2013-11-24 16:08:52 -04:00

317 lines
9.4 KiB

{- git-annex assistant upgrading
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Assistant.Upgrade where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.Restart
import qualified Annex
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Utility.Env
import Types.Distribution
import Logs.Transfer
import Logs.Web
import Logs.Presence
import Logs.Location
import Annex.Content
import qualified Backend
import qualified Types.Backend
import qualified Types.Key
import Assistant.TransferQueue
import Assistant.TransferSlots
import Remote (remoteFromUUID)
import Annex.Path
import Config.Files
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.UserInfo
import qualified Utility.Lsof as Lsof
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
import Utility.CopyFile
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Tuple.Utils
{- Upgrade without interaction in the webapp. -}
unattendedUpgrade :: Assistant ()
unattendedUpgrade = do
url <- runRestart
postUpgrade url
prepUpgrade :: Assistant ()
prepUpgrade = do
void $ addAlert upgradingAlert
void $ liftIO $ setEnv upgradedEnv "1" True
postUpgrade :: URLString -> Assistant ()
postUpgrade = postRestart
autoUpgradeEnabled :: Assistant Bool
autoUpgradeEnabled = liftAnnex $ (==) AutoUpgrade . annexAutoUpgrade <$> Annex.getGitConfig
checkSuccessfulUpgrade :: IO Bool
checkSuccessfulUpgrade = isJust <$> getEnv upgradedEnv
upgradedEnv :: String
upgradedEnv = "GIT_ANNEX_UPGRADED"
{- Start downloading the distribution key from the web.
- Install a hook that will be run once the download is complete,
- and finishes the upgrade.
- Creates the destination directory where the upgrade will be installed
- early, in order to check if another upgrade has happened (or is
- happending). On failure, the directory is removed.
startDistributionDownload :: GitAnnexDistribution -> Assistant ()
startDistributionDownload d = go =<< liftIO . newVersionLocation d =<< liftIO oldVersionLocation
go Nothing = debug ["Skipping redundant upgrade"]
go (Just dest) = do
liftAnnex $ setUrlPresent k u
hook <- asIO1 $ distributionDownloadComplete d dest cleanup
modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s
{ transferHook = M.insert k hook (transferHook s) }
maybe noop (queueTransfer "upgrade" Next (Just f) t)
=<< liftAnnex (remoteFromUUID webUUID)
startTransfer t
k = distributionKey d
u = distributionUrl d
f = takeFileName u ++ " (for upgrade)"
t = Transfer
{ transferDirection = Download
, transferUUID = webUUID
, transferKey = k
cleanup = liftAnnex $ do
removeAnnex k
setUrlMissing k u
logStatus k InfoMissing
{- Called once the download is done.
- Passed an action that can be used to clean up the downloaded file.
- Fsck the key to verify the download.
distributionDownloadComplete :: GitAnnexDistribution -> FilePath -> Assistant () -> Transfer -> Assistant ()
distributionDownloadComplete d dest cleanup t
| transferDirection t == Download = do
debug ["finished downloading git-annex distribution"]
maybe (failedupgrade "bad download") go
=<< liftAnnex (withObjectLoc k fsckit (getM fsckit))
| otherwise = cleanup
k = distributionKey d
fsckit f = case Backend.maybeLookupBackendName (Types.Key.keyBackendName k) of
Nothing -> return $ Just f
Just b -> case Types.Backend.fsckKey b of
Nothing -> return $ Just f
Just a -> ifM (a k f)
( return $ Just f
, return Nothing
go f = do
ua <- asIO $ upgradeToDistribution dest cleanup f
fa <- asIO1 failedupgrade
liftIO $ ua `catchNonAsync` (fa . show)
failedupgrade msg = do
void $ addAlert $ upgradeFailedAlert msg
liftIO $ void $ tryIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive dest
{- The upgrade method varies by OS.
- In general, find where the distribution was installed before,
- and unpack the new distribution next to it (in a versioned directory).
- Then update the programFile to point to the new version.
upgradeToDistribution :: FilePath -> Assistant () -> FilePath -> Assistant ()
upgradeToDistribution newdir cleanup distributionfile = do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True newdir
(program, deleteold) <- unpack
changeprogram program
url <- runRestart
{- At this point, the new assistant is fully running, so
- it's safe to delete the old version. -}
liftIO $ void $ tryIO deleteold
postUpgrade url
changeprogram program = liftIO $ do
unlessM (boolSystem program [Param "version"]) $
error "New git-annex program failed to run! Not using."
pf <- programFile
liftIO $ writeFile pf program
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
{- OS X uses a dmg, so mount it, and copy the contents into place. -}
unpack = liftIO $ do
olddir <- oldVersionLocation
withTmpDirIn (parentDir newdir) "git-annex.upgrade" $ \tmpdir -> do
void $ boolSystem "hdiutil"
[ Param "attach"
, Param distributionfile
, Param tmpdir
sanitycheck tmpdir
installby createLinkOrCopy newdir (tmpdir </> installBase)
void $ boolSystem "hdiutil"
[ Param "eject"
, Param distributionfile
let deleteold = do
deleteFromManifest $ olddir </> "Contents" </> "MacOS"
makeorigsymlink olddir
return (newdir </> installBase </> "Contents" </> "MacOS" </> "git-annex", deleteold)
{- Linux uses a tarball (so could other POSIX systems), so
- untar it (into a temp directory) and move the directory
- into place. -}
unpack = liftIO $ do
olddir <- oldVersionLocation
withTmpDirIn (parentDir newdir) "git-annex.upgrade" $ \tmpdir -> do
let tarball = tmpdir </> "tar"
-- Cannot rely on filename extension, and this also
-- avoids problems if tar doesn't support transparent
-- decompression.
void $ boolSystem "sh"
[ Param "-c"
, Param $ "zcat < " ++ shellEscape distributionfile ++
" > " ++ shellEscape tarball
tarok <- boolSystem "tar"
[ Param "xf"
, Param tarball
, Param "--directory", File tmpdir
unless tarok $
error $ "failed to untar " ++ distributionfile
sanitycheck tmpdir
installby rename newdir (tmpdir </> installBase)
let deleteold = do
deleteFromManifest olddir
makeorigsymlink olddir
return (newdir </> "git-annex", deleteold)
sanitycheck dir =
unlessM (doesDirectoryExist $ dir </> installBase) $
error $ "did not find " ++ installBase ++ " in " ++ distributionfile
installby a dstdir srcdir =
mapM_ (\x -> a x (dstdir </> takeFileName x))
=<< dirContents srcdir
makeorigsymlink olddir = do
let origdir = parentDir olddir </> installBase
nukeFile origdir
createSymbolicLink newdir origdir
{- Finds where the old version was installed. -}
oldVersionLocation :: IO FilePath
oldVersionLocation = do
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
pdir <- parentDir <$> readProgramFile
let dirs = splitDirectories pdir
{- It will probably be deep inside a directory. -}
let p = takeWhile (/= "") dirs
let olddir = if p == dirs
then pdir
else joinPath (p ++ [""])
olddir <- parentDir <$> readProgramFile
when (null olddir) $
error $ "Cannot find old distribution bundle; not upgrading."
return olddir
{- Finds a place to install the new version.
- Generally, put it in the parent directory of where the old version was
- installed, and use a version number in the directory name.
- If unable to write to there, instead put it in the home directory.
- The directory is created. If it already exists, returns Nothing.
newVersionLocation :: GitAnnexDistribution -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
newVersionLocation d olddir =
trymkdir newloc $ do
home <- myHomeDir
trymkdir (home </> s) $
return Nothing
s = installBase ++ "." ++ distributionVersion d
topdir = parentDir olddir
newloc = topdir </> s
trymkdir dir fallback =
(createDirectory dir >> return (Just dir))
`catchIO` const fallback
installBase :: String
installBase = "git-annex." ++
#ifdef linux_HOST_OS
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
deleteFromManifest :: FilePath -> IO ()
deleteFromManifest dir = do
fs <- map (dir </>) . lines <$> catchDefaultIO "" (readFile manifest)
mapM_ nukeFile fs
nukeFile manifest
removeEmptyRecursive dir
manifest = dir </> "git-annex.MANIFEST"
removeEmptyRecursive :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeEmptyRecursive dir = do
print ("remove", dir)
mapM_ removeEmptyRecursive =<< dirContents dir
void $ tryIO $ removeDirectory dir
{- This is a file that the UpgradeWatcher can watch for modifications to
- detect when git-annex has been upgraded.
upgradeFlagFile :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
upgradeFlagFile = ifM usingDistribution
( Just <$> programFile
, programPath
{- Sanity check to see if an upgrade is complete and the program is ready
- to be run. -}
upgradeSanityCheck :: IO Bool
upgradeSanityCheck = ifM usingDistribution
( doesFileExist =<< programFile
, do
-- Ensure that the program is present, and has no writers,
-- and can be run. This should handle distribution
-- upgrades, manual upgrades, etc.
v <- programPath
case v of
Nothing -> return False
Just program -> do
untilM (doesFileExist program <&&> nowriter program) $
threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 60)
boolSystem program [Param "version"]
nowriter f = null
. filter (`elem` [Lsof.OpenReadWrite, Lsof.OpenWriteOnly])
. map snd3
<$> Lsof.query [f]
usingDistribution :: IO Bool
usingDistribution = isJust <$> getEnv "GIT_ANNEX_STANDLONE_ENV"