Finally builds (oh the agoncy of making it build), but still very unmergable, only Command.Find is included and lots of stuff is badly hacked to make it compile. Benchmarking vs master, this git-annex find is significantly faster! Specifically: num files old new speedup 48500 4.77 3.73 28% 12500 1.36 1.02 66% 20 0.075 0.074 0% (so startup time is unchanged) That's without really finishing the optimization. Things still to do: * Eliminate all the fromRawFilePath, toRawFilePath, encodeBS, decodeBS conversions. * Use versions of IO actions like getFileStatus that take a RawFilePath. * Eliminate some Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict, which is a slow copy. * Use ByteString for parsing git config to speed up startup. It's likely several of those will speed up git-annex find further. And other commands will certianly benefit even more.
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{- git-annex command-line JSON output and input
- Copyright 2011-2018 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GADTs #-}
module Messages.JSON (
) where
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Prelude
import Types.Messages
import Key
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.Percentage
import Utility.Aeson
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
-- A global lock to avoid concurrent threads emitting json at the same time.
{-# NOINLINE emitLock #-}
emitLock :: MVar ()
emitLock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ()
emit :: Object -> IO ()
emit o = do
takeMVar emitLock
L.hPut stdout (encode o)
putStr "\n"
putMVar emitLock ()
-- Building up a JSON object can be done by first using start,
-- then add and note any number of times, and finally complete.
type JSONBuilder = Maybe (Object, Bool) -> Maybe (Object, Bool)
none :: JSONBuilder
none = id
start :: String -> Maybe RawFilePath -> Maybe Key -> JSONBuilder
start command file key _ = Just (o, False)
Object o = toJSON' $ JSONActionItem
{ itemCommand = Just command
, itemKey = key
, itemFile = fromRawFilePath <$> file
, itemAdded = Nothing
end :: Bool -> JSONBuilder
end b (Just (o, _)) = Just (HM.insert "success" (toJSON' b) o, True)
end _ Nothing = Nothing
finalize :: JSONOptions -> Object -> Object
finalize jsonoptions o
-- Always include error-messages field, even if empty,
-- to make the json be self-documenting.
| jsonErrorMessages jsonoptions = addErrorMessage [] o
| otherwise = o
addErrorMessage :: [String] -> Object -> Object
addErrorMessage msg o =
HM.insertWith combinearray "error-messages" v o
combinearray (Array new) (Array old) = Array (old <> new)
combinearray new _old = new
v = Array $ V.fromList $ map (String . packString) msg
note :: String -> JSONBuilder
note _ Nothing = Nothing
note s (Just (o, e)) = Just (HM.insertWith combinelines "note" (toJSON' s) o, e)
combinelines (String new) (String old) =
String (old <> "\n" <> new)
combinelines new _old = new
info :: String -> JSONBuilder
info s _ = Just (o, True)
Object o = object ["info" .= toJSON' s]
data JSONChunk v where
AesonObject :: Object -> JSONChunk Object
JSONChunk :: ToJSON' v => [(String, v)] -> JSONChunk [(String, v)]
add :: JSONChunk v -> JSONBuilder
add v (Just (o, e)) = Just (HM.union o' o, e)
Object o' = case v of
AesonObject ao -> Object ao
JSONChunk l -> object $ map mkPair l
mkPair (s, d) = (packString s, toJSON' d)
add _ Nothing = Nothing
complete :: JSONChunk v -> JSONBuilder
complete v _ = add v (Just (HM.empty, True))
-- Show JSON formatted progress, including the current state of the JSON
-- object for the action being performed.
progress :: Maybe Object -> Maybe Integer -> BytesProcessed -> IO ()
progress maction msize bytesprocessed = emit $ case maction of
Just action -> HM.insert "action" (Object action) o
Nothing -> o
n = fromBytesProcessed bytesprocessed :: Integer
Object o = case msize of
Just size -> object
[ "byte-progress" .= n
, "percent-progress" .= showPercentage 2 (percentage size n)
, "total-size" .= size
Nothing -> object
[ "byte-progress" .= n ]
-- A value that can be displayed either normally, or as JSON.
data DualDisp = DualDisp
{ dispNormal :: String
, dispJson :: String
instance ToJSON' DualDisp where
toJSON' = toJSON' . dispJson
instance Show DualDisp where
show = dispNormal
-- A Map that is serialized to JSON as an object, with each key being a
-- field of the object. This is different from Aeson's normal
-- serialization of Map, which uses "[key, value]".
data ObjectMap a = ObjectMap { fromObjectMap :: M.Map String a }
instance ToJSON' a => ToJSON' (ObjectMap a) where
toJSON' (ObjectMap m) = object $ map go $ M.toList m
go (k, v) = (packString k, toJSON' v)
-- An item that a git-annex command acts on, and displays a JSON object about.
data JSONActionItem a = JSONActionItem
{ itemCommand :: Maybe String
, itemKey :: Maybe Key
, itemFile :: Maybe FilePath
, itemAdded :: Maybe a -- for additional fields added by `add`
deriving (Show)
instance ToJSON' (JSONActionItem a) where
toJSON' i = object $ catMaybes
[ Just $ "command" .= itemCommand i
, case itemKey i of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just k -> Just $ "key" .= toJSON' k
, Just $ "file" .= toJSON' (itemFile i)
-- itemAdded is not included; must be added later by 'add'
instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (JSONActionItem a) where
parseJSON (Object v) = JSONActionItem
<$> (v .:? "command")
<*> (maybe (return Nothing) parseJSON =<< (v .:? "key"))
<*> (v .:? "file")
<*> parseadded
parseadded = (Just <$> parseJSON (Object v)) <|> return Nothing
parseJSON _ = mempty