getConfig got a remote-specific config, and this confusing name caused it to be used a couple of places that only were interested in global configs. Rename to getRemoteConfig and make getConfig only get global configs. There are no behavior changes here, but remote.<name>.annex-web-options never actually worked (and per-remote web options is a very unlikely to be useful case so I didn't make it work), so fix the documentation for it.
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{- A "remote" that is just a filesystem directory.
- Copyright 2011-2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote.Directory (remote) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Common.Annex
import Types.Remote
import qualified Git
import Config
import Utility.FileMode
import Remote.Helper.Special
import Remote.Helper.Encryptable
import Crypto
import Utility.DataUnits
import Data.Int
remote :: RemoteType
remote = RemoteType {
typename = "directory",
enumerate = findSpecialRemotes "directory",
generate = gen,
setup = directorySetup
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> Maybe RemoteConfig -> Annex Remote
gen r u c = do
dir <- getRemoteConfig r "directory" (error "missing directory")
cst <- remoteCost r cheapRemoteCost
let chunksize = chunkSize c
return $ encryptableRemote c
(storeEncrypted dir chunksize)
(retrieveEncrypted dir chunksize)
Remote {
uuid = u,
cost = cst,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
storeKey = store dir chunksize,
retrieveKeyFile = retrieve dir chunksize,
retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap dir chunksize,
removeKey = remove dir chunksize,
hasKey = checkPresent dir chunksize,
hasKeyCheap = True,
whereisKey = Nothing,
config = Nothing,
repo = r,
remotetype = remote
type ChunkSize = Maybe Int64
chunkSize :: Maybe RemoteConfig -> ChunkSize
chunkSize Nothing = Nothing
chunkSize (Just m) =
case M.lookup "chunksize" m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just v -> case readSize dataUnits v of
Nothing -> error "bad chunksize"
Just size
| size <= 0 -> error "bad chunksize"
| otherwise -> Just $ fromInteger size
directorySetup :: UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex RemoteConfig
directorySetup u c = do
-- verify configuration is sane
let dir = fromMaybe (error "Specify directory=") $
M.lookup "directory" c
liftIO $ unlessM (doesDirectoryExist dir) $
error $ "Directory does not exist: " ++ dir
c' <- encryptionSetup c
-- The directory is stored in git config, not in this remote's
-- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' "directory" dir
return $ M.delete "directory" c'
{- Locations to try to access a given Key in the Directory. -}
locations :: FilePath -> Key -> [FilePath]
locations d k = map (d </>) (keyPaths k)
{- An infinite stream of chunks to use for a given file. -}
chunkStream :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
chunkStream f = map (\n -> f ++ ".chunk" ++ show n) [1 :: Integer ..]
{- A file that records the number of chunks used. -}
chunkCount :: FilePath -> FilePath
chunkCount f = f ++ ".chunkcount"
withCheckedFiles :: (FilePath -> IO Bool) -> ChunkSize -> FilePath -> Key -> ([FilePath] -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
withCheckedFiles _ _ [] _ _ = return False
withCheckedFiles check Nothing d k a = go $ locations d k
go [] = return False
go (f:fs) = ifM (check f) ( a [f] , go fs )
withCheckedFiles check (Just _) d k a = go $ locations d k
go [] = return False
go (f:fs) = do
let chunkcount = chunkCount f
use <- check chunkcount
if use
then do
count <- readcount chunkcount
let chunks = take count $ chunkStream f
ifM (all id <$> mapM check chunks)
( a chunks , return False )
else go fs
readcount f = fromMaybe (error $ "cannot parse " ++ f)
. (readish :: String -> Maybe Int)
<$> readFile f
withStoredFiles :: ChunkSize -> FilePath -> Key -> ([FilePath] -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
withStoredFiles = withCheckedFiles doesFileExist
store :: FilePath -> ChunkSize -> Key -> Annex Bool
store d chunksize k = do
src <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLocation k
metered k $ \meterupdate ->
liftIO $ catchBoolIO $ storeHelper d chunksize k $ \dests ->
case chunksize of
Nothing -> do
let dest = Prelude.head dests
meteredWriteFile meterupdate dest
=<< L.readFile src
return [dest]
Just _ ->
storeSplit meterupdate chunksize dests
=<< L.readFile src
storeEncrypted :: FilePath -> ChunkSize -> (Cipher, Key) -> Key -> Annex Bool
storeEncrypted d chunksize (cipher, enck) k = do
src <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLocation k
metered k $ \meterupdate ->
liftIO $ catchBoolIO $ storeHelper d chunksize enck $ \dests ->
withEncryptedContent cipher (L.readFile src) $ \s ->
case chunksize of
Nothing -> do
let dest = Prelude.head dests
meteredWriteFile meterupdate dest s
return [dest]
Just _ -> storeSplit meterupdate chunksize dests s
{- Splits a ByteString into chunks and writes to dests, obeying configured
- chunk size (not to be confused with the L.ByteString chunk size).
- Note: Must always write at least one file, even for empty ByteString. -}
storeSplit :: MeterUpdate -> ChunkSize -> [FilePath] -> L.ByteString -> IO [FilePath]
storeSplit _ Nothing _ _ = error "bad storeSplit call"
storeSplit _ _ [] _ = error "bad storeSplit call"
storeSplit meterupdate (Just chunksize) alldests@(firstdest:_) b
| L.null b = do
-- must always write at least one file, even for empty
L.writeFile firstdest b
return [firstdest]
| otherwise = storeSplit' meterupdate chunksize alldests (L.toChunks b) []
storeSplit' :: MeterUpdate -> Int64 -> [FilePath] -> [S.ByteString] -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
storeSplit' _ _ [] _ _ = error "ran out of dests"
storeSplit' _ _ _ [] c = return $ reverse c
storeSplit' meterupdate chunksize (d:dests) bs c = do
bs' <- bracket (openFile d WriteMode) hClose (feed chunksize bs)
storeSplit' meterupdate chunksize dests bs' (d:c)
feed _ [] _ = return []
feed sz (l:ls) h = do
let s = fromIntegral $ S.length l
if s <= sz
then do
S.hPut h l
meterupdate $ toInteger s
feed (sz - s) ls h
else return (l:ls)
{- Write a L.ByteString to a file, updating a progress meter
- after each chunk of the L.ByteString, typically every 64 kb or so. -}
meteredWriteFile :: MeterUpdate -> FilePath -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
meteredWriteFile meterupdate dest b =
meteredWriteFile' meterupdate dest (L.toChunks b) feeder
feeder chunks = return ([], chunks)
{- Writes a series of S.ByteString chunks to a file, updating a progress
- meter after each chunk. The feeder is called to get more chunks. -}
meteredWriteFile' :: MeterUpdate -> FilePath -> s -> (s -> IO (s, [S.ByteString])) -> IO ()
meteredWriteFile' meterupdate dest startstate feeder =
bracket (openFile dest WriteMode) hClose (feed startstate [])
feed state [] h = do
(state', cs) <- feeder state
if null cs then return () else feed state' cs h
feed state (c:cs) h = do
S.hPut h c
meterupdate $ toInteger $ S.length c
feed state cs h
{- Generates a list of destinations to write to in order to store a key.
- When chunksize is specified, this list will be a list of chunks.
- The action should store the file, and return a list of the destinations
- it stored it to, or [] on error.
- The stored files are only put into their final place once storage is
- complete.
storeHelper :: FilePath -> ChunkSize -> Key -> ([FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]) -> IO Bool
storeHelper d chunksize key a = do
let dir = parentDir desttemplate
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
allowWrite dir
stored <- a tmpdests
forM_ stored $ \f -> do
let dest = detmpprefix f
renameFile f dest
preventWrite dest
when (chunksize /= Nothing) $ do
let chunkcount = chunkCount desttemplate
_ <- tryIO $ allowWrite chunkcount
writeFile chunkcount (show $ length stored)
preventWrite chunkcount
preventWrite dir
return (not $ null stored)
desttemplate = Prelude.head $ locations d key
tmpdests = case chunksize of
Nothing -> [desttemplate ++ tmpprefix]
Just _ -> map (++ tmpprefix) (chunkStream desttemplate)
tmpprefix = ".tmp"
detmpprefix f = take (length f - tmpprefixlen) f
tmpprefixlen = length tmpprefix
retrieve :: FilePath -> ChunkSize -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
retrieve d chunksize k f = metered k $ \meterupdate ->
liftIO $ withStoredFiles chunksize d k $ \files ->
catchBoolIO $ do
meteredWriteFile' meterupdate f files feeder
return True
feeder [] = return ([], [])
feeder (x:xs) = do
chunks <- L.toChunks <$> L.readFile x
return (xs, chunks)
retrieveEncrypted :: FilePath -> ChunkSize -> (Cipher, Key) -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
retrieveEncrypted d chunksize (cipher, enck) k f = metered k $ \meterupdate ->
liftIO $ withStoredFiles chunksize d enck $ \files ->
catchBoolIO $ do
withDecryptedContent cipher (L.concat <$> mapM L.readFile files) $
meteredWriteFile meterupdate f
return True
retrieveCheap :: FilePath -> ChunkSize -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
retrieveCheap _ (Just _) _ _ = return False -- no cheap retrieval for chunks
retrieveCheap d _ k f = liftIO $ withStoredFiles Nothing d k go
go [file] = catchBoolIO $ createSymbolicLink file f >> return True
go _files = return False
remove :: FilePath -> ChunkSize -> Key -> Annex Bool
remove d chunksize k = liftIO $ withStoredFiles chunksize d k go
go files = all id <$> mapM removefile files
removefile file = catchBoolIO $ do
let dir = parentDir file
allowWrite dir
removeFile file
_ <- tryIO $ removeDirectory dir
return True
checkPresent :: FilePath -> ChunkSize -> Key -> Annex (Either String Bool)
checkPresent d chunksize k = liftIO $ catchMsgIO $ withStoredFiles chunksize d k $
const $ return True -- withStoredFiles checked that it exists