Otherwise use the vendored copy as before. The library is in Debian testing but not stable. Once it reaches stable, the vendored copy can be removed. Did not add it to debian/control because IIRC that's used to build git-annex on stable too, possibly. However, the Debian maintainer will probably want to make the package depend on libghc-http-client-restricted-dev This commit was sponsored by Ilya Shlyakhter on Patreon.
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192 lines
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{- Url downloading, with git-annex user agent and configured http
- headers, security restrictions, etc.
- Copyright 2013-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.Url (
) where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import qualified Utility.Url as U
import Utility.IPAddress
import Network.HTTP.Client.Restricted
import Utility.HttpManagerRestricted
import Utility.Metered
import Git.Credential
import qualified BuildInfo
import Network.Socket
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import Text.Read
defaultUserAgent :: U.UserAgent
defaultUserAgent = "git-annex/" ++ BuildInfo.packageversion
getUserAgent :: Annex U.UserAgent
getUserAgent = Annex.getState $
fromMaybe defaultUserAgent . Annex.useragent
getUrlOptions :: Annex U.UrlOptions
getUrlOptions = Annex.getState Annex.urloptions >>= \case
Just uo -> return uo
Nothing -> do
uo <- mk
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s
{ Annex.urloptions = Just uo }
return uo
mk = do
(urldownloader, manager) <- checkallowedaddr
<$> (Just <$> getUserAgent)
<*> headers
<*> pure urldownloader
<*> pure manager
<*> (annexAllowedUrlSchemes <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
<*> pure U.noBasicAuth
headers = annexHttpHeadersCommand <$> Annex.getGitConfig >>= \case
Just cmd -> lines <$> liftIO (readProcess "sh" ["-c", cmd])
Nothing -> annexHttpHeaders <$> Annex.getGitConfig
checkallowedaddr = words . annexAllowedIPAddresses <$> Annex.getGitConfig >>= \case
["all"] -> do
-- Only allow curl when all are allowed,
-- as its interface does not allow preventing
-- it from accessing specific IP addresses.
curlopts <- map Param . annexWebOptions <$> Annex.getGitConfig
let urldownloader = if null curlopts
then U.DownloadWithConduit $
U.DownloadWithCurlRestricted mempty
else U.DownloadWithCurl curlopts
manager <- liftIO $ U.newManager $
avoidtimeout $ tlsManagerSettings
return (urldownloader, manager)
allowedaddrsports -> do
addrmatcher <- liftIO $
(\l v -> any (\f -> f v) l) . catMaybes
<$> mapM (uncurry makeAddressMatcher)
(mapMaybe splitAddrPort allowedaddrsports)
-- Default to not allowing access to loopback
-- and private IP addresses to avoid data
-- leakage.
let isallowed addr
| addrmatcher addr = True
| isLoopbackAddress addr = False
| isPrivateAddress addr = False
| otherwise = True
let connectionrestricted = connectionRestricted
("Configuration of annex.security.allowed-ip-addresses does not allow accessing address " ++)
let r = addressRestriction $ \addr ->
if isallowed (addrAddress addr)
then Nothing
else Just (connectionrestricted addr)
(settings, pr) <- liftIO $
mkRestrictedManagerSettings r Nothing Nothing
case pr of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ProxyRestricted -> toplevelWarning True
"http proxy settings not used due to annex.security.allowed-ip-addresses configuration"
manager <- liftIO $ U.newManager $
avoidtimeout settings
let urldownloader = U.DownloadWithConduit $
U.DownloadWithCurlRestricted r
return (urldownloader, manager)
-- http-client defailts to timing out a request after 30 seconds
-- or so, but some web servers are slower and git-annex has its own
-- separate timeout controls, so disable that.
avoidtimeout s = s { managerResponseTimeout = responseTimeoutNone }
splitAddrPort :: String -> Maybe (String, Maybe PortNumber)
splitAddrPort s
-- "[addr]:port" (also allow "[addr]")
| "[" `isPrefixOf` s = case splitc ']' (drop 1 s) of
[a,cp] -> case splitc ':' cp of
["",p] -> do
pn <- readMaybe p
return (a, Just pn)
[""] -> Just (a, Nothing)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
| otherwise = Just (s, Nothing)
ipAddressesUnlimited :: Annex Bool
ipAddressesUnlimited =
("all" == ) . annexAllowedIPAddresses <$> Annex.getGitConfig
withUrlOptions :: (U.UrlOptions -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withUrlOptions a = a =<< getUrlOptions
-- When downloading an url, if authentication is needed, uses
-- git-credential to prompt for username and password.
withUrlOptionsPromptingCreds :: (U.UrlOptions -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withUrlOptionsPromptingCreds a = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
uo <- getUrlOptions
prompter <- mkPrompter
a $ uo
{ U.getBasicAuth = \u -> prompter $
getBasicAuthFromCredential g u
-- Can't download with curl and handle basic auth,
-- so make sure it uses conduit.
, U.urlDownloader = case U.urlDownloader uo of
U.DownloadWithCurl _ -> U.DownloadWithConduit $
U.DownloadWithCurlRestricted mempty
v -> v
checkBoth :: U.URLString -> Maybe Integer -> U.UrlOptions -> Annex Bool
checkBoth url expected_size uo =
liftIO (U.checkBoth url expected_size uo) >>= \case
Right r -> return r
Left err -> warning err >> return False
download :: MeterUpdate -> U.URLString -> FilePath -> U.UrlOptions -> Annex Bool
download meterupdate url file uo =
liftIO (U.download meterupdate url file uo) >>= \case
Right () -> return True
Left err -> warning err >> return False
download' :: MeterUpdate -> U.URLString -> FilePath -> U.UrlOptions -> Annex (Either String ())
download' meterupdate url file uo =
liftIO (U.download meterupdate url file uo)
exists :: U.URLString -> U.UrlOptions -> Annex Bool
exists url uo = liftIO (U.exists url uo) >>= \case
Right b -> return b
Left err -> warning err >> return False
getUrlInfo :: U.URLString -> U.UrlOptions -> Annex (Either String U.UrlInfo)
getUrlInfo url uo = liftIO (U.getUrlInfo url uo)