* Add numcopiesneeded preferred content expression. * Client, transfer, incremental backup, and archive repositories now want to get content that does not yet have enough copies. This means the asssistant will make copies of files that don't yet meet the configured numcopies, even to places that would not normally want the file. For example, if numcopies is 4, and there are 2 client repos and 2 transfer repos, and 2 removable backup drives, the file will be sent to both transfer repos in order to make 4 copies. Once a removable drive get a copy of the file, it will be dropped from one transfer repo or the other (but not both). Another example, numcopies is 3 and there is a client that has a backup removable drive and two small archive repos. Normally once one of the small archives has a file, it will not be put into the other one. But, to satisfy numcopies, the assistant will duplicate it into the other small archive too, if the backup repo is not available to receive the file. I notice that these examples are fairly unlikely setups .. the old behavior was not too bad, but it's nice to finally have it really correct. .. Almost. I have skipped checking the annex.numcopies .gitattributes out of fear it will be too slow. This commit was sponsored by Florian Schlegel.
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{- git-annex file matching
- Copyright 2012, 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.FileMatcher where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Common.Annex
import Limit
import Utility.Matcher
import Types.Group
import Types.Limit
import Logs.Group
import Logs.Remote
import Annex.UUID
import qualified Annex
import Types.FileMatcher
import Git.FilePath
import Types.Remote (RemoteConfig)
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.Set as S
type FileMatcher = Matcher MatchFiles
checkFileMatcher :: FileMatcher -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
checkFileMatcher matcher file = checkFileMatcher' matcher file S.empty True
checkFileMatcher' :: FileMatcher -> FilePath -> AssumeNotPresent -> Bool -> Annex Bool
checkFileMatcher' matcher file notpresent def
| isEmpty matcher = return def
| otherwise = do
matchfile <- getTopFilePath <$> inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
let mi = MatchingFile $ FileInfo
{ matchFile = matchfile
, relFile = file
matchMrun matcher $ \a -> a notpresent mi
matchAll :: FileMatcher
matchAll = generate []
parsedToMatcher :: [Either String (Token MatchFiles)] -> Either String FileMatcher
parsedToMatcher parsed = case partitionEithers parsed of
([], vs) -> Right $ generate vs
(es, _) -> Left $ unwords $ map ("Parse failure: " ++) es
exprParser :: GroupMap -> M.Map UUID RemoteConfig -> Maybe UUID -> String -> [Either String (Token MatchFiles)]
exprParser groupmap configmap mu expr =
map parse $ tokenizeMatcher expr
parse = parseToken
(limitPresent mu)
(limitInDir preferreddir)
preferreddir = fromMaybe "public" $
M.lookup "preferreddir" =<< (`M.lookup` configmap) =<< mu
parseToken :: MkLimit -> MkLimit -> GroupMap -> String -> Either String (Token MatchFiles)
parseToken checkpresent checkpreferreddir groupmap t
| t `elem` tokens = Right $ token t
| t == "present" = use checkpresent
| t == "inpreferreddir" = use checkpreferreddir
| otherwise = maybe (Left $ "near " ++ show t) use $ M.lookup k $
[ ("include", limitInclude)
, ("exclude", limitExclude)
, ("copies", limitCopies)
, ("numcopiesneeded", limitNumCopiesNeeded)
, ("inbackend", limitInBackend)
, ("largerthan", limitSize (>))
, ("smallerthan", limitSize (<))
, ("inallgroup", limitInAllGroup groupmap)
(k, v) = separate (== '=') t
use a = Operation <$> a v
{- This is really dumb tokenization; there's no support for quoted values.
- Open and close parens are always treated as standalone tokens;
- otherwise tokens must be separated by whitespace. -}
tokenizeMatcher :: String -> [String]
tokenizeMatcher = filter (not . null ) . concatMap splitparens . words
splitparens = segmentDelim (`elem` "()")
{- Generates a matcher for files large enough (or meeting other criteria)
- to be added to the annex, rather than directly to git. -}
largeFilesMatcher :: Annex FileMatcher
largeFilesMatcher = go =<< annexLargeFiles <$> Annex.getGitConfig
go Nothing = return matchAll
go (Just expr) = do
gm <- groupMap
rc <- readRemoteLog
u <- getUUID
either badexpr return $
parsedToMatcher $ exprParser gm rc (Just u) expr
badexpr e = error $ "bad annex.largefiles configuration: " ++ e