Each command that first checks preferred content (and/or required content) and then does something that can change the sizes of repositories needs to call prepareLiveUpdate, and plumb it through the preferred content check and the location log update. So far, only Command.Drop is done. Many other commands that don't need to do this have been updated to keep working. There may be some calls to NoLiveUpdate in places where that should be done. All will need to be double checked. Not currently in a compilable state.
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{- git-annex assistant unused files
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Assistant.Unused where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Assistant.Common
import qualified Git
import Logs.Unused
import Logs.Location
import Annex.Content
import Utility.DataUnits
import Utility.DiskFree
import Utility.HumanTime
import Utility.Tense
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Text as T
describeUnused :: Assistant (Maybe TenseText)
describeUnused = describeUnused' False
describeUnusedWhenBig :: Assistant (Maybe TenseText)
describeUnusedWhenBig = describeUnused' True
{- This uses heuristics: 1000 unused keys, or more unused keys
- than the remaining free disk space, or more than 1/10th the total
- disk space being unused keys all suggest a problem. -}
describeUnused' :: Bool -> Assistant (Maybe TenseText)
describeUnused' whenbig = liftAnnex $ go =<< readUnusedLog ""
go m = do
let num = M.size m
let diskused = foldl' sumkeysize 0 (M.keys m)
df <- forpath getDiskFree
disksize <- forpath getDiskSize
return $ if num == 0
then Nothing
else if not whenbig || moreused df diskused || tenthused disksize diskused
then Just $ tenseWords
[ UnTensed $ T.pack $ roughSize storageUnits False diskused
, Tensed "are" "were"
, "taken up by unused files"
else if num > 1000
then Just $ tenseWords
[ UnTensed $ T.pack $ show num ++ " unused files"
, Tensed "exist" "existed"
else Nothing
moreused Nothing _ = False
moreused (Just df) used = df <= used
tenthused Nothing _ = False
tenthused (Just disksize) used = used >= disksize `div` 10
sumkeysize s k = s + fromMaybe 0 (fromKey keySize k)
forpath a = inRepo $ liftIO . a . fromRawFilePath . Git.repoPath
{- With a duration, expires all unused files that are older.
- With Nothing, expires *all* unused files. -}
expireUnused :: Maybe Duration -> Assistant ()
expireUnused duration = do
m <- liftAnnex $ readUnusedLog ""
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
let oldkeys = M.keys $ M.filter (tooold now) m
forM_ oldkeys $ \k -> do
debug ["removing old unused key", serializeKey k]
liftAnnex $ tryNonAsync $ do
lockContentForRemoval k noop removeAnnex
logStatus NoLiveUpdate k InfoMissing
boundary = durationToPOSIXTime <$> duration
tooold now (_, mt) = case boundary of
Nothing -> True
Just b -> maybe False (\t -> now - t >= b) mt