Only fsck and reinject and the test suite used the Backend, and they can look it up as needed from the Key. This simplifies the code and also speeds it up. There is a small behavior change here. Before, all commands would warn when acting on an annexed file with an unknown backend. Now, only fsck and reinject show that warning.
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Copyright 2013 Antoine Beaupré
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.List where
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Function
import Data.Tuple.Utils
import Data.Ord
import Common.Annex
import Command
import Remote
import Logs.Trust
import Logs.UUID
import Annex.UUID
import qualified Annex
import Git.Types (RemoteName)
def :: [Command]
def = [noCommit $ withOptions [allrepos] $ command "list" paramPaths seek
SectionQuery "show which remotes contain files"]
allrepos :: Option
allrepos = flagOption [] "allrepos" "show all repositories, not only remotes"
seek :: CommandSeek
seek ps = do
list <- getList
printHeader list
withFilesInGit (whenAnnexed $ start list) ps
getList :: Annex [(UUID, RemoteName, TrustLevel)]
getList = ifM (Annex.getFlag $ optionName allrepos)
( nubBy ((==) `on` fst3) <$> ((++) <$> getRemotes <*> getAllUUIDs)
, getRemotes
getRemotes = do
rs <- remoteList
ts <- mapM (lookupTrust . uuid) rs
hereu <- getUUID
heretrust <- lookupTrust hereu
return $ (hereu, "here", heretrust) : zip3 (map uuid rs) (map name rs) ts
getAllUUIDs = do
rs <- M.toList <$> uuidMap
rs3 <- forM rs $ \(u, n) -> (,,)
<$> pure u
<*> pure n
<*> lookupTrust u
return $ sortBy (comparing snd3) $
filter (\t -> thd3 t /= DeadTrusted) rs3
printHeader :: [(UUID, RemoteName, TrustLevel)] -> Annex ()
printHeader l = liftIO $ putStrLn $ header $ map (\(_, n, t) -> (n, t)) l
start :: [(UUID, RemoteName, TrustLevel)] -> FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start l file key = do
ls <- S.fromList <$> keyLocations key
liftIO $ putStrLn $ format (map (\(u, _, t) -> (t, S.member u ls)) l) file
type Present = Bool
header :: [(RemoteName, TrustLevel)] -> String
header remotes = unlines (zipWith formatheader [0..] remotes) ++ pipes (length remotes)
formatheader n (remotename, trustlevel) = pipes n ++ remotename ++ trust trustlevel
pipes = flip replicate '|'
trust UnTrusted = " (untrusted)"
trust _ = ""
format :: [(TrustLevel, Present)] -> FilePath -> String
format remotes file = thereMap ++ " " ++ file
thereMap = concatMap there remotes
there (UnTrusted, True) = "x"
there (_, True) = "X"
there (_, False) = "_"