Joey Hess 3dd4b4058f implement pair request broadcasts
Pair requests are sent on all network interfaces, and contain the best
available hostname to use to contact the host on that interface.

Added a pairing in progress page.

Revert "reduce some boilerplate using ghc extensions", because it caused
overlapping instances for Text.
2012-09-08 13:04:19 -04:00

128 lines
4.8 KiB
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{- git-annex assistant webapp configurator for pairing
- Pairing works like this:
- * The user opens StartPairR, which prompts them for a secret.
- * The user submits it. The pairing secret is stored for later.
- A PairReq is broadcast out.
- * On another device, it's received, and that causes its webapp to
- display an Alert.
- * The user there clicks the button, which opens FinishPairR,
- which prompts them for the same secret.
- * The secret is used to verify the PairReq. If it checks out,
- a PairAck is sent, and the other device adds the ssh key from the
- PairReq. An Alert is displayed noting that the pairing has been set up.
- * The PairAck is received back at the device that started the process.
- It's verified using the stored secret. The ssh key from the PairAck
- is added. An Alert is displayed noting that the pairing has been set
- up. The pairing secret is removed to prevent anyone cracking the
- crypto.
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes #-}
module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Pairing where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.Pairing
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Utility.Verifiable
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar
import Utility.Yesod
import Yesod
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.Char
import System.Posix.User
getStartPairR :: Handler RepHtml
getStartPairR = promptSecret Nothing $ \rawsecret secret -> do
username <- liftIO $ getUserName
let sshkey = "" -- TODO generate/read ssh key
let mkmsg hostname = PairReqM $ PairReq $
mkVerifiable (PairData hostname username sshkey) secret
pip <- liftIO $ PairingInProgress secret <$> multicastPairMsg mkmsg
dstatus <- daemonStatus <$> lift getYesod
liftIO $ modifyDaemonStatus_ dstatus $
\s -> s { pairingInProgress = pip : pairingInProgress s }
lift $ redirect $ InprogressPairR rawsecret
getInprogressPairR :: Text -> Handler RepHtml
getInprogressPairR secret = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
setTitle "Pairing"
$(widgetFile "configurators/inprogresspairing")
getFinishPairR :: PairReq -> Handler RepHtml
getFinishPairR req = promptSecret (Just req) $ \_ secret -> do
error "TODO"
data InputSecret = InputSecret { secretText :: Maybe Text }
promptSecret :: Maybe PairReq -> (Text -> Secret -> Widget) -> Handler RepHtml
promptSecret req cont = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
setTitle "Pairing"
((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $
InputSecret <$> aopt textField "Secret phrase" Nothing
case result of
FormSuccess v -> do
let rawsecret = fromMaybe "" $ secretText v
let secret = toSecret rawsecret
case req of
Nothing -> case secretProblem secret of
Nothing -> cont rawsecret secret
Just problem ->
showform form enctype $ Just problem
Just r ->
if verified (fromPairReq r) secret
then cont rawsecret secret
else showform form enctype $ Just
"That's not the right secret phrase."
_ -> showform form enctype Nothing
showform form enctype mproblem = do
let start = isNothing req
let badphrase = isJust mproblem
let msg = fromMaybe "" mproblem
let (username, hostname) = maybe ("", "")
(\v -> (T.pack $ remoteUserName v, T.pack $ remoteHostName v))
(verifiableVal . fromPairReq <$> req)
u <- T.pack <$> liftIO getUserName
let sameusername = username == u
let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
$(widgetFile "configurators/pairing")
{- This counts unicode characters as more than one character,
- but that's ok; they *do* provide additional entropy. -}
secretProblem :: Secret -> Maybe Text
secretProblem s
| B.null s = Just "The secret phrase cannot be left empty. (Remember that punctuation and white space is ignored.)"
| B.length s < 7 = Just "Enter a longer secret phrase, at least 6 characters, but really, a phrase is best! This is not a password you'll need to enter every day."
| s == toSecret sampleQuote = Just "Speaking of foolishness, don't paste in the example I gave. Enter a different phrase, please!"
| otherwise = Nothing
toSecret :: Text -> Secret
toSecret s = B.fromChunks [T.encodeUtf8 $ T.toLower $ T.filter isAlphaNum s]
{- From Dickens -}
sampleQuote :: Text
sampleQuote = T.unwords
[ "It was the best of times,"
, "it was the worst of times,"
, "it was the age of wisdom,"
, "it was the age of foolishness."
getUserName :: IO String
getUserName = userName <$> (getUserEntryForID =<< getEffectiveUserID)