Joey Hess afa5b883dc
find, findkeys, examinekey: escape output to terminal when --format is not used
Note that filenames are not quoted, only escaped. This is to match the
output of --format with escaping.

Sponsored-by: Lawrence Brogan on Patreon
2023-04-11 15:27:07 -04:00

83 lines
2.4 KiB

{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2013-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Command.ExamineKey where
import Command
import qualified Utility.Format
import Command.Find (parseFormatOption, showFormatted, formatVars)
import Annex.Link
import Backend
import Types.Backend
import Types.Key
import Utility.SafeOutput
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
cmd :: Command
cmd = noCommit $ noMessages $ dontCheck repoExists $
withAnnexOptions [jsonOptions] $
command "examinekey" SectionPlumbing
"prints information from a key"
(paramRepeating paramKey)
(batchable run optParser)
data ExamineOptions = ExamineOptions
{ format :: Maybe Utility.Format.Format
, migrateToBackend :: Maybe (DeferredParse Backend)
, associatedFile :: AssociatedFile
optParser :: Parser ExamineOptions
optParser = ExamineOptions
<$> optional parseFormatOption
<*> (fmap (DeferredParse . tobackend) <$> migrateopt)
<*> (AssociatedFile <$> fileopt)
fileopt = optional $ strOption
( long "filename" <> metavar paramFile
<> help "file associated with the key"
migrateopt = optional $ strOption
( long "migrate-to-backend" <> metavar paramName
<> help "migrate key to other backend when possible"
tobackend = lookupBackendVariety . parseKeyVariety . encodeBS
run :: ExamineOptions -> SeekInput -> String -> Annex Bool
run o _ input = do
k <- getkey
objectpath <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLocation k
let objectpointer = formatPointer k
isterminal <- liftIO $ checkIsTerminal stdout
showFormatted isterminal (format o) (serializeKey' k) $
[ ("objectpath", fromRawFilePath objectpath)
, ("objectpointer", fromRawFilePath objectpointer)
] ++ formatVars k af
return True
-- Parse the input, which is either a key, or in batch mode
-- can be "key filename"
(ikb, ifb) = B.break (== (fromIntegral (ord ' '))) (toRawFilePath input)
ifb' = B.drop 1 ifb
ik = fromMaybe (giveup "bad key") (deserializeKey' ikb)
af = if B.null ifb'
then associatedFile o
else AssociatedFile (Just ifb')
getkey = case migrateToBackend o of
Nothing -> pure ik
Just v -> getParsed v >>= \b ->
maybeLookupBackendVariety (fromKey keyVariety ik) >>= \case
Just ib -> case fastMigrate ib of
Just fm -> fromMaybe ik <$> fm ik b af
Nothing -> pure ik
Nothing -> pure ik