Without --pristine, cabal will update the package's cabal file if a newer one is available in hackage. But that can break applying patches. Especially since the new version from hackage can apparently have dos line endings, while the version from the tarball doesn't.
140 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable file
140 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable file
# Bootstraps from an empty cabal to all the necessary haskell packages
# being installed, with the necessary patches to work on Android.
# You should install ghc-android first.
# The cabal.config is used to pin the haskell packages to the last
# versions that have been gotten working. To update, delete the
# cabal.config, run this script with an empty cabal and fix up the broken
# patches, and then use cabal freeze to generate a new cabal.config.
# This only installs haskell packages for ghc-android. The host ghc
# also needs to have all the git-annex build deps installed, in similar
# versions. Those are installed from Debian packages using apt.
set -e
if [ ! -d haskell-patches ]; then
cd standalone/android
setupcabal () {
# Some packages fail to install in a non unicode locale.
export LANG
patched () {
if [ -z "$ver" ]; then
ver="$(grep " $pkg " ../cabal.config | cut -d= -f 3 | sed 's/,$//')"
if [ -z "$ver" ]; then
cabal unpack --pristine $pkg
cabal unpack --pristine $pkg-$ver
cd $pkg*
git init
git config user.name dummy
git config user.email dummy@example.com
git add .
git commit -m "pre-patched state of $pkg"
ln -sf ../../cabal.config
for patch in ../../haskell-patches/${pkg}_* ../../../no-th/haskell-patches/${pkg}_*; do
if [ -e "$patch" ]; then
echo trying $patch
if ! patch -p1 < $patch; then
echo "failed to apply $patch"
echo "please resolve this, replace the patch with a new version, and exit the subshell to continue"
if [ -e config.sub ]; then
cp /usr/share/misc/config.sub .
if [ -e config.guess ]; then
cp /usr/share/misc/config.guess .
cabal install # --reinstall --force-reinstalls
rm -f cabal.config
rm -rf $pkg*
cd ..
installgitannexdeps () {
pushd ../..
ln -sf standalone/android/cabal.config
cabal install --only-dependencies "$@"
rm -f cabal.config
install_pkgs () {
rm -rf tmp
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
cat <<EOF
patched network
patched unix-time
patched lifted-base
patched zlib
patched MissingH
patched distributive
patched comonad
patched iproute
patched primitive
patched socks
# patched entropy # needed for newer version, not current pinned version
patched vector
patched stm-chans
patched persistent
patched profunctors
patched skein
patched lens
patched certificate
patched x509-system
patched persistent-template
patched system-filepath
patched optparse-applicative
patched wai-app-static
patched shakespeare
patched shakespeare-css
patched shakespeare-js
patched yesod-routes
patched hamlet
patched yesod-core
patched yesod-persistent
patched yesod-form
patched crypto-numbers
patched yesod-auth
patched yesod
patched shakespeare-text
patched process-conduit
patched DAV
patched yesod-static
patched uuid
patched dns
patched gnutls
patched unbounded-delays
patched gnuidn
patched network-protocol-xmpp
cd ..
installgitannexdeps -fAndroid -f-Pairing
# native cabal needs its own update
cabal update
PATH=$HOME/.ghc/$(cat abiversion)/bin:$HOME/.ghc/$(cat abiversion)/arm-linux-androideabi/bin:$PATH
cabal update