Was able to reuse many of the android patches, but several had to be re-done. On Android, ghc is a stage2 build, so can compile, but not run TH code. But debian's ghc on armel cannot even compile TH code, so it has to be patched out. Some haskell packages have been updated to new versions, including yesod and DAV, and their patches had to be redone. The Makefile now has 2 new targets. The first is run on a companion x86 system to do the build and get TH splices. Then the second target is run the same source tree on the arm system to build without needing TH. This commit was sponsored by Svenne Krap.
96 lines
2 KiB
Executable file
96 lines
2 KiB
Executable file
# Bootstraps from an empty cabal (plus apt-get build-dep git-annex)
# to all the necessary haskell packages being installed, with the
# necessary patches to work on architectures that lack template haskell.
# Note that the newest version of packages is installed.
# It attempts to reuse patches for older versions, but
# new versions of packages often break cross-compilation by adding TH,
# etc
# Future work: Convert to using the method used here:
# https://github.com/kaoskorobase/ghc-ios-cabal-scripts/
set -e
if [ ! -d ../haskell-patches ]; then
cd standalone/linux
cabalinstall () {
echo cabal install "$@" "$cabalopts"
eval cabal install "$@" "$cabalopts"
patched () {
shift 1
cabal unpack $pkg
cd $pkg*
git init
git config user.name dummy
git config user.email dummy@example.com
git add .
git commit -m "pre-patched state of $pkg"
for patch in ../../../no-th/haskell-patches/${pkg}_*; do
if [ -e "$patch" ]; then
echo trying $patch
if ! patch -p1 < $patch; then
echo "failed to apply $patch"
echo "please resolve this, replace the patch with a new version, and exit the subshell to continue"
cabalinstall "$@"
rm -rf $pkg*
cd ..
installgitannexdeps () {
pushd ../..
echo cabal install --only-dependencies "$@"
cabal install --only-dependencies "$@"
install_pkgs () {
rm -rf tmp
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
patched wai-app-static
patched shakespeare
patched shakespeare-css
patched yesod-routes
patched hamlet
patched monad-logger
patched shakespeare-i18n
patched shakespeare-js
patched yesod-core
patched persistent
patched persistent-template
patched yesod
patched process-conduit
patched yesod-static
patched yesod-form
patched file-embed
patched yesod-auth
patched yesod
patched generic-deriving
patched profunctors
patched reflection
patched lens
patched xml-hamlet
patched shakespeare-text
patched DAV
cd ..
cabal update