Ignore annex.numcopies set to 0 in gitattributes or git config, or by git-annex numcopies or by --numcopies, since that configuration would make git-annex easily lose data. Same for mincopies. This is a continuation of the work to make data only be able to be lost when --force is used. It earlier led to the --trust option being disabled, and similar reasoning applies here. Most numcopies configs had docs that strongly discouraged setting it to 0 anyway. And I can't imagine a use case for setting to 0. Not that there might not be one, but it's just so far from the intended use case of git-annex, of managing and storing your data, that it does not seem like it makes sense to cater to such a hypothetical use case, where any git-annex drop can lose your data at any time. Using a smart constructor makes sure every place avoids 0. Note that this does mean that NumCopies is for the configured desired values, and not the actual existing number of copies, which of course can be 0. The name configuredNumCopies is used to make that clear. Sponsored-by: Brock Spratlen on Patreon
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{- git-annex assistant general preferences
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Preferences (
) where
import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import Config
import Config.Files.AutoStart
import Annex.NumCopies
import Utility.DataUnits
import Types.Distribution
import Assistant.Upgrade
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
data PrefsForm = PrefsForm
{ diskReserve :: Text
, numCopies :: Int
, autoStart :: Bool
, autoUpgrade :: AutoUpgrade
prefsAForm :: PrefsForm -> MkAForm PrefsForm
prefsAForm d = PrefsForm
<$> areq (storageField `withNote` diskreservenote)
(bfs "Disk reserve") (Just $ diskReserve d)
<*> areq (positiveIntField `withNote` numcopiesnote)
(bfs "Number of copies") (Just $ numCopies d)
<*> areq (checkBoxField `withNote` autostartnote)
"Auto start" (Just $ autoStart d)
<*> areq (selectFieldList autoUpgradeChoices)
(bfs autoUpgradeLabel) (Just $ autoUpgrade d)
diskreservenote = [whamlet|<br>Avoid downloading files from other repositories when there is too little free disk space.|]
numcopiesnote = [whamlet|<br>Only drop a file after verifying that other repositories contain this many copies.|]
autostartnote = [whamlet|Start the git-annex assistant at boot or on login.|]
autoUpgradeChoices :: [(Text, AutoUpgrade)]
autoUpgradeChoices =
[ ("ask me", AskUpgrade)
, ("enabled", AutoUpgrade)
, ("disabled", NoAutoUpgrade)
| upgradeSupported = "Auto upgrade"
| otherwise = "Auto restart on upgrade"
positiveIntField = check isPositive intField
isPositive i
| i > 0 = Right i
| otherwise = Left notPositive
notPositive :: Text
notPositive = "This should be 1 or more!"
storageField = check validStorage textField
validStorage t
| T.null t = Right t
| otherwise = case readSize dataUnits $ T.unpack t of
Nothing -> Left badParse
Just _ -> Right t
badParse :: Text
badParse = "Parse error. Expected something like \"100 megabytes\" or \"2 gb\""
getPrefs :: Annex PrefsForm
getPrefs = PrefsForm
<$> (T.pack . roughSize storageUnits False . annexDiskReserve <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
<*> (fromNumCopies <$> getNumCopies)
<*> inAutoStartFile
<*> (annexAutoUpgrade <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
storePrefs :: PrefsForm -> Annex ()
storePrefs p = do
setConfig (annexConfig "diskreserve") (T.unpack $ diskReserve p)
setGlobalNumCopies (configuredNumCopies $ numCopies p)
unsetConfig (annexConfig "numcopies") -- deprecated
setConfig (annexConfig "autoupgrade") (fromAutoUpgrade $ autoUpgrade p)
unlessM ((==) <$> pure (autoStart p) <*> inAutoStartFile) $ do
here <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo Git.repoPath
liftIO $ if autoStart p
then addAutoStartFile here
else removeAutoStartFile here
getPreferencesR :: Handler Html
getPreferencesR = postPreferencesR
postPreferencesR :: Handler Html
postPreferencesR = page "Preferences" (Just Configuration) $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $ do
current <- liftAnnex getPrefs
runFormPostNoToken $ renderBootstrap3 bootstrapFormLayout $ prefsAForm current
case result of
FormSuccess new -> liftH $ do
liftAnnex $ storePrefs new
redirect ConfigurationR
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/preferences")
inAutoStartFile :: Annex Bool
inAutoStartFile = do
here <- liftIO . absPath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath
any (`P.equalFilePath` here) . map toRawFilePath
<$> liftIO readAutoStartFile