CleanupAction -> Annex () -> Annex ()
addCleanupAction k a = changeState $ \st ->
st { cleanupactions = M.insert k a $ cleanupactions st }
{- Sets the type of output to emit. -}
setOutput :: OutputType -> Annex ()
setOutput o = changeState $ \st ->
let m = output st
in st { output = m { outputType = adjustOutputType (outputType m) o } }
{- Checks if a flag was set. -}
getFlag :: String -> Annex Bool
getFlag flag = fromMaybe False . M.lookup flag <$> getState flags
{- Gets the value of a field. -}
getField :: String -> Annex (Maybe String)
getField field = M.lookup field <$> getState fields
{- Returns the annex's git repository. -}
gitRepo :: Annex Git.Repo
gitRepo = getState repo
{- Runs an IO action in the annex's git repository. -}
inRepo :: (Git.Repo -> IO a) -> Annex a
inRepo a = liftIO . a =<< gitRepo
{- Extracts a value from the annex's git repisitory. -}
fromRepo :: (Git.Repo -> a) -> Annex a
fromRepo a = a <$> gitRepo
{- Calculates a value from an annex's git repository and its GitConfig. -}
calcRepo :: (Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> IO a) -> Annex a
calcRepo a = do
s <- getState id
liftIO $ a (repo s) (gitconfig s)
{- Gets the GitConfig settings. -}
getGitConfig :: Annex GitConfig
getGitConfig = getState gitconfig
{- Overrides a GitConfig setting. The modification persists across
- reloads of the repo's config. -}
overrideGitConfig :: (GitConfig -> GitConfig) -> Annex ()
overrideGitConfig f = changeState $ \st -> st
{ gitconfigadjustment = gitconfigadjustment st . f
, gitconfig = f (gitconfig st)
{- Adds an adjustment to the Repo data. Adjustments persist across reloads
- of the repo's config.
- Note that the action may run more than once, and should avoid eg,
- appending the same value to a repo's config when run repeatedly.
adjustGitRepo :: (Git.Repo -> IO Git.Repo) -> Annex ()
adjustGitRepo a = do
changeState $ \st -> st { repoadjustment = \r -> repoadjustment st r >>= a }
changeGitRepo =<< gitRepo
{- Adds git config setting, like "foo=bar". It will be passed with -c
- to git processes. The config setting is also recorded in the Repo,
- and the GitConfig is updated. -}
addGitConfigOverride :: String -> Annex ()
addGitConfigOverride v = do
adjustGitRepo $ \r -> (encodeBS' v) Git.Config.ConfigList $
r { Git.gitGlobalOpts = go (Git.gitGlobalOpts r) }
changeState $ \st -> st { gitconfigoverride = v : gitconfigoverride st }
-- Remove any prior occurrance of the setting to avoid
-- building up many of them when the adjustment is run repeatedly,
-- and add the setting to the end.
go [] = [Param "-c", Param v]
go (Param "-c": Param v':rest) | v' == v = go rest
go (c:rest) = c : go rest
{- Values that were passed to addGitConfigOverride. -}
getGitConfigOverrides :: Annex [String]
getGitConfigOverrides = reverse <$> getState gitconfigoverride
{- Changing the git Repo data also involves re-extracting its GitConfig. -}
changeGitRepo :: Git.Repo -> Annex ()
changeGitRepo r = do
repoadjuster <- getState repoadjustment
gitconfigadjuster <- getState gitconfigadjustment
r' <- liftIO $ repoadjuster r
changeState $ \st -> st
{ repo = r'
, gitconfig = gitconfigadjuster $
extractGitConfig FromGitConfig r'
{- Gets the RemoteGitConfig from a remote, given the Git.Repo for that
- remote. -}
getRemoteGitConfig :: Git.Repo -> Annex RemoteGitConfig
getRemoteGitConfig r = do
g <- gitRepo
liftIO $ atomically $ extractRemoteGitConfig g (Git.repoDescribe r)
{- Converts an Annex action into an IO action, that runs with a copy
- of the current Annex state.
- Use with caution; the action should not rely on changing the
- state, as it will be thrown away. -}
withCurrentState :: Annex a -> Annex (IO a)
withCurrentState a = do
(mvar, rd) <- ask
st <- liftIO $ readMVar mvar
return $ eval (st, rd) a
{- It's not safe to use setCurrentDirectory in the Annex monad,
- because the git repo paths are stored relative.
- Instead, use this.
changeDirectory :: FilePath -> Annex ()
changeDirectory d = do
r <- liftIO . Git.adjustPath absPath =<< gitRepo
liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory d
r' <- liftIO $ Git.relPath r
changeState $ \st -> st { repo = r' }
incError :: Annex ()
incError = changeState $ \st ->
let !c = errcounter st + 1
!st' = st { errcounter = c }
in st'
getGitRemotes :: Annex [Git.Repo]
getGitRemotes = do
st <- getState id
case gitremotes st of
Just rs -> return rs
Nothing -> do
rs <- liftIO $ Git.Construct.fromRemotes (repo st)
changeState $ \st' -> st' { gitremotes = Just rs }
return rs