Not yet used, but allows getting the size of items in the tree fairly cheaply. I noticed that CmdLine.Seek uses ls-tree and the feeds the files into another long-running process to check their size. That would be an example of a place that might be sped up by using this. Although in that particular case, it only needs to know the size of unlocked files, not locked. And since enabling --long probably doubles the ls-tree runtime or more, the overhead of using it there may outwweigh the benefit.
208 lines
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208 lines
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{- git-annex export log (also used to log imports)
- Copyright 2017-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Logs.Export (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Git
import Git.Sha
import Git.FilePath
import Logs
import Logs.MapLog
import Logs.File
import qualified Git.LsTree
import qualified Git.Tree
import Annex.UUID
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as A
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A8
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.Either
import Data.Char
-- This constuctor is not itself exported to other modules, to enforce
-- consistent use of exportedTreeishes.
data Exported = Exported
{ exportedTreeish :: Git.Ref
, incompleteExportedTreeish :: [Git.Ref]
deriving (Eq, Show)
mkExported :: Git.Ref -> [Git.Ref] -> Exported
mkExported = Exported
-- | Get the list of exported treeishes.
-- If the list contains multiple items, there was an export conflict,
-- and different trees were exported to the same special remote.
exportedTreeishes :: [Exported] -> [Git.Ref]
exportedTreeishes = nub . map exportedTreeish
-- | Treeishes that started to be exported, but were not finished.
incompleteExportedTreeishes :: [Exported] -> [Git.Ref]
incompleteExportedTreeishes = concatMap incompleteExportedTreeish
data ExportParticipants = ExportParticipants
{ exportFrom :: UUID
, exportTo :: UUID
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ExportChange = ExportChange
{ oldTreeish :: [Git.Ref]
, newTreeish :: Git.Ref
-- | Get what's been exported to a special remote.
getExport :: UUID -> Annex [Exported]
getExport remoteuuid = nub . mapMaybe get . M.toList . simpleMap
. parseExportLog
<$> Annex.Branch.get exportLog
get (ep, exported)
| exportTo ep == remoteuuid = Just exported
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Record the beginning of an export, to allow cleaning up from
-- interrupted exports.
-- This is called before any changes are made to the remote.
recordExportBeginning :: UUID -> Git.Ref -> Annex ()
recordExportBeginning remoteuuid newtree = do
c <- currentVectorClock
u <- getUUID
let ep = ExportParticipants { exportFrom = u, exportTo = remoteuuid }
old <- fromMaybe (Exported emptyTree [])
. M.lookup ep . simpleMap
. parseExportLog
<$> Annex.Branch.get exportLog
let new = old { incompleteExportedTreeish = nub (newtree:incompleteExportedTreeish old) }
Annex.Branch.change exportLog $
. changeMapLog c ep new
. parseExportLog
recordExportTreeish newtree
-- Grade a tree ref into the git-annex branch. This is done
-- to ensure that it's available later, when getting exported files
-- from the remote. Since that could happen in another clone of the
-- repository, the tree has to be kept available, even if it
-- doesn't end up being merged into the master branch.
recordExportTreeish :: Git.Ref -> Annex ()
recordExportTreeish t =
Annex.Branch.rememberTreeish t (asTopFilePath "export.tree")
-- | Record that an export to a special remote is under way.
-- This is called before an export begins uploading new files to the
-- remote, but after it's cleaned up any files that need to be deleted
-- from the old treeish.
-- Any entries in the log for the oldTreeish will be updated to the
-- newTreeish. This way, when multiple repositories are exporting to
-- the same special remote, there's no conflict as long as they move
-- forward in lock-step.
recordExportUnderway :: UUID -> ExportChange -> Annex ()
recordExportUnderway remoteuuid ec = do
c <- currentVectorClock
u <- getUUID
let ep = ExportParticipants { exportFrom = u, exportTo = remoteuuid }
let exported = Exported (newTreeish ec) []
Annex.Branch.change exportLog $
. changeMapLog c ep exported
. M.mapWithKey (updateothers c u)
. parseExportLog
updateothers c u ep le@(LogEntry _ exported@(Exported { exportedTreeish = t }))
| u == exportFrom ep || remoteuuid /= exportTo ep || t `notElem` oldTreeish ec = le
| otherwise = LogEntry c (exported { exportedTreeish = newTreeish ec })
-- Record information about the export to the git-annex branch.
-- This is equivilant to recordExportBeginning followed by
-- recordExportUnderway, but without the ability to clean up from
-- interrupted exports.
recordExport :: UUID -> Git.Ref -> ExportChange -> Annex ()
recordExport remoteuuid tree ec = do
when (oldTreeish ec /= [tree]) $
recordExportTreeish tree
recordExportUnderway remoteuuid ec
parseExportLog :: L.ByteString -> MapLog ExportParticipants Exported
parseExportLog = parseMapLog exportParticipantsParser exportedParser
buildExportLog :: MapLog ExportParticipants Exported -> Builder
buildExportLog = buildMapLog buildExportParticipants buildExported
buildExportParticipants :: ExportParticipants -> Builder
buildExportParticipants ep =
buildUUID (exportFrom ep) <> sep <> buildUUID (exportTo ep)
sep = charUtf8 ':'
exportParticipantsParser :: A.Parser ExportParticipants
exportParticipantsParser = ExportParticipants
<$> (toUUID <$> A8.takeWhile1 (/= ':'))
<* A8.char ':'
<*> (toUUID <$> A8.takeWhile1 (const True))
buildExported :: Exported -> Builder
buildExported exported = go (exportedTreeish exported : incompleteExportedTreeish exported)
go [] = mempty
go (r:rs) = rref r <> mconcat [ charUtf8 ' ' <> rref r' | r' <- rs ]
rref = byteString . Git.fromRef'
exportedParser :: A.Parser Exported
exportedParser = Exported <$> refparser <*> many refparser
refparser = (Git.Ref <$> A8.takeWhile1 (/= ' ') )
<* ((const () <$> A8.char ' ') <|> A.endOfInput)
logExportExcluded :: UUID -> ((Git.Tree.TreeItem -> IO ()) -> Annex a) -> Annex a
logExportExcluded u a = do
logf <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexExportExcludeLog u
withLogHandle logf $ \logh -> do
liftIO $ hSetNewlineMode logh noNewlineTranslation
a (writer logh)
writer logh = hPutStrLn logh
. Git.LsTree.formatLsTree
. Git.Tree.treeItemToLsTreeItem
getExportExcluded :: UUID -> Annex [Git.Tree.TreeItem]
getExportExcluded u = do
logf <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexExportExcludeLog u
liftIO $ catchDefaultIO [] $ exportExcludedParser
<$> L.readFile (fromRawFilePath logf)
exportExcludedParser :: L.ByteString -> [Git.Tree.TreeItem]
exportExcludedParser = map Git.Tree.lsTreeItemToTreeItem
. rights
. map (Git.LsTree.parseLsTree (Git.LsTree.LsTreeLong False))
. L.split (fromIntegral $ ord '\n')