Remaining things needing converted are in the assistant, and Annex.Ssh. Every other remaining call to createDirectoryIfMissing True has been audited and is not relevant. The ones in Build/ of course don't get included in the program. Others included eg, Remote.Tahoe and Config.Files which both write to dotfiles under the home directory.
275 lines
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275 lines
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{- git-annex fuzz generator
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Command.FuzzTest where
import Command
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git.Config
import Config
import Annex.Perms
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Utility.DiskFree
import Git.Types (fromConfigKey)
import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Random (getStdRandom, random, randomR)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Concurrent
cmd :: Command
cmd = notBareRepo $
command "fuzztest" SectionTesting
"generates fuzz test files"
paramNothing (withParams seek)
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek = withNothing (commandAction start)
start :: CommandStart
start = do
logf <- fromRepo gitAnnexFuzzTestLogFile
showStart "fuzztest" (toRawFilePath logf)
logh <- liftIO $ openFile logf WriteMode
void $ forever $ fuzz logh
guardTest :: Annex ()
guardTest = unlessM (fromMaybe False . Git.Config.isTrueFalse' <$> getConfig key mempty) $
giveup $ unlines
[ "Running fuzz tests *writes* to and *deletes* files in"
, "this repository, and pushes those changes to other"
, "repositories! This is a developer tool, not something"
, "to play with."
, ""
, "Refusing to run fuzz tests, since " ++ fromConfigKey key ++ " is not set!"
key = annexConfig "eat-my-repository"
fuzz :: Handle -> Annex ()
fuzz logh = do
fuzzer <- genFuzzAction
record logh $ flip Started fuzzer
result <- tryNonAsync $ runFuzzAction fuzzer
record logh $ flip Finished $
either (const False) (const True) result
record :: Handle -> (UTCTime -> TimeStampedFuzzAction) -> Annex ()
record h tmpl = liftIO $ do
now <- getCurrentTime
let s = show $ tmpl now
print s
hPrint h s
hFlush h
{- Delay for either a fraction of a second, or a few seconds, or up
- to 1 minute.
- The MinutesDelay is used as an opportunity to do housekeeping tasks.
randomDelay :: Delay -> Annex ()
randomDelay TinyDelay = liftIO $
threadDelay =<< getStdRandom (randomR (10000, 1000000))
randomDelay SecondsDelay = liftIO $
threadDelaySeconds =<< Seconds <$> getStdRandom (randomR (1, 10))
randomDelay MinutesDelay = do
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds =<< Seconds <$> getStdRandom (randomR (1, 60))
reserve <- annexDiskReserve <$> Annex.getGitConfig
free <- liftIO $ getDiskFree "."
case free of
Just have | have < reserve -> do
warning "Low disk space; fuzz test paused."
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 60)
randomDelay MinutesDelay
_ -> noop
data Delay
= TinyDelay
| SecondsDelay
| MinutesDelay
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary Delay where
arbitrary = elements [TinyDelay, SecondsDelay, MinutesDelay]
data FuzzFile = FuzzFile FilePath
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
data FuzzDir = FuzzDir FilePath
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary FuzzFile where
arbitrary = FuzzFile <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary FuzzDir where
arbitrary = FuzzDir <$> arbitrary
class ToFilePath a where
toFilePath :: a -> FilePath
instance ToFilePath FuzzFile where
toFilePath (FuzzFile f) = f
instance ToFilePath FuzzDir where
toFilePath (FuzzDir d) = d
isFuzzFile :: FilePath -> Bool
isFuzzFile f = "fuzzfile_" `isPrefixOf` takeFileName f
isFuzzDir :: FilePath -> Bool
isFuzzDir d = "fuzzdir_" `isPrefixOf` d
mkFuzzFile :: FilePath -> [FuzzDir] -> FuzzFile
mkFuzzFile file dirs = FuzzFile $ joinPath (map toFilePath dirs) </> ("fuzzfile_" ++ file)
mkFuzzDir :: Int -> FuzzDir
mkFuzzDir n = FuzzDir $ "fuzzdir_" ++ show n
{- File is placed inside a directory hierarchy up to 4 subdirectories deep. -}
genFuzzFile :: IO FuzzFile
genFuzzFile = do
n <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, 4)
dirs <- replicateM n genFuzzDir
file <- show <$> (getStdRandom random :: IO Int)
return $ mkFuzzFile file dirs
{- Only 16 distinct subdirectories are used. When nested 4 deep, this
- yields 69904 total directories max, which is below the default Linux
- inotify limit of 81920. The goal is not to run the assistant out of
- inotify descriptors. -}
genFuzzDir :: IO FuzzDir
genFuzzDir = mkFuzzDir <$> (getStdRandom (randomR (1,16)) :: IO Int)
data TimeStampedFuzzAction
= Started UTCTime FuzzAction
| Finished UTCTime Bool
deriving (Read, Show)
data FuzzAction
= FuzzAdd FuzzFile
| FuzzDelete FuzzFile
| FuzzMove FuzzFile FuzzFile
| FuzzDeleteDir FuzzDir
| FuzzMoveDir FuzzDir FuzzDir
| FuzzPause Delay
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary FuzzAction where
arbitrary = frequency
[ (50, FuzzAdd <$> arbitrary)
, (50, FuzzDelete <$> arbitrary)
, (10, FuzzMove <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (10, FuzzDeleteDir <$> arbitrary)
, (10, FuzzMoveDir <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (10, FuzzPause <$> arbitrary)
runFuzzAction :: FuzzAction -> Annex ()
runFuzzAction (FuzzAdd (FuzzFile f)) = do
createWorkTreeDirectory (parentDir f)
n <- liftIO (getStdRandom random :: IO Int)
liftIO $ writeFile f $ show n ++ "\n"
runFuzzAction (FuzzDelete (FuzzFile f)) = liftIO $ nukeFile f
runFuzzAction (FuzzMove (FuzzFile src) (FuzzFile dest)) = liftIO $
rename src dest
runFuzzAction (FuzzDeleteDir (FuzzDir d)) = liftIO $
removeDirectoryRecursive d
runFuzzAction (FuzzMoveDir (FuzzDir src) (FuzzDir dest)) = liftIO $
rename src dest
runFuzzAction (FuzzPause d) = randomDelay d
genFuzzAction :: Annex FuzzAction
genFuzzAction = do
tmpl <- liftIO $ Prelude.head <$> sample' (arbitrary :: Gen FuzzAction)
-- Fix up template action to make sense in the current repo tree.
case tmpl of
FuzzAdd _ -> do
f <- liftIO newFile
maybe genFuzzAction (return . FuzzAdd) f
FuzzDelete _ -> do
f <- liftIO $ existingFile 0 ""
maybe genFuzzAction (return . FuzzDelete) f
FuzzMove _ _ -> do
src <- liftIO $ existingFile 0 ""
dest <- liftIO newFile
case (src, dest) of
(Just s, Just d) -> return $ FuzzMove s d
_ -> genFuzzAction
FuzzMoveDir _ _ -> do
md <- liftIO existingDir
case md of
Nothing -> genFuzzAction
Just d -> do
newd <- liftIO $ newDir (parentDir $ toFilePath d)
maybe genFuzzAction (return . FuzzMoveDir d) newd
FuzzDeleteDir _ -> do
d <- liftIO existingDir
maybe genFuzzAction (return . FuzzDeleteDir) d
FuzzPause _ -> return tmpl
existingFile :: Int -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FuzzFile)
existingFile 0 _ = return Nothing
existingFile n top = do
dir <- existingDirIncludingTop
contents <- catchDefaultIO [] (getDirectoryContents dir)
let files = filter isFuzzFile contents
if null files
then do
let dirs = filter isFuzzDir contents
if null dirs
then return Nothing
else do
i <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, length dirs - 1)
existingFile (n - 1) (top </> dirs !! i)
else do
i <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, length files - 1)
return $ Just $ FuzzFile $ top </> dir </> files !! i
existingDirIncludingTop :: IO FilePath
existingDirIncludingTop = do
dirs <- filter isFuzzDir <$> getDirectoryContents "."
if null dirs
then return "."
else do
n <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, length dirs)
return $ ("." : dirs) !! n
existingDir :: IO (Maybe FuzzDir)
existingDir = do
d <- existingDirIncludingTop
return $ if isFuzzDir d
then Just $ FuzzDir d
else Nothing
newFile :: IO (Maybe FuzzFile)
newFile = go (100 :: Int)
go 0 = return Nothing
go n = do
f <- genFuzzFile
ifM (doesnotexist (toFilePath f))
( return $ Just f
, go (n - 1)
newDir :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FuzzDir)
newDir parent = go (100 :: Int)
go 0 = return Nothing
go n = do
(FuzzDir d) <- genFuzzDir
ifM (doesnotexist (parent </> d))
( return $ Just $ FuzzDir d
, go (n - 1)
doesnotexist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
doesnotexist f = isNothing <$> catchMaybeIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f)