* Fix minor FD leak in journal code. Closes: #754608 * direct: Fix handling of case where a work tree subdirectory cannot be written to due to permissions. * migrate: Avoid re-checksumming when migrating from hashE to hash backend. * uninit: Avoid failing final removal in some direct mode repositories due to file modes. * S3: Deal with AWS ACL configurations that do not allow creating or checking the location of a bucket, but only reading and writing content to it. * resolvemerge: New plumbing command that runs the automatic merge conflict resolver. * Deal with change in git 2.0 that made indirect mode merge conflict resolution leave behind old files. * sync: Fix git sync with local git remotes even when they don't have an annex.uuid set. (The assistant already did so.) * Set gcrypt-publish-participants when setting up a gcrypt repository, to avoid unncessary passphrase prompts. This is a security/usability tradeoff. To avoid exposing the gpg key ids who can decrypt the repository, users can unset gcrypt-publish-participants. * Install nautilus hooks even when ~/.local/share/nautilus/ does not yet exist, since it is not automatically created for Gnome 3 users. * Windows: Move .vbs files out of git\bin, to avoid that being in the PATH, which caused some weird breakage. (Thanks, divB) * Windows: Fix locking issue that prevented the webapp starting (since 5.20140707). # imported from the archive
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{- A generic matcher.
- Can be used to check if a user-supplied condition,
- like "foo and ( bar or not baz )" matches. The condition must already
- be tokenized, and can contain arbitrary operations.
- If operations are not separated by and/or, they are defaulted to being
- anded together, so "foo bar baz" all must match.
- Is forgiving about misplaced closing parens, so "foo and (bar or baz"
- will be handled, as will "foo and ( bar or baz ) )"
- Copyright 2011-2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- License: BSD-2-clause
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, KindSignatures #-}
module Utility.Matcher (
) where
import Common
{- A Token can be an Operation of an arbitrary type, or one of a few
- predefined peices of syntax. -}
data Token op = Operation op | And | Or | Not | Open | Close
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Matcher op = MAny
| MAnd (Matcher op) (Matcher op)
| MOr (Matcher op) (Matcher op)
| MNot (Matcher op)
| MOp op
deriving (Show, Eq)
{- Converts a word of syntax into a token. Doesn't handle operations. -}
token :: String -> Token op
token "and" = And
token "or" = Or
token "not" = Not
token "(" = Open
token ")" = Close
token t = error $ "unknown token " ++ t
tokens :: [String]
tokens = words "and or not ( )"
{- Converts a list of Tokens into a Matcher. -}
generate :: [Token op] -> Matcher op
generate = simplify . process MAny . tokenGroups
process m [] = m
process m ts = uncurry process $ consume m ts
consume m (One And:rest) = term (m `MAnd`) rest
consume m (One Or:rest) = term (m `MOr`) rest
consume m (One Not:rest) = term (\p -> m `MAnd` (MNot p)) rest
consume m (One (Operation o):rest) = (m `MAnd` MOp o, rest)
consume m (Group g:rest) = (process m g, rest)
consume m (_:rest) = consume m rest
consume m [] = (m, [])
term a l =
let (p, l') = consume MAny l
in (a p, l')
simplify (MAnd MAny x) = simplify x
simplify (MAnd x MAny) = simplify x
simplify (MAnd x y) = MAnd (simplify x) (simplify y)
simplify (MOr x y) = MOr (simplify x) (simplify y)
simplify (MNot x) = MNot (simplify x)
simplify x = x
data TokenGroup op = One (Token op) | Group [TokenGroup op]
deriving (Show, Eq)
tokenGroups :: [Token op] -> [TokenGroup op]
tokenGroups [] = []
tokenGroups (t:ts) = go t
go Open =
let (gr, rest) = findClose ts
in gr : tokenGroups rest
go Close = tokenGroups ts -- not picky about missing Close
go _ = One t : tokenGroups ts
findClose :: [Token op] -> (TokenGroup op, [Token op])
findClose l =
let (g, rest) = go [] l
in (Group (reverse g), rest)
go c [] = (c, []) -- not picky about extra Close
go c (t:ts) = handle t
handle Close = (c, ts)
handle Open =
let (c', ts') = go [] ts
in go (Group (reverse c') : c) ts'
handle _ = go (One t:c) ts
{- Checks if a Matcher matches, using a supplied function to check
- the value of Operations. -}
match :: (op -> v -> Bool) -> Matcher op -> v -> Bool
match a m v = go m
go MAny = True
go (MAnd m1 m2) = go m1 && go m2
go (MOr m1 m2) = go m1 || go m2
go (MNot m1) = not $ go m1
go (MOp o) = a o v
{- Runs a monadic Matcher, where Operations are actions in the monad. -}
matchM :: Monad m => Matcher (v -> m Bool) -> v -> m Bool
matchM m v = matchMrun m $ \o -> o v
{- More generic running of a monadic Matcher, with full control over running
- of Operations. Mostly useful in order to match on more than one
- parameter. -}
matchMrun :: forall o (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Matcher o -> (o -> m Bool) -> m Bool
matchMrun m run = go m
go MAny = return True
go (MAnd m1 m2) = go m1 <&&> go m2
go (MOr m1 m2) = go m1 <||> go m2
go (MNot m1) = liftM not (go m1)
go (MOp o) = run o
{- Checks if a matcher contains no limits. -}
isEmpty :: Matcher a -> Bool
isEmpty MAny = True
isEmpty _ = False
prop_matcher_sane :: Bool
prop_matcher_sane = all (\m -> match dummy m ()) $ map generate
[ [Operation True]
, []
, [Operation False, Or, Operation True, Or, Operation False]
, [Operation True, Or, Operation True]
, [Operation True, And, Operation True]
, [Not, Open, Operation True, And, Operation False, Close]
, [Not, Open, Not, Open, Not, Operation False, Close, Close]
, [Not, Open, Not, Open, Not, Open, Not, Operation True, Close, Close]
, [Operation True, And, Not, Operation False]
, [Operation True, Not, Operation False]
, [Operation True, Not, Not, Not, Operation False]
, [Operation True, Not, Not, Not, Operation False, And, Operation True]
, [Operation True, Not, Not, Not, Operation False, Operation True]
, [Not, Open, Operation True, And, Operation False, Close,
And, Open,
Open, Operation True, And, Operation False, Close,
Open, Operation True, And, Open, Not, Operation False, Close, Close,
Close, And,
Open, Not, Operation False, Close]
dummy b _ = b