383 lines
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383 lines
10 KiB
{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Command.Status where
import "mtl" Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.JSON
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Ord
import System.PosixCompat.Files
import Common.Annex
import qualified Remote
import qualified Command.Unused
import qualified Git
import qualified Annex
import Command
import Utility.DataUnits
import Utility.DiskFree
import Annex.Content
import Types.Key
import Logs.UUID
import Logs.Trust
import Remote
import Config
import Utility.Percentage
import Logs.Transfer
import Types.TrustLevel
import Types.FileMatcher
import qualified Limit
-- a named computation that produces a statistic
type Stat = StatState (Maybe (String, StatState String))
-- data about a set of keys
data KeyData = KeyData
{ countKeys :: Integer
, sizeKeys :: Integer
, unknownSizeKeys :: Integer
, backendsKeys :: M.Map String Integer
data NumCopiesStats = NumCopiesStats
{ numCopiesVarianceMap :: M.Map Variance Integer
newtype Variance = Variance Int
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Variance where
show (Variance n)
| n >= 0 = "numcopies +" ++ show n
| otherwise = "numcopies " ++ show n
-- cached info that multiple Stats use
data StatInfo = StatInfo
{ presentData :: Maybe KeyData
, referencedData :: Maybe KeyData
, numCopiesStats :: Maybe NumCopiesStats
-- a state monad for running Stats in
type StatState = StateT StatInfo Annex
def :: [Command]
def = [command "status" paramPaths seek
SectionQuery "shows status information about the annex"]
seek :: [CommandSeek]
seek = [withWords start]
start :: [FilePath] -> CommandStart
start [] = do
start ps = do
mapM_ localStatus =<< filterM isdir ps
isdir = liftIO . catchBoolIO . (isDirectory <$$> getFileStatus)
globalStatus :: Annex ()
globalStatus = do
stats <- selStats global_fast_stats global_slow_stats
showCustom "status" $ do
evalStateT (mapM_ showStat stats) (StatInfo Nothing Nothing Nothing)
return True
localStatus :: FilePath -> Annex ()
localStatus dir = showCustom (unwords ["status", dir]) $ do
stats <- selStats (tostats local_fast_stats) (tostats local_slow_stats)
evalStateT (mapM_ showStat stats) =<< getLocalStatInfo dir
return True
tostats = map (\s -> s dir)
selStats :: [Stat] -> [Stat] -> Annex [Stat]
selStats fast_stats slow_stats = do
fast <- Annex.getState Annex.fast
return $ if fast
then fast_stats
else fast_stats ++ slow_stats
{- Order is significant. Less expensive operations, and operations
- that share data go together.
global_fast_stats :: [Stat]
global_fast_stats =
[ repository_mode
, remote_list Trusted
, remote_list SemiTrusted
, remote_list UnTrusted
, transfer_list
, disk_size
global_slow_stats :: [Stat]
global_slow_stats =
[ tmp_size
, bad_data_size
, local_annex_keys
, local_annex_size
, known_annex_keys
, known_annex_size
, bloom_info
, backend_usage
local_fast_stats :: [FilePath -> Stat]
local_fast_stats =
[ local_dir
, const local_annex_keys
, const local_annex_size
, const known_annex_keys
, const known_annex_size
local_slow_stats :: [FilePath -> Stat]
local_slow_stats =
[ const numcopies_stats
stat :: String -> (String -> StatState String) -> Stat
stat desc a = return $ Just (desc, a desc)
nostat :: Stat
nostat = return Nothing
json :: JSON j => (j -> String) -> StatState j -> String -> StatState String
json serialize a desc = do
j <- a
lift $ maybeShowJSON [(desc, j)]
return $ serialize j
nojson :: StatState String -> String -> StatState String
nojson a _ = a
showStat :: Stat -> StatState ()
showStat s = maybe noop calc =<< s
calc (desc, a) = do
(lift . showHeader) desc
lift . showRaw =<< a
repository_mode :: Stat
repository_mode = stat "repository mode" $ json id $ lift $
ifM isDirect
( return "direct", return "indirect" )
remote_list :: TrustLevel -> Stat
remote_list level = stat n $ nojson $ lift $ do
us <- M.keys <$> (M.union <$> uuidMap <*> remoteMap Remote.name)
rs <- fst <$> trustPartition level us
s <- prettyPrintUUIDs n rs
return $ if null s then "0" else show (length rs) ++ "\n" ++ beginning s
n = showTrustLevel level ++ " repositories"
local_dir :: FilePath -> Stat
local_dir dir = stat "directory" $ json id $ return dir
local_annex_size :: Stat
local_annex_size = stat "local annex size" $ json id $
showSizeKeys <$> cachedPresentData
local_annex_keys :: Stat
local_annex_keys = stat "local annex keys" $ json show $
countKeys <$> cachedPresentData
known_annex_size :: Stat
known_annex_size = stat "known annex size" $ json id $
showSizeKeys <$> cachedReferencedData
known_annex_keys :: Stat
known_annex_keys = stat "known annex keys" $ json show $
countKeys <$> cachedReferencedData
tmp_size :: Stat
tmp_size = staleSize "temporary directory size" gitAnnexTmpDir
bad_data_size :: Stat
bad_data_size = staleSize "bad keys size" gitAnnexBadDir
bloom_info :: Stat
bloom_info = stat "bloom filter size" $ json id $ do
localkeys <- countKeys <$> cachedPresentData
capacity <- fromIntegral <$> lift Command.Unused.bloomCapacity
let note = aside $
if localkeys >= capacity
then "appears too small for this repository; adjust annex.bloomcapacity"
else showPercentage 1 (percentage capacity localkeys) ++ " full"
-- Two bloom filters are used at the same time, so double the size
-- of one.
size <- roughSize memoryUnits False . (* 2) . fromIntegral . fst <$>
lift Command.Unused.bloomBitsHashes
return $ size ++ note
transfer_list :: Stat
transfer_list = stat "transfers in progress" $ nojson $ lift $ do
uuidmap <- Remote.remoteMap id
ts <- getTransfers
return $ if null ts
then "none"
else multiLine $
map (uncurry $ line uuidmap) $ sort ts
line uuidmap t i = unwords
[ showLcDirection (transferDirection t) ++ "ing"
, fromMaybe (key2file $ transferKey t) (associatedFile i)
, if transferDirection t == Upload then "to" else "from"
, maybe (fromUUID $ transferUUID t) Remote.name $
M.lookup (transferUUID t) uuidmap
disk_size :: Stat
disk_size = stat "available local disk space" $ json id $ lift $
<$> (annexDiskReserve <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
<*> inRepo (getDiskFree . gitAnnexDir)
calcfree reserve (Just have) = unwords
[ roughSize storageUnits False $ nonneg $ have - reserve
, "(+" ++ roughSize storageUnits False reserve
, "reserved)"
calcfree _ _ = "unknown"
nonneg x
| x >= 0 = x
| otherwise = 0
backend_usage :: Stat
backend_usage = stat "backend usage" $ nojson $
<$> (backendsKeys <$> cachedReferencedData)
<*> (backendsKeys <$> cachedPresentData)
calc x y = multiLine $
map (\(n, b) -> b ++ ": " ++ show n) $
reverse $ sort $ map swap $ M.toList $
M.unionWith (+) x y
numcopies_stats :: Stat
numcopies_stats = stat "numcopies stats" $ nojson $
calc <$> (maybe M.empty numCopiesVarianceMap <$> cachedNumCopiesStats)
calc = multiLine
. map (\(variance, count) -> show variance ++ ": " ++ show count)
. reverse . sortBy (comparing snd) . M.toList
cachedPresentData :: StatState KeyData
cachedPresentData = do
s <- get
case presentData s of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> do
v <- foldKeys <$> lift getKeysPresent
put s { presentData = Just v }
return v
cachedReferencedData :: StatState KeyData
cachedReferencedData = do
s <- get
case referencedData s of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> do
!v <- lift $ Command.Unused.withKeysReferenced
emptyKeyData addKey
put s { referencedData = Just v }
return v
-- currently only available for local status
cachedNumCopiesStats :: StatState (Maybe NumCopiesStats)
cachedNumCopiesStats = numCopiesStats <$> get
getLocalStatInfo :: FilePath -> Annex StatInfo
getLocalStatInfo dir = do
fast <- Annex.getState Annex.fast
matcher <- Limit.getMatcher
(presentdata, referenceddata, numcopiesstats) <-
Command.Unused.withKeysFilesReferencedIn dir initial
(update matcher fast)
return $ StatInfo (Just presentdata) (Just referenceddata) (Just numcopiesstats)
initial = (emptyKeyData, emptyKeyData, emptyNumCopiesStats)
update matcher fast key file vs@(presentdata, referenceddata, numcopiesstats) =
ifM (matcher $ FileInfo file file)
( do
!presentdata' <- ifM (inAnnex key)
( return $ addKey key presentdata
, return presentdata
let !referenceddata' = addKey key referenceddata
!numcopiesstats' <- if fast
then return numcopiesstats
else updateNumCopiesStats key file numcopiesstats
return $! (presentdata', referenceddata', numcopiesstats')
, return vs
emptyKeyData :: KeyData
emptyKeyData = KeyData 0 0 0 M.empty
emptyNumCopiesStats :: NumCopiesStats
emptyNumCopiesStats = NumCopiesStats M.empty
foldKeys :: [Key] -> KeyData
foldKeys = foldl' (flip addKey) emptyKeyData
addKey :: Key -> KeyData -> KeyData
addKey key (KeyData count size unknownsize backends) =
KeyData count' size' unknownsize' backends'
{- All calculations strict to avoid thunks when repeatedly
- applied to many keys. -}
!count' = count + 1
!backends' = M.insertWith' (+) (keyBackendName key) 1 backends
!size' = maybe size (+ size) ks
!unknownsize' = maybe (unknownsize + 1) (const unknownsize) ks
ks = keySize key
updateNumCopiesStats :: Key -> FilePath -> NumCopiesStats -> Annex NumCopiesStats
updateNumCopiesStats key file (NumCopiesStats m) = do
!variance <- Variance <$> numCopiesCheck file key (-)
let !m' = M.insertWith' (+) variance 1 m
let !ret = NumCopiesStats m'
return ret
showSizeKeys :: KeyData -> String
showSizeKeys d = total ++ missingnote
total = roughSize storageUnits False $ sizeKeys d
| unknownSizeKeys d == 0 = ""
| otherwise = aside $
"+ " ++ show (unknownSizeKeys d) ++
" keys of unknown size"
staleSize :: String -> (Git.Repo -> FilePath) -> Stat
staleSize label dirspec = go =<< lift (Command.Unused.staleKeys dirspec)
go [] = nostat
go keys = onsize =<< sum <$> keysizes keys
onsize 0 = nostat
onsize size = stat label $
json (++ aside "clean up with git-annex unused") $
return $ roughSize storageUnits False size
keysizes keys = map (fromIntegral . fileSize) <$> stats keys
stats keys = do
dir <- lift $ fromRepo dirspec
liftIO $ forM keys $ \k -> getFileStatus (dir </> keyFile k)
aside :: String -> String
aside s = " (" ++ s ++ ")"
multiLine :: [String] -> String
multiLine = concatMap (\l -> "\n\t" ++ l)