Rather than calculating the TSDelta once, and caching it, this now reads the inode sential file's InodeCache file once, and then each time a new InodeCache is generated, looks at the sentinal file to get the current delta. This way, if the time zone changes while git-annex is running, it will adapt. This adds some inneffiency, but only on Windows, and only 1 stat per new file added. The worst innefficiency is that `git annex status` and `git annex sync` will now (on Windows) stat the inode sentinal file once per file in the repo. It would be more efficient to use getCurrentTimeZone, rather than needing to stat the sentinal file. This should be easy to do, once the time package gets my bugfix patch. This commit was sponsored by Jürgen Lüters.
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{- git-annex file content managing for direct mode
- Copyright 2012-2014 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.Content.Direct (
) where
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex
import Annex.Perms
import qualified Git
import Utility.Tmp
import Logs.Location
import Utility.InodeCache
import Utility.CopyFile
import Annex.ReplaceFile
import Annex.Link
{- Absolute FilePaths of Files in the tree that are associated with a key. -}
associatedFiles :: Key -> Annex [FilePath]
associatedFiles key = do
files <- associatedFilesRelative key
top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
return $ map (top </>) files
{- List of files in the tree that are associated with a key, relative to
- the top of the repo. -}
associatedFilesRelative :: Key -> Annex [FilePath]
associatedFilesRelative key = do
mapping <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexMapping key
liftIO $ catchDefaultIO [] $ withFile mapping ReadMode $ \h -> do
fileEncoding h
-- Read strictly to ensure the file is closed
-- before changeAssociatedFiles tries to write to it.
-- (Especially needed on Windows.)
lines <$> hGetContentsStrict h
{- Changes the associated files information for a key, applying a
- transformation to the list. Returns new associatedFiles value. -}
changeAssociatedFiles :: Key -> ([FilePath] -> [FilePath]) -> Annex [FilePath]
changeAssociatedFiles key transform = do
mapping <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexMapping key
files <- associatedFilesRelative key
let files' = transform files
when (files /= files') $
modifyContent mapping $
liftIO $ viaTmp writeFileAnyEncoding mapping $
unlines files'
top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
return $ map (top </>) files'
{- Removes the list of associated files. -}
removeAssociatedFiles :: Key -> Annex ()
removeAssociatedFiles key = do
mapping <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexMapping key
modifyContent mapping $
liftIO $ nukeFile mapping
{- Removes an associated file. Returns new associatedFiles value.
- Checks if this was the last copy of the object, and updates location
- log. -}
removeAssociatedFile :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex [FilePath]
removeAssociatedFile key file = do
fs <- removeAssociatedFileUnchecked key file
when (null fs) $
logStatus key InfoMissing
return fs
{- Removes an associated file. Returns new associatedFiles value. -}
removeAssociatedFileUnchecked :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex [FilePath]
removeAssociatedFileUnchecked key file = do
file' <- normaliseAssociatedFile file
changeAssociatedFiles key $ filter (/= file')
{- Adds an associated file. Returns new associatedFiles value. -}
addAssociatedFile :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex [FilePath]
addAssociatedFile key file = do
file' <- normaliseAssociatedFile file
changeAssociatedFiles key $ \files ->
if file' `elem` files
then files
else file':files
{- Associated files are always stored relative to the top of the repository.
- The input FilePath is relative to the CWD, or is absolute. -}
normaliseAssociatedFile :: FilePath -> Annex FilePath
normaliseAssociatedFile file = do
top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
liftIO $ relPathDirToFile top <$> absPath file
{- Checks if a file in the tree, associated with a key, has not been modified.
- To avoid needing to fsck the file's content, which can involve an
- expensive checksum, this relies on a cache that contains the file's
- expected mtime and inode.
goodContent :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
goodContent key file = sameInodeCache file =<< recordedInodeCache key
{- Gets the recorded inode cache for a key.
- A key can be associated with multiple files, so may return more than
- one. -}
recordedInodeCache :: Key -> Annex [InodeCache]
recordedInodeCache key = withInodeCacheFile key $ \f ->
liftIO $ catchDefaultIO [] $
mapMaybe readInodeCache . lines <$> readFileStrict f
{- Caches an inode for a file.
- Anything else already cached is preserved.
updateInodeCache :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex ()
updateInodeCache key file = maybe noop (addInodeCache key)
=<< withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache file)
{- Adds another inode to the cache for a key. -}
addInodeCache :: Key -> InodeCache -> Annex ()
addInodeCache key cache = do
oldcaches <- recordedInodeCache key
unlessM (elemInodeCaches cache oldcaches) $
writeInodeCache key (cache:oldcaches)
{- Writes inode cache for a key. -}
writeInodeCache :: Key -> [InodeCache] -> Annex ()
writeInodeCache key caches = withInodeCacheFile key $ \f ->
modifyContent f $
liftIO $ writeFile f $
unlines $ map showInodeCache caches
{- Removes an inode cache. -}
removeInodeCache :: Key -> Annex ()
removeInodeCache key = withInodeCacheFile key $ \f ->
modifyContent f $
liftIO $ nukeFile f
withInodeCacheFile :: Key -> (FilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withInodeCacheFile key a = a =<< calcRepo (gitAnnexInodeCache key)
{- Checks if a InodeCache matches the current version of a file. -}
sameInodeCache :: FilePath -> [InodeCache] -> Annex Bool
sameInodeCache _ [] = return False
sameInodeCache file old = go =<< withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache file)
go Nothing = return False
go (Just curr) = elemInodeCaches curr old
{- Checks if a FileStatus matches the recorded InodeCache of a file. -}
sameFileStatus :: Key -> FileStatus -> Annex Bool
sameFileStatus key status = do
old <- recordedInodeCache key
curr <- withTSDelta $ \delta -> liftIO $ toInodeCache delta status
case (old, curr) of
(_, Just c) -> elemInodeCaches c old
([], Nothing) -> return True
_ -> return False
{- If the inodes have changed, only the size and mtime are compared. -}
compareInodeCaches :: InodeCache -> InodeCache -> Annex Bool
compareInodeCaches x y
| compareStrong x y = return True
| otherwise = ifM inodesChanged
( return $ compareWeak x y
, return False
elemInodeCaches :: InodeCache -> [InodeCache] -> Annex Bool
elemInodeCaches _ [] = return False
elemInodeCaches c (l:ls) = ifM (compareInodeCaches c l)
( return True
, elemInodeCaches c ls
compareInodeCachesWith :: Annex InodeComparisonType
compareInodeCachesWith = ifM inodesChanged ( return Weakly, return Strongly )
{- Copies the contentfile to the associated file, if the associated
- file has no content. If the associated file does have content,
- even if the content differs, it's left unchanged. -}
addContentWhenNotPresent :: Key -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex ()
addContentWhenNotPresent key contentfile associatedfile = do
v <- isAnnexLink associatedfile
when (Just key == v) $
replaceFile associatedfile $
liftIO . void . copyFileExternal contentfile
updateInodeCache key associatedfile
{- Some filesystems get new inodes each time they are mounted.
- In order to work on such a filesystem, a sentinal file is used to detect
- when the inodes have changed.
- If the sentinal file does not exist, we have to assume that the
- inodes have changed.
inodesChanged :: Annex Bool
inodesChanged = sentinalInodesChanged <$> sentinalStatus
withTSDelta :: (TSDelta -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withTSDelta a = a =<< getTSDelta
getTSDelta :: Annex TSDelta
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
getTSDelta = sentinalTSDelta <$> sentinalStatus
getTSDelta = pure noTSDelta -- optimisation
sentinalStatus :: Annex SentinalStatus
sentinalStatus = maybe check return =<< Annex.getState Annex.sentinalstatus
check = do
sc <- liftIO . checkSentinalFile =<< annexSentinalFile
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.sentinalstatus = Just sc }
return sc
{- The sentinal file is only created when first initializing a repository.
- If there are any annexed objects in the repository already, creating
- the file would invalidate their inode caches. -}
createInodeSentinalFile :: Annex ()
createInodeSentinalFile = unlessM (alreadyexists <||> hasobjects) $ do
s <- annexSentinalFile
createAnnexDirectory (parentDir (sentinalFile s))
liftIO $ writeSentinalFile s
alreadyexists = liftIO. sentinalFileExists =<< annexSentinalFile
hasobjects = liftIO . doesDirectoryExist =<< fromRepo gitAnnexObjectDir
annexSentinalFile :: Annex SentinalFile
annexSentinalFile = do
sentinalfile <- fromRepo gitAnnexInodeSentinal
sentinalcachefile <- fromRepo gitAnnexInodeSentinalCache
return $ SentinalFile
{ sentinalFile = sentinalfile
, sentinalCacheFile = sentinalcachefile