221 lines
7 KiB
221 lines
7 KiB
{- git-annex pseudo-backend
- This backend does not really do any independant data storage,
- it relies on the file contents in .git/annex/ in this repo,
- and other accessible repos.
- This is an abstract backend; name, getKey and fsckKey have to be implemented
- to complete it.
- Copyright 2010 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Backend.File (backend, checkKey) where
import Data.List
import Data.String.Utils
import Types.Backend
import LocationLog
import qualified Remote
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import Content
import qualified Annex
import Types
import UUID
import Messages
import Trust
import Types.Key
backend :: Backend Annex
backend = Backend {
name = mustProvide,
getKey = mustProvide,
storeFileKey = dummyStore,
retrieveKeyFile = copyKeyFile,
removeKey = checkRemoveKey,
hasKey = inAnnex,
fsckKey = checkKeyOnly,
upgradableKey = checkUpgradableKey
mustProvide :: a
mustProvide = error "must provide this field"
{- Storing a key is a no-op. -}
dummyStore :: FilePath -> Key -> Annex Bool
dummyStore _ _ = return True
{- Try to find a copy of the file in one of the remotes,
- and copy it to here. -}
copyKeyFile :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
copyKeyFile key file = do
(remotes, _) <- Remote.keyPossibilities key
if null remotes
then do
showNote "not available"
showLocations key []
return False
else trycopy remotes remotes
trycopy full [] = do
showTriedRemotes full
showLocations key []
return False
trycopy full (r:rs) = do
probablythere <- probablyPresent r
if probablythere
then docopy r (trycopy full rs)
else trycopy full rs
-- This check is to avoid an ugly message if a remote is a
-- drive that is not mounted.
probablyPresent r =
if Remote.hasKeyCheap r
then do
res <- Remote.hasKey r key
case res of
Right b -> return b
Left _ -> return False
else return True
docopy r continue = do
showNote $ "from " ++ Remote.name r ++ "..."
copied <- Remote.retrieveKeyFile r key file
if copied
then return True
else continue
{- Checks remotes to verify that enough copies of a key exist to allow
- for a key to be safely removed (with no data loss), and fails with an
- error if not. -}
checkRemoveKey :: Key -> Maybe Int -> Annex Bool
checkRemoveKey key numcopiesM = do
force <- Annex.getState Annex.force
if force || numcopiesM == Just 0
then return True
else do
(remotes, trusteduuids) <- Remote.keyPossibilities key
untrusteduuids <- trustGet UnTrusted
let tocheck = Remote.remotesWithoutUUID remotes (trusteduuids++untrusteduuids)
numcopies <- getNumCopies numcopiesM
findcopies numcopies trusteduuids tocheck []
findcopies need have [] bad
| length have >= need = return True
| otherwise = notEnoughCopies need have bad
findcopies need have (r:rs) bad
| length have >= need = return True
| otherwise = do
let u = Remote.uuid r
let dup = u `elem` have
haskey <- Remote.hasKey r key
case (dup, haskey) of
(False, Right True) -> findcopies need (u:have) rs bad
(False, Left _) -> findcopies need have rs (r:bad)
_ -> findcopies need have rs bad
notEnoughCopies need have bad = do
showLongNote $
"Could only verify the existence of " ++
show (length have) ++ " out of " ++ show need ++
" necessary copies"
showTriedRemotes bad
showLocations key have
return False
unsafe = showNote "unsafe"
hint = showLongNote "(Use --force to override this check, or adjust annex.numcopies.)"
showLocations :: Key -> [UUID] -> Annex ()
showLocations key exclude = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
u <- getUUID g
uuids <- keyLocations g key
untrusteduuids <- trustGet UnTrusted
let uuidswanted = filteruuids uuids (u:exclude++untrusteduuids)
let uuidsskipped = filteruuids uuids (u:exclude++uuidswanted)
ppuuidswanted <- prettyPrintUUIDs uuidswanted
ppuuidsskipped <- prettyPrintUUIDs uuidsskipped
showLongNote $ message ppuuidswanted ppuuidsskipped
filteruuids list x = filter (`notElem` x) list
message [] [] = "No other repository is known to contain the file."
message rs [] = "Try making some of these repositories available:\n" ++ rs
message [] us = "Also these untrusted repositories may contain the file:\n" ++ us
message rs us = message rs [] ++ message [] us
showTriedRemotes :: [Remote.Remote Annex] -> Annex ()
showTriedRemotes [] = return ()
showTriedRemotes remotes =
showLongNote $ "Unable to access these remotes: " ++
(join ", " $ map Remote.name remotes)
{- If a value is specified, it is used; otherwise the default is looked up
- in git config. forcenumcopies overrides everything. -}
getNumCopies :: Maybe Int -> Annex Int
getNumCopies v =
Annex.getState Annex.forcenumcopies >>= maybe (use v) (return . id)
use (Just n) = return n
use Nothing = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
return $ read $ Git.configGet g config "1"
config = "annex.numcopies"
{- Ideally, all keys have file size metadata. Old keys may not. -}
checkUpgradableKey :: Key -> Annex Bool
checkUpgradableKey key
| keySize key == Nothing = return True
| otherwise = return False
{- This is used to check that numcopies is satisfied for the key on fsck.
- This trusts data in the the location log, and so can check all keys, even
- those with data not present in the current annex.
- The passed action is first run to allow backends deriving this one
- to do their own checks.
checkKey :: (Key -> Annex Bool) -> Key -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Annex Bool
checkKey a key file numcopies = do
a_ok <- a key
copies_ok <- checkKeyNumCopies key file numcopies
return $ a_ok && copies_ok
checkKeyOnly :: Key -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Annex Bool
checkKeyOnly = checkKey (\_ -> return True)
checkKeyNumCopies :: Key -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Annex Bool
checkKeyNumCopies key file numcopies = do
needed <- getNumCopies numcopies
g <- Annex.gitRepo
locations <- keyLocations g key
untrusted <- trustGet UnTrusted
let untrustedlocations = intersect untrusted locations
let safelocations = filter (`notElem` untrusted) locations
let present = length safelocations
if present < needed
then do
ppuuids <- prettyPrintUUIDs untrustedlocations
warning $ missingNote (filename file key) present needed ppuuids
return False
else return True
filename Nothing k = show k
filename (Just f) _ = f
missingNote :: String -> Int -> Int -> String -> String
missingNote file 0 _ [] =
"** No known copies of " ++ file ++ " exist!"
missingNote file 0 _ untrusted =
"Only these untrusted locations may have copies of " ++ file ++
"\n" ++ untrusted ++
"Back it up to trusted locations with git-annex copy."
missingNote file present needed [] =
"Only " ++ show present ++ " of " ++ show needed ++
" trustworthy copies of " ++ file ++ " exist." ++
"\nBack it up with git-annex copy."
missingNote file present needed untrusted =
missingNote file present needed [] ++
"\nThe following untrusted locations may also have copies: " ++
"\n" ++ untrusted