When starting up the assistant, it'll remind about the current repository, if it doesn't have checks. And when a removable drive is plugged in, it will remind if a repository on it lacks checks. Since that might be annoying, the reminders can be turned off. This commit was sponsored by Nedialko Andreev.
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{- git-annex assistant fsck configuration
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Fsck where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import Types.ScheduledActivity
import Utility.HumanTime
import Utility.Scheduled
import Logs.Schedule
import Annex.UUID
import qualified Remote
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Assistant.Fsck
import Config
import Git.Config
import qualified Annex
{- This adds a form to the page. It does not handle posting of the form,
- because unlike a typical yesod form that posts using the same url
- that generated it, this form posts using one of two other routes. -}
showFsckForm :: Bool -> ScheduledActivity -> Widget
showFsckForm new activity = do
u <- liftAnnex getUUID
let action = if new
then AddActivityR u
else ChangeActivityR u activity
((res, form), enctype) <- liftH $ runFsckForm new activity
case res of
FormSuccess _ -> noop
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/fsck/form")
{- This does not display a form, but it does get it from a post, and run
- some Annex action on it. -}
withFsckForm :: (ScheduledActivity -> Annex ()) -> Handler ()
withFsckForm a = do
((res, _form), _enctype) <- runFsckForm False $ defaultFsck Nothing
case res of
FormSuccess activity -> liftAnnex $ a activity
_ -> noop
mkFsck :: UUID -> UUID -> Schedule -> Duration -> ScheduledActivity
mkFsck hereu u s d
| u == hereu = ScheduledSelfFsck s d
| otherwise = ScheduledRemoteFsck u s d
runFsckForm :: Bool -> ScheduledActivity -> Handler ((FormResult ScheduledActivity, Widget), Enctype)
runFsckForm new activity = case activity of
ScheduledSelfFsck s d -> go s d =<< liftAnnex getUUID
ScheduledRemoteFsck ru s d -> go s d ru
go (Schedule r t) d ru = do
u <- liftAnnex getUUID
repolist <- liftAssistant (getrepolist ru)
runFormPostNoToken $ \msg -> do
(reposRes, reposView) <- mreq (selectFieldList repolist) "" (Just ru)
(durationRes, durationView) <- mreq intField "" (Just $ durationSeconds d `quot` 60 )
(timeRes, timeView) <- mreq (selectFieldList times) "" (Just t)
(recurranceRes, recurranceView) <- mreq (selectFieldList recurrances) "" (Just r)
let form = do
$(widgetFile "configurators/fsck/formcontent")
let formresult = mkFsck
<$> pure u
<*> reposRes
<*> (Schedule <$> recurranceRes <*> timeRes)
<*> (Duration <$> ((60 *) <$> durationRes))
return (formresult, form)
times :: [(Text, ScheduledTime)]
times = ensurevalue t (T.pack $ fromScheduledTime t) $
map (\x -> (T.pack $ fromScheduledTime x, x)) $
AnyTime : map (\h -> SpecificTime h 0) [0..23]
recurrances :: [(Text, Recurrance)]
recurrances = ensurevalue r (T.pack $ fromRecurrance r) $
[ ("every day", Daily)
, ("every Sunday", Weekly $ Just 1)
, ("every Monday", Weekly $ Just 2)
, ("every Tuesday", Weekly $ Just 3)
, ("every Wednesday", Weekly $ Just 4)
, ("every Thursday", Weekly $ Just 5)
, ("every Friday", Weekly $ Just 6)
, ("every Saturday", Weekly $ Just 7)
, ("monthly", Monthly Nothing)
, ("twice a month", Divisible 2 (Weekly Nothing))
, ("yearly", Yearly Nothing)
, ("twice a year", Divisible 6 (Monthly Nothing))
, ("quarterly", Divisible 4 (Monthly Nothing))
ensurevalue v desc l = case M.lookup v (M.fromList $ map (\(x,y) -> (y,x)) l) of
Just _ -> l
Nothing -> (desc, v) : l
getrepolist :: UUID -> Assistant [(Text, UUID)]
getrepolist ensureu = do
-- It is possible to have fsck jobs for remotes that
-- do not implement remoteFsck, but it's not too useful,
-- so omit them from the UI normally.
remotes <- filter (\r -> Remote.uuid r == ensureu || isJust (Remote.remoteFsck r)) . syncRemotes
<$> getDaemonStatus
u <- liftAnnex getUUID
let us = u : (map Remote.uuid remotes)
liftAnnex $
zip <$> (map T.pack <$> Remote.prettyListUUIDs us) <*> pure us
defaultFsck :: Maybe Remote -> ScheduledActivity
defaultFsck Nothing = ScheduledSelfFsck (Schedule Daily AnyTime) (Duration $ 60*60)
defaultFsck (Just r) = ScheduledRemoteFsck (Remote.uuid r) (Schedule Daily AnyTime) (Duration $ 60*60)
showFsckStatus :: ScheduledActivity -> Widget
showFsckStatus activity = do
m <- liftAnnex getLastRunTimes
let lastrun = M.lookup activity m
$(widgetFile "configurators/fsck/status")
getConfigFsckR :: Handler Html
getConfigFsckR = postConfigFsckR
postConfigFsckR :: Handler Html
postConfigFsckR = page "Consistency checks" (Just Configuration) $ do
scheduledchecks <- liftAnnex $
S.toList <$> (scheduleGet =<< getUUID)
rs <- liftAssistant $
filter fsckableRemote . syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
recommendedchecks <- liftAnnex $ map defaultFsck
<$> filterM (not <$$> checkFscked) (Nothing : map Just rs)
$(widgetFile "configurators/fsck")
changeSchedule :: Handler () -> Handler Html
changeSchedule a = do
liftAnnex $ Annex.Branch.commit "update"
redirect ConfigFsckR
getRemoveActivityR :: UUID -> ScheduledActivity -> Handler Html
getRemoveActivityR u activity = changeSchedule $
liftAnnex $ scheduleRemove u activity
getAddActivityR :: UUID -> Handler Html
getAddActivityR = postAddActivityR
postAddActivityR :: UUID -> Handler Html
postAddActivityR u = changeSchedule $
withFsckForm $ scheduleAdd u
getChangeActivityR :: UUID -> ScheduledActivity -> Handler Html
getChangeActivityR = postChangeActivityR
postChangeActivityR :: UUID -> ScheduledActivity -> Handler Html
postChangeActivityR u oldactivity = changeSchedule $
withFsckForm $ \newactivity -> scheduleChange u $
S.insert newactivity . S.delete oldactivity
data FsckPreferences = FsckPreferences
{ enableFsckNudge :: Bool
getFsckPreferences :: Annex FsckPreferences
getFsckPreferences = FsckPreferences
<$> (annexFsckNudge <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
fsckPreferencesAForm :: FsckPreferences -> MkAForm FsckPreferences
fsckPreferencesAForm def = FsckPreferences
<$> areq (checkBoxField `withNote` nudgenote) "Reminders" (Just $ enableFsckNudge def)
nudgenote = [whamlet|Remind me when using repositories that lack consistency checks.|]
runFsckPreferencesForm :: Handler ((FormResult FsckPreferences, Widget), Enctype)
runFsckPreferencesForm = do
prefs <- liftAnnex getFsckPreferences
runFormPostNoToken $ renderBootstrap $ fsckPreferencesAForm prefs
showFsckPreferencesForm :: Widget
showFsckPreferencesForm = do
((res, form), enctype) <- liftH $ runFsckPreferencesForm
case res of
FormSuccess _ -> noop
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/fsck/preferencesform")
postConfigFsckPreferencesR :: Handler Html
postConfigFsckPreferencesR = do
((res, _form), _enctype) <- runFsckPreferencesForm
case res of
FormSuccess prefs ->
liftAnnex $ setConfig (annexConfig "fscknudge")
(boolConfig $ enableFsckNudge prefs)
_ -> noop
redirect ConfigFsckR