* p2phttp: Allow unauthenticated users to lock content by default. * p2phttp: Added --unauth-nolocking option to prevent unauthenticated users from locking content. The rationalle for this is that locking is not really a write operation, so makes sense to allow in a repository that only allows read-only access. Not supporting locking in that situation will prevent the user from dropping content from a special remote they control in cases where the other copy of the content is on the p2phttp server. Also, when p2phttp is configured to also allow authenticated access, lockcontent was resulting in a password prompt for users who had no way to authenticate. And there is no good way to distinguish between the two types of users client side. --unauth-nolocking anticipates that this might be abused, and seems better than disabling unauthenticated access entirely if a server is being attacked. It may be that rate limiting locking by IP address or similar would be an effective measure in such a situation. Or just limiting the number of locks by anonymous users that can be live at any one time. Since the impact of such an DOS attempt is limited to preventing dropping content from the server, it seems not a very appealing target anyway.
681 lines
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681 lines
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{- P2P protocol over HTTP, server state
- https://git-annex.branchable.com/design/p2p_protocol_over_http/
- Copyright 2024 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module P2P.Http.State where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import P2P.Http.Types
import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P
import qualified P2P.IO as P2P
import P2P.IO
import P2P.Annex
import Annex.UUID
import Types.NumCopies
import Types.WorkerPool
import Annex.WorkerPool
import Annex.BranchState
import Types.Cluster
import CmdLine.Action (startConcurrency)
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Utility.HumanTime
import Logs.Proxy
import Annex.Proxy
import Annex.Cluster
import qualified P2P.Proxy as Proxy
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Utility.STM
import Servant
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
data P2PHttpServerState = P2PHttpServerState
{ acquireP2PConnection :: AcquireP2PConnection
, annexWorkerPool :: AnnexWorkerPool
, getServerMode :: GetServerMode
, openLocks :: TMVar (M.Map LockID Locker)
type AnnexWorkerPool = TMVar (WorkerPool (Annex.AnnexState, Annex.AnnexRead))
type GetServerMode = IsSecure -> Maybe Auth -> ServerMode
data ServerMode
= ServerMode
{ serverMode :: P2P.ServerMode
, unauthenticatedLockingAllowed :: Bool
, authenticationAllowed :: Bool
| CannotServeRequests
mkP2PHttpServerState :: AcquireP2PConnection -> AnnexWorkerPool -> GetServerMode -> IO P2PHttpServerState
mkP2PHttpServerState acquireconn annexworkerpool getservermode = P2PHttpServerState
<$> pure acquireconn
<*> pure annexworkerpool
<*> pure getservermode
<*> newTMVarIO mempty
data ActionClass = ReadAction | WriteAction | RemoveAction | LockAction
deriving (Eq)
:: APIVersion v
=> v
-> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> ActionClass
-> (ConnectionParams -> ConnectionParams)
-> (P2PConnectionPair -> Handler (Either ProtoFailure a))
-> Handler a
withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams connaction =
withP2PConnection' apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams connaction'
connaction' conn = connaction conn >>= \case
Right r -> return r
Left err -> throwError $
err500 { errBody = encodeBL (describeProtoFailure err) }
:: APIVersion v
=> v
-> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> ActionClass
-> (ConnectionParams -> ConnectionParams)
-> (P2PConnectionPair -> Handler a)
-> Handler a
withP2PConnection' apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams connaction = do
conn <- getP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams
connaction conn
`finally` liftIO (releaseP2PConnection conn)
:: APIVersion v
=> v
-> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> ActionClass
-> (ConnectionParams -> ConnectionParams)
-> Handler P2PConnectionPair
getP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams =
checkAuthActionClass st sec auth actionclass go
go servermode = liftIO (acquireP2PConnection st cp) >>= \case
Left (ConnectionFailed err) ->
throwError err502 { errBody = encodeBL err }
Left TooManyConnections ->
throwError err503
Right v -> return v
cp = fconnparams $ ConnectionParams
{ connectionProtocolVersion = protocolVersion apiver
, connectionServerUUID = fromB64UUID su
, connectionClientUUID = fromB64UUID cu
, connectionBypass = map fromB64UUID bypass
, connectionServerMode = servermode
, connectionWaitVar = True
:: P2PHttpServerState
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> ActionClass
-> (P2P.ServerMode -> Handler a)
-> Handler a
checkAuthActionClass st sec auth actionclass go =
case (sm, actionclass) of
(ServerMode { serverMode = P2P.ServeReadWrite }, _) ->
go P2P.ServeReadWrite
(ServerMode { unauthenticatedLockingAllowed = True }, LockAction) ->
go P2P.ServeReadOnly
(ServerMode { serverMode = P2P.ServeAppendOnly }, RemoveAction) ->
throwError $ forbiddenWithoutAuth sm
(ServerMode { serverMode = P2P.ServeAppendOnly }, _) ->
go P2P.ServeAppendOnly
(ServerMode { serverMode = P2P.ServeReadOnly }, ReadAction) ->
go P2P.ServeReadOnly
(ServerMode { serverMode = P2P.ServeReadOnly }, _) ->
throwError $ forbiddenWithoutAuth sm
(CannotServeRequests, _) -> throwError basicAuthRequired
sm = getServerMode st sec auth
forbiddenAction :: ServerError
forbiddenAction = err403
basicAuthRequired :: ServerError
basicAuthRequired = err401 { errHeaders = [(h, v)] }
h = "WWW-Authenticate"
v = "Basic realm=\"git-annex\", charset=\"UTF-8\""
forbiddenWithoutAuth :: ServerMode -> ServerError
forbiddenWithoutAuth sm
| authenticationAllowed sm = basicAuthRequired
| otherwise = forbiddenAction
data ConnectionParams = ConnectionParams
{ connectionProtocolVersion :: P2P.ProtocolVersion
, connectionServerUUID :: UUID
, connectionClientUUID :: UUID
, connectionBypass :: [UUID]
, connectionServerMode :: P2P.ServerMode
, connectionWaitVar :: Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data ConnectionProblem
= ConnectionFailed String
| TooManyConnections
deriving (Show, Eq)
proxyClientNetProto :: P2PConnectionPair -> P2P.Proto a -> IO (Either P2P.ProtoFailure a)
proxyClientNetProto conn = runNetProto
(clientRunState conn) (clientP2PConnection conn)
type AcquireP2PConnection
= ConnectionParams
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
:: AnnexWorkerPool
-> ProxyConnectionPoolSize
-> ClusterConcurrency
-> (AcquireP2PConnection -> Annex a)
-> Annex a
withP2PConnections workerpool proxyconnectionpoolsize clusterconcurrency a = do
myuuid <- getUUID
myproxies <- M.lookup myuuid <$> getProxies
reqv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
relv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
endv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
proxypool <- liftIO $ newTMVarIO (0, mempty)
asyncservicer <- liftIO $ async $
servicer myuuid myproxies proxypool reqv relv endv
let endit = do
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar endv ()
liftIO $ wait asyncservicer
a (acquireconn reqv) `finally` endit
acquireconn reqv connparams = do
respvar <- newEmptyTMVarIO
atomically $ putTMVar reqv (connparams, respvar)
atomically $ takeTMVar respvar
servicer myuuid myproxies proxypool reqv relv endv = do
reqrel <- liftIO $
atomically $
(Right <$> takeTMVar reqv)
(Left . Right <$> takeTMVar relv)
(Left . Left <$> takeTMVar endv)
case reqrel of
Right (connparams, respvar) -> do
servicereq myuuid myproxies proxypool relv connparams
>>= atomically . putTMVar respvar
servicer myuuid myproxies proxypool reqv relv endv
Left (Right releaseconn) -> do
void $ tryNonAsync releaseconn
servicer myuuid myproxies proxypool reqv relv endv
Left (Left ()) -> return ()
servicereq myuuid myproxies proxypool relv connparams
| connectionServerUUID connparams == myuuid =
localConnection relv connparams workerpool
| otherwise =
atomically (getProxyConnectionPool proxypool connparams) >>= \case
Just conn -> proxyConnection proxyconnectionpoolsize relv connparams workerpool proxypool conn
Nothing -> checkcanproxy myproxies proxypool relv connparams
checkcanproxy myproxies proxypool relv connparams =
inAnnexWorker' workerpool
(checkCanProxy' myproxies (connectionServerUUID connparams))
>>= \case
Right (Left reason) -> return $ Left $
ConnectionFailed $
fromMaybe "unknown uuid" reason
Right (Right (Right proxyremote)) -> proxyconnection $
openProxyConnectionToRemote workerpool
(connectionProtocolVersion connparams)
bypass proxyremote
Right (Right (Left clusteruuid)) -> proxyconnection $
openProxyConnectionToCluster workerpool
(connectionProtocolVersion connparams)
bypass clusteruuid clusterconcurrency
Left ex -> return $ Left $
ConnectionFailed $ show ex
bypass = P2P.Bypass $ S.fromList $ connectionBypass connparams
proxyconnection openconn = openconn >>= \case
Right conn -> proxyConnection proxyconnectionpoolsize
relv connparams workerpool proxypool conn
Left ex -> return $ Left $
ConnectionFailed $ show ex
data P2PConnectionPair = P2PConnectionPair
{ clientRunState :: RunState
, clientP2PConnection :: P2PConnection
, serverP2PConnection :: P2PConnection
, releaseP2PConnection :: IO ()
-- ^ Releases a P2P connection, which can be reused for other
-- requests.
, closeP2PConnection :: IO ()
-- ^ Closes a P2P connection, which is in a state where it is no
-- longer usable.
:: TMVar (IO ())
-> ConnectionParams
-> AnnexWorkerPool
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
localConnection relv connparams workerpool =
localP2PConnectionPair connparams relv $ \serverrunst serverconn ->
inAnnexWorker' workerpool $
void $ runFullProto serverrunst serverconn $
(connectionServerMode connparams)
(connectionServerUUID connparams)
:: ConnectionParams
-> TMVar (IO ())
-> (RunState -> P2PConnection -> IO (Either SomeException ()))
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
localP2PConnectionPair connparams relv startworker = do
(clientconn, serverconn) <- mkP2PConnectionPair connparams
("http client", "http server")
clientrunst <- mkClientRunState connparams
serverrunst <- mkServerRunState connparams
asyncworker <- async $
startworker serverrunst serverconn
let releaseconn = atomically $ void $ tryPutTMVar relv $
liftIO $ wait asyncworker
>>= either throwM return
return $ Right $ P2PConnectionPair
{ clientRunState = clientrunst
, clientP2PConnection = clientconn
, serverP2PConnection = serverconn
, releaseP2PConnection = releaseconn
, closeP2PConnection = releaseconn
:: ConnectionParams
-> (String, String)
-> IO (P2PConnection, P2PConnection)
mkP2PConnectionPair connparams (n1, n2) = do
hdl1 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
hdl2 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
wait1 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
wait2 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
closed1 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
closed2 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
let h1 = P2PHandleTMVar hdl1
(if connectionWaitVar connparams then Just wait1 else Nothing)
let h2 = P2PHandleTMVar hdl2
(if connectionWaitVar connparams then Just wait2 else Nothing)
let clientconn = P2PConnection Nothing
(const True) h2 h1
(ConnIdent (Just n1))
let serverconn = P2PConnection Nothing
(const True) h1 h2
(ConnIdent (Just n2))
return (clientconn, serverconn)
mkServerRunState :: ConnectionParams -> IO RunState
mkServerRunState connparams = do
prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams
mkRunState $ const $ Serving
(connectionClientUUID connparams)
mkClientRunState :: ConnectionParams -> IO RunState
mkClientRunState connparams = do
prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams
mkRunState $ const $ Client prototvar
:: ProxyConnectionPoolSize
-> TMVar (IO ())
-> ConnectionParams
-> AnnexWorkerPool
-> TMVar ProxyConnectionPool
-> ProxyConnection
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
proxyConnection proxyconnectionpoolsize relv connparams workerpool proxypool proxyconn = do
(clientconn, proxyfromclientconn) <-
mkP2PConnectionPair connparams ("http client", "proxy")
clientrunst <- mkClientRunState connparams
proxyfromclientrunst <- mkClientRunState connparams
asyncworker <- async $
inAnnexWorker' workerpool $ do
proxystate <- liftIO Proxy.mkProxyState
let proxyparams = Proxy.ProxyParams
{ Proxy.proxyMethods = mkProxyMethods
, Proxy.proxyState = proxystate
, Proxy.proxyServerMode = connectionServerMode connparams
, Proxy.proxyClientSide = Proxy.ClientSide proxyfromclientrunst proxyfromclientconn
, Proxy.proxyUUID = proxyConnectionRemoteUUID proxyconn
, Proxy.proxySelector = proxyConnectionSelector proxyconn
, Proxy.proxyConcurrencyConfig = proxyConnectionConcurrency proxyconn
, Proxy.proxyClientProtocolVersion = connectionProtocolVersion connparams
let proxy mrequestmessage = case mrequestmessage of
Just requestmessage -> do
Proxy.proxyRequest proxydone proxyparams
requestcomplete requestmessage protoerrhandler
Nothing -> return ()
protoerrhandler proxy $
liftIO $ runNetProto proxyfromclientrunst proxyfromclientconn $
P2P.net P2P.receiveMessage
let closebothsides = do
liftIO $ closeConnection proxyfromclientconn
liftIO $ closeConnection clientconn
let releaseconn connstillusable = do
atomically $ void $ tryPutTMVar relv $ do
unless connstillusable
r <- liftIO $ wait asyncworker
when connstillusable
if connstillusable
then liftIO $ do
now <- getPOSIXTime
evicted <- atomically $ putProxyConnectionPool proxypool proxyconnectionpoolsize connparams $
proxyconn { proxyConnectionLastUsed = now }
maybe noop closeproxyconnection evicted
else closeproxyconnection proxyconn
either throwM return r
return $ Right $ P2PConnectionPair
{ clientRunState = clientrunst
, clientP2PConnection = clientconn
, serverP2PConnection = proxyfromclientconn
, releaseP2PConnection = releaseconn True
, closeP2PConnection = releaseconn False
protoerrhandler cont a = a >>= \case
Left _ -> proxyConnectionCloser proxyconn
Right v -> cont v
proxydone = return ()
requestcomplete () = return ()
closeproxyconnection =
void . inAnnexWorker' workerpool . proxyConnectionCloser
data Locker = Locker
{ lockerThread :: Async ()
, lockerVar :: TMVar Bool
-- ^ Left empty until the thread has taken the lock
-- (or failed to do so), then True while the lock is held,
-- and setting to False causes the lock to be released.
, lockerTimeoutDisable :: TMVar ()
-- ^ Until this is filled, the lock will be subject to timeout.
-- Once filled the lock will remain held until explicitly dropped.
mkLocker :: (IO (Maybe a)) -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO (Maybe (Locker, LockID))
mkLocker lock unlock = do
lv <- newEmptyTMVarIO
timeoutdisablev <- newEmptyTMVarIO
let setlocked = putTMVar lv
locktid <- async $ lock >>= \case
Nothing ->
atomically $ setlocked False
Just st -> do
atomically $ setlocked True
atomically $ do
v <- takeTMVar lv
if v
then retry
else setlocked False
unlock st
locksuccess <- atomically $ readTMVar lv
if locksuccess
then do
timeouttid <- async $ do
threadDelaySeconds $ Seconds $ fromIntegral $
durationSeconds p2pDefaultLockContentRetentionDuration
atomically (tryReadTMVar timeoutdisablev) >>= \case
Nothing -> void $ atomically $
writeTMVar lv False
Just () -> noop
tid <- async $ do
wait locktid
cancel timeouttid
lckid <- B64UUID <$> genUUID
return (Just (Locker tid lv timeoutdisablev, lckid))
else do
wait locktid
return Nothing
storeLock :: LockID -> Locker -> P2PHttpServerState -> IO ()
storeLock lckid locker st = atomically $ do
m <- takeTMVar (openLocks st)
let !m' = M.insert lckid locker m
putTMVar (openLocks st) m'
keepingLocked :: LockID -> P2PHttpServerState -> IO ()
keepingLocked lckid st = do
m <- atomically $ readTMVar (openLocks st)
case M.lookup lckid m of
Nothing -> return ()
Just locker ->
atomically $ void $
tryPutTMVar (lockerTimeoutDisable locker) ()
dropLock :: LockID -> P2PHttpServerState -> IO ()
dropLock lckid st = do
v <- atomically $ do
m <- takeTMVar (openLocks st)
let (mlocker, !m') =
M.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) lckid m
putTMVar (openLocks st) m'
case mlocker of
Nothing -> return Nothing
-- Signal to the locker's thread that it can
-- release the lock.
Just locker -> do
_ <- swapTMVar (lockerVar locker) False
return (Just locker)
case v of
Nothing -> return ()
Just locker -> wait (lockerThread locker)
getAnnexWorkerPool :: (AnnexWorkerPool -> Annex a) -> Annex a
getAnnexWorkerPool a = startConcurrency transferStages $
Annex.getState Annex.workers >>= \case
Nothing -> giveup "Use -Jn or set annex.jobs to configure the number of worker threads."
Just wp -> a wp
inAnnexWorker :: P2PHttpServerState -> Annex a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
inAnnexWorker st = inAnnexWorker' (annexWorkerPool st)
inAnnexWorker' :: AnnexWorkerPool -> Annex a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
inAnnexWorker' poolv annexaction = do
(workerstrd, workerstage) <- atomically $ waitStartWorkerSlot poolv
resv <- newEmptyTMVarIO
aid <- async $ do
(res, strd) <- Annex.run workerstrd annexaction
atomically $ putTMVar resv res
return strd
atomically $ do
pool <- takeTMVar poolv
let !pool' = addWorkerPool (ActiveWorker aid workerstage) pool
putTMVar poolv pool'
(res, workerstrd') <- waitCatch aid >>= \case
Right strd -> do
r <- atomically $ takeTMVar resv
return (Right r, strd)
Left err -> return (Left err, workerstrd)
atomically $ do
pool <- takeTMVar poolv
let !pool' = deactivateWorker pool aid workerstrd'
putTMVar poolv pool'
return res
data ProxyConnection = ProxyConnection
{ proxyConnectionRemoteUUID :: UUID
, proxyConnectionSelector :: Proxy.ProxySelector
, proxyConnectionCloser :: Annex ()
, proxyConnectionConcurrency :: Proxy.ConcurrencyConfig
, proxyConnectionLastUsed :: POSIXTime
instance Show ProxyConnection where
show pc = unwords
[ "ProxyConnection"
, show (proxyConnectionRemoteUUID pc)
, show (proxyConnectionLastUsed pc)
-> String
-> Proxy.ProxySelector
-> Annex ()
-> Proxy.ConcurrencyConfig
-> Annex ProxyConnection
openedProxyConnection u desc selector closer concurrency = do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
fastDebug "P2P.Http" ("Opened proxy connection to " ++ desc)
return $ ProxyConnection u selector closer' concurrency now
closer' = do
fastDebug "P2P.Http" ("Closing proxy connection to " ++ desc)
fastDebug "P2P.Http" ("Closed proxy connection to " ++ desc)
:: AnnexWorkerPool
-> P2P.ProtocolVersion
-> P2P.Bypass
-> Remote
-> IO (Either SomeException ProxyConnection)
openProxyConnectionToRemote workerpool clientmaxversion bypass remote =
inAnnexWorker' workerpool $ do
remoteside <- proxyRemoteSide clientmaxversion bypass remote
concurrencyconfig <- Proxy.noConcurrencyConfig
openedProxyConnection (Remote.uuid remote)
("remote " ++ Remote.name remote)
(Proxy.singleProxySelector remoteside)
(Proxy.closeRemoteSide remoteside)
type ClusterConcurrency = Int
:: AnnexWorkerPool
-> P2P.ProtocolVersion
-> P2P.Bypass
-> ClusterUUID
-> ClusterConcurrency
-> IO (Either SomeException ProxyConnection)
openProxyConnectionToCluster workerpool clientmaxversion bypass clusteruuid concurrency =
inAnnexWorker' workerpool $ do
(proxyselector, closenodes) <-
clusterProxySelector clusteruuid clientmaxversion bypass
concurrencyconfig <- Proxy.mkConcurrencyConfig concurrency
openedProxyConnection (fromClusterUUID clusteruuid)
("cluster " ++ fromUUID (fromClusterUUID clusteruuid))
proxyselector closenodes concurrencyconfig
type ProxyConnectionPool = (Integer, M.Map ProxyConnectionPoolKey [ProxyConnection])
type ProxyConnectionPoolSize = Integer
-- Returns any older ProxyConnection that was evicted from the pool.
:: TMVar ProxyConnectionPool
-> ProxyConnectionPoolSize
-> ConnectionParams
-> ProxyConnection
-> STM (Maybe ProxyConnection)
putProxyConnectionPool proxypool maxsz connparams conn = do
(sz, m) <- takeTMVar proxypool
let ((sz', m'), evicted) = case M.lookup k m of
Nothing -> ((succ sz, M.insert k [conn] m), Nothing)
Just [] -> ((succ sz, M.insert k [conn] m), Nothing)
Just cs -> if sz >= maxsz
then ((sz, M.insert k (conn : dropFromEnd 1 cs) m), lastMaybe cs)
else ((sz, M.insert k (conn : cs) m), Nothing)
let ((sz'', m''), evicted') = if sz' > maxsz
then removeOldestProxyConnectionPool (sz', m')
else ((sz', m'), Nothing)
putTMVar proxypool (sz'', m'')
return (evicted <|> evicted')
k = proxyConnectionPoolKey connparams
removeOldestProxyConnectionPool :: ProxyConnectionPool -> (ProxyConnectionPool, Maybe ProxyConnection)
removeOldestProxyConnectionPool (sz, m) =
((pred sz, m'), snd <$> headMaybe l)
m' = M.fromListWith (++) $ map (\(k', v) -> (k', [v])) (drop 1 l)
l = sortOn (proxyConnectionLastUsed . snd) $
concatMap (\(k', pl) -> map (k', ) pl) $
M.toList m
:: TMVar ProxyConnectionPool
-> ConnectionParams
-> STM (Maybe ProxyConnection)
getProxyConnectionPool proxypool connparams = do
(sz, m) <- takeTMVar proxypool
case M.lookup k m of
Just (c:cs) -> do
putTMVar proxypool (sz-1, M.insert k cs m)
return (Just c)
_ -> do
putTMVar proxypool (sz, m)
return Nothing
k = proxyConnectionPoolKey connparams
type ProxyConnectionPoolKey = (UUID, UUID, [UUID], P2P.ProtocolVersion)
proxyConnectionPoolKey :: ConnectionParams -> ProxyConnectionPoolKey
proxyConnectionPoolKey connparams =
( connectionServerUUID connparams
, connectionClientUUID connparams
, connectionBypass connparams
, connectionProtocolVersion connparams