158 lines
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158 lines
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{- Magic Wormhole integration
- Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
module Utility.MagicWormhole (
) where
import Utility.Process
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.Monad
import Utility.Misc
import Utility.Env
import Utility.Path
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Data.Char
import Data.List
-- | A Magic Wormhole code.
newtype Code = Code String
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Smart constructor for Code
mkCode :: String -> Maybe Code
mkCode s
| validCode s = Just (Code s)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Tries to fix up some common mistakes in a homan-entered code.
toCode :: String -> Maybe Code
toCode s = mkCode $ intercalate "-" $ words s
fromCode :: Code -> String
fromCode (Code s) = s
-- | Codes have the form number-word-word and may contain 2 or more words.
validCode :: String -> Bool
validCode s =
let (n, r) = separate (== '-') s
(w1, w2) = separate (== '-') r
in and
[ not (null n)
, all isDigit n
, not (null w1)
, not (null w2)
, not $ any isSpace s
newtype CodeObserver = CodeObserver (MVar Code)
newtype CodeProducer = CodeProducer (MVar Code)
mkCodeObserver :: IO CodeObserver
mkCodeObserver = CodeObserver <$> newEmptyMVar
mkCodeProducer :: IO CodeProducer
mkCodeProducer = CodeProducer <$> newEmptyMVar
waitCode :: CodeObserver -> IO Code
waitCode (CodeObserver o) = readMVar o
sendCode :: CodeProducer -> Code -> IO ()
sendCode (CodeProducer p) = putMVar p
type WormHoleParams = [CommandParam]
-- | Sends a file. Once the send is underway, and the Code has been
-- generated, it will be sent to the CodeObserver. (This may not happen,
-- eg if there's a network problem).
-- Currently this has to parse the output of wormhole to find the code.
-- To make this as robust as possible, avoids looking for any particular
-- output strings, and only looks for the form of a wormhole code
-- (number-word-word).
-- Note that, if the filename looks like "foo 1-wormhole-code bar", when
-- that is output by wormhole, it will look like it's output a wormhole code.
-- A request to make the code available in machine-parsable form is here:
-- https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole/issues/104
sendFile :: FilePath -> CodeObserver -> WormHoleParams -> IO Bool
sendFile f (CodeObserver observer) ps = do
-- Work around stupid stdout buffering behavior of python.
-- See https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole/issues/108
environ <- addEntry "PYTHONUNBUFFERED" "1" <$> getEnvironment
runWormHoleProcess p { env = Just environ} $ \_hin hout ->
findcode =<< words <$> hGetContents hout
p = wormHoleProcess (Param "send" : ps ++ [File f])
findcode [] = return False
findcode (w:ws) = case mkCode w of
Just code -> do
putMVar observer code
return True
Nothing -> findcode ws
-- | Receives a file. Once the receive is under way, the Code will be
-- read from the CodeProducer, and fed to wormhole on stdin.
receiveFile :: FilePath -> CodeProducer -> WormHoleParams -> IO Bool
receiveFile f (CodeProducer producer) ps = runWormHoleProcess p $ \hin _hout -> do
Code c <- readMVar producer
hPutStrLn hin c
hFlush hin
return True
p = wormHoleProcess $
[ Param "receive"
, Param "--accept-file"
, Param "--output-file"
, File f
] ++ ps
wormHoleProcess :: WormHoleParams -> CreateProcess
wormHoleProcess = proc "wormhole" . toCommand
runWormHoleProcess :: CreateProcess -> (Handle -> Handle -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
runWormHoleProcess p consumer =
bracketOnError setup (\v -> cleanup v <&&> return False) go
setup = do
(Just hin, Just hout, Nothing, pid)
<- createProcess p
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
return (hin, hout, pid)
cleanup (hin, hout, pid) = do
r <- waitForProcess pid
hClose hin
hClose hout
return $ case r of
ExitSuccess -> True
ExitFailure _ -> False
go h@(hin, hout, _) = consumer hin hout <&&> cleanup h
isInstalled :: IO Bool
isInstalled = inPath "wormhole"