When concurrency is enabled, there can be worker threads still running when the time limit is checked. Exiting right there does not give those threads time to finish what they're doing. Instead, the seeking is wrapped up, and git-annex then shuts down cleanly. The whole point of --time-limit existing, rather than using timeout(1) when running git-annex is to let git-annex finish the action(s) it is working on when the time limit is reached, and shut down cleanly. I noticed this problem when investigating why restagePointerFile might not have run after get/drop of an unlocked file. With --time-limit -J, a worker thread may have finished updating a work tree file, and be killed by the time limit check before it can run restagePointerFile. So despite --time-limit running the shutdown actions, the work tree file didn't get restaged. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's DANDI project
636 lines
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636 lines
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{- git-annex command seeking
- These functions find appropriate files or other things based on
- the values a user passes to a command, and prepare actions operating
- on them.
- Copyright 2010-2022 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module CmdLine.Seek where
import Annex.Common
import Types.Command
import Types.FileMatcher
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
import qualified Git.LsTree as LsTree
import qualified Git.Types as Git
import qualified Git.Ref
import Git.Types (toTreeItemType, TreeItemType(..))
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Limit
import CmdLine.GitAnnex.Options
import CmdLine.Action
import Logs
import Logs.Unused
import Logs.Location
import Types.Transfer
import Logs.Transfer
import Types.Link
import Remote.List
import qualified Remote
import Annex.CatFile
import Git.CatFile
import Annex.CurrentBranch
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Link
import Annex.InodeSentinal
import Annex.Concurrent
import Annex.CheckIgnore
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Database.Keys
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import Utility.Tuple
import Utility.HumanTime
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import System.Posix.Types
import Data.IORef
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
data AnnexedFileSeeker = AnnexedFileSeeker
{ startAction :: SeekInput -> RawFilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
, checkContentPresent :: Maybe Bool
, usesLocationLog :: Bool
withFilesInGitAnnex :: WarnUnmatchWhen -> AnnexedFileSeeker -> WorkTreeItems -> CommandSeek
withFilesInGitAnnex ww a l = seekFilteredKeys a $
seekHelper fst3 ww LsFiles.inRepoDetails l
withFilesInGitAnnexNonRecursive :: WarnUnmatchWhen -> String -> AnnexedFileSeeker -> WorkTreeItems -> CommandSeek
withFilesInGitAnnexNonRecursive ww needforce a (WorkTreeItems l) = ifM (Annex.getRead Annex.force)
( withFilesInGitAnnex ww a (WorkTreeItems l)
, if null l
then giveup needforce
else seekFilteredKeys a (getfiles [] l)
getfiles c [] = return (reverse c, pure True)
getfiles c (p:ps) = do
os <- seekOptions ww
(fs, cleanup) <- inRepo $ LsFiles.inRepoDetails os [toRawFilePath p]
r <- case fs of
[f] -> do
propagateLsFilesError cleanup
fst <$> getfiles ((SeekInput [p], f):c) ps
[] -> do
propagateLsFilesError cleanup
fst <$> getfiles c ps
_ -> do
propagateLsFilesError cleanup
giveup needforce
return (r, pure True)
withFilesInGitAnnexNonRecursive _ _ _ NoWorkTreeItems = noop
withFilesNotInGit :: CheckGitIgnore -> WarnUnmatchWhen -> ((SeekInput, RawFilePath) -> CommandSeek) -> WorkTreeItems -> CommandSeek
withFilesNotInGit (CheckGitIgnore ci) ww a l = do
force <- Annex.getRead Annex.force
let include_ignored = force || not ci
seekFiltered (const (pure True)) a $
seekHelper id ww (const $ LsFiles.notInRepo [] include_ignored) l
withPathContents :: ((RawFilePath, RawFilePath) -> CommandSeek) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withPathContents a params = do
matcher <- Limit.getMatcher
checktimelimit <- mkCheckTimeLimit
go matcher checktimelimit params []
go _ _ [] [] = return ()
go matcher checktimelimit (p:ps) [] =
go matcher checktimelimit ps =<< liftIO (get p)
go matcher checktimelimit ps (f:fs) = checktimelimit noop $ do
whenM (checkmatch matcher f) $
a f
go matcher checktimelimit ps fs
-- Using getFileStatus not getSymbolicLinkStatus because it should
-- fail if the path that the user provided is a broken symlink,
-- the same as it fails if the path that the user provided does not
-- exist.
get p = ifM (isDirectory <$> getFileStatus p)
( map (\f ->
let f' = toRawFilePath f
in (f', P.makeRelative (P.takeDirectory (P.dropTrailingPathSeparator p')) f'))
<$> dirContentsRecursiveSkipping (".git" `isSuffixOf`) False p
, return [(p', P.takeFileName p')]
p' = toRawFilePath p
checkmatch matcher (f, relf) = matcher $ MatchingFile $ FileInfo
{ contentFile = f
, matchFile = relf
, matchKey = Nothing
withWords :: ([String] -> CommandSeek) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withWords a params = a params
withStrings :: (String -> CommandSeek) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withStrings a params = sequence_ $ map a params
withPairs :: ((SeekInput, (String, String)) -> CommandSeek) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withPairs a params = sequence_ $
map (\p@(x,y) -> a (SeekInput [x,y], p)) (pairs [] params)
pairs c [] = reverse c
pairs c (x:y:xs) = pairs ((x,y):c) xs
pairs _ _ = giveup "expected pairs"
withFilesToBeCommitted :: ((SeekInput, RawFilePath) -> CommandSeek) -> WorkTreeItems -> CommandSeek
withFilesToBeCommitted a l = seekFiltered (const (pure True)) a $
seekHelper id WarnUnmatchWorkTreeItems (const LsFiles.stagedNotDeleted) l
{- unlocked pointer files that are staged, and whose content has not been
- modified-}
withUnmodifiedUnlockedPointers :: WarnUnmatchWhen -> ((SeekInput, RawFilePath) -> CommandSeek) -> WorkTreeItems -> CommandSeek
withUnmodifiedUnlockedPointers ww a l =
seekFiltered (isUnmodifiedUnlocked . snd) a $
seekHelper id ww (const LsFiles.typeChangedStaged) l
isUnmodifiedUnlocked :: RawFilePath -> Annex Bool
isUnmodifiedUnlocked f = catKeyFile f >>= \case
Nothing -> return False
Just k -> sameInodeCache f =<< Database.Keys.getInodeCaches k
{- Finds files that may be modified. -}
withFilesMaybeModified :: WarnUnmatchWhen -> ((SeekInput, RawFilePath) -> CommandSeek) -> WorkTreeItems -> CommandSeek
withFilesMaybeModified ww a params = seekFiltered (const (pure True)) a $
seekHelper id ww LsFiles.modified params
withKeys :: ((SeekInput, Key) -> CommandSeek) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withKeys a ls = sequence_ $ map (\l -> a (SeekInput [l], parse l)) ls
parse p = fromMaybe (giveup "bad key") $ deserializeKey p
withNothing :: CommandSeek -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withNothing a [] = a
withNothing _ _ = giveup "This command takes no parameters."
{- Handles the --all, --branch, --unused, --failed, --key, and
- --incomplete options, which specify particular keys to run an
- action on.
- In a bare repo, --all is the default.
- Otherwise falls back to a regular CommandSeek action on
- whatever params were passed.
:: Maybe KeyOptions
-> Bool
-> AnnexedFileSeeker
-> ((SeekInput, Key, ActionItem) -> CommandSeek)
-> (WorkTreeItems -> CommandSeek)
-> WorkTreeItems
-> CommandSeek
withKeyOptions ko auto seeker keyaction = withKeyOptions' ko auto mkkeyaction
mkkeyaction = do
matcher <- Limit.getMatcher
return $ \lt v@(_si, k, ai) -> checkseeker k $
let i = case ai of
ActionItemBranchFilePath (BranchFilePath _ topf) _ ->
{ providedFilePath = Just $
getTopFilePath topf
, providedKey = Just k
, providedFileSize = Nothing
, providedMimeType = Nothing
, providedMimeEncoding = Nothing
, providedLinkType = lt
_ -> ProvidedInfo
{ providedFilePath = Nothing
, providedKey = Just k
, providedFileSize = Nothing
, providedMimeType = Nothing
, providedMimeEncoding = Nothing
, providedLinkType = lt
in whenM (matcher (MatchingInfo i)) $
keyaction v
checkseeker k a = case checkContentPresent seeker of
Nothing -> a
Just v -> do
present <- inAnnex k
when (present == v) a
:: Maybe KeyOptions
-> Bool
-> Annex (Maybe LinkType -> (SeekInput, Key, ActionItem) -> Annex ())
-> (WorkTreeItems -> CommandSeek)
-> WorkTreeItems
-> CommandSeek
withKeyOptions' ko auto mkkeyaction fallbackaction worktreeitems = do
bare <- fromRepo Git.repoIsLocalBare
when (auto && bare) $
giveup "Cannot use --auto in a bare repository"
case (noworktreeitems, ko) of
(True, Nothing)
| bare -> nofilename $ noauto runallkeys
| otherwise -> fallbackaction worktreeitems
(False, Nothing) -> fallbackaction worktreeitems
(True, Just WantAllKeys) -> nofilename $ noauto runallkeys
(True, Just WantUnusedKeys) -> nofilename $ noauto $ runkeyaction unusedKeys'
(True, Just WantFailedTransfers) -> nofilename $ noauto runfailedtransfers
(True, Just (WantSpecificKey k)) -> nofilename $ noauto $ runkeyaction (return [k])
(True, Just WantIncompleteKeys) -> nofilename $ noauto $ runkeyaction incompletekeys
(True, Just (WantBranchKeys bs)) -> noauto $ runbranchkeys bs
(False, Just _) -> giveup "Can only specify one of file names, --all, --branch, --unused, --failed, --key, or --incomplete"
noauto a
| auto = giveup "Cannot use --auto with --all or --branch or --unused or --key or --incomplete"
| otherwise = a
nofilename a = ifM (Limit.introspect matchNeedsFileName)
( do
bare <- fromRepo Git.repoIsLocalBare
if bare
then giveup "Cannot use options that match on file names in a bare repository."
else giveup "Cannot use --all or --unused or --key or --incomplete with options that match on file names."
, a
noworktreeitems = case worktreeitems of
WorkTreeItems [] -> True
WorkTreeItems _ -> False
NoWorkTreeItems -> False
incompletekeys = staleKeysPrune gitAnnexTmpObjectDir True
-- List all location log files on the git-annex branch,
-- and use those to get keys. Pass through cat-file
-- to get the contents of the location logs, and pre-cache
-- those. This significantly speeds up typical operations
-- that need to look at the location log for each key.
runallkeys = do
checktimelimit <- mkCheckTimeLimit
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
let getk = locationLogFileKey config
let discard reader = reader >>= \case
Nothing -> noop
Just _ -> discard reader
let go reader = reader >>= \case
Just (k, f, content) -> checktimelimit (discard reader) $ do
maybe noop (Annex.Branch.precache f) content
unlessM (checkDead k) $
keyaction Nothing (SeekInput [], k, mkActionItem k)
go reader
Nothing -> return ()
Annex.Branch.overBranchFileContents getk go >>= \case
Just r -> return r
Nothing -> giveup "This repository is read-only, and there are unmerged git-annex branches, which prevents operating on all keys. (Set annex.merge-annex-branches to false to ignore the unmerged git-annex branches.)"
runkeyaction getks = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
ks <- getks
forM_ ks $ \k -> keyaction Nothing (SeekInput [], k, mkActionItem k)
runbranchkeys bs = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
forM_ bs $ \b -> do
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ LsTree.lsTree LsTree.LsTreeRecursive (LsTree.LsTreeLong False) b
forM_ l $ \i -> catKey (LsTree.sha i) >>= \case
Just k ->
let bfp = mkActionItem (BranchFilePath b (LsTree.file i), k)
lt = case toTreeItemType (LsTree.mode i) of
Just TreeSymlink -> Just LockedLink
Just TreeFile -> Just UnlockedLink
Just TreeExecutable -> Just UnlockedLink
_ -> Nothing
in keyaction lt (SeekInput [], k, bfp)
Nothing -> noop
unlessM (liftIO cleanup) $
error ("git ls-tree " ++ Git.fromRef b ++ " failed")
runfailedtransfers = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
rs <- remoteList
ts <- concat <$> mapM (getFailedTransfers . Remote.uuid) rs
forM_ ts $ \(t, i) ->
keyaction Nothing (SeekInput [], transferKey t, mkActionItem (t, i))
seekFiltered :: ((SeekInput, RawFilePath) -> Annex Bool) -> ((SeekInput, RawFilePath) -> CommandSeek) -> Annex ([(SeekInput, RawFilePath)], IO Bool) -> Annex ()
seekFiltered prefilter a listfs = do
matcher <- Limit.getMatcher
checktimelimit <- mkCheckTimeLimit
(fs, cleanup) <- listfs
go matcher checktimelimit fs
propagateLsFilesError cleanup
go _ _ [] = return ()
go matcher checktimelimit (v@(_si, f):rest) = checktimelimit noop $ do
whenM (prefilter v) $
whenM (matcher $ MatchingFile $ FileInfo f f Nothing) $
a v
go matcher checktimelimit rest
data MatcherInfo = MatcherInfo
{ matcherAction :: MatchInfo -> Annex Bool
, matcherNeedsFileName :: Bool
, matcherNeedsKey :: Bool
, matcherNeedsLocationLog :: Bool
checkMatcherWhen :: MatcherInfo -> Bool -> MatchInfo -> Annex () -> Annex ()
checkMatcherWhen mi c i a
| c = whenM (matcherAction mi i) a
| otherwise = a
-- This is significantly faster than using lookupKey after seekFiltered,
-- because of the way data is streamed through git cat-file.
-- It can also precache location logs using the same efficient streaming.
seekFilteredKeys :: AnnexedFileSeeker -> Annex ([(SeekInput, (RawFilePath, Git.Sha, FileMode))], IO Bool) -> Annex ()
seekFilteredKeys seeker listfs = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
mi <- MatcherInfo
<$> Limit.getMatcher
<*> Limit.introspect matchNeedsFileName
<*> Limit.introspect matchNeedsKey
<*> Limit.introspect matchNeedsLocationLog
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
(l, cleanup) <- listfs
checktimelimit <- mkCheckTimeLimit
catObjectMetaDataStream g $ \mdfeeder mdcloser mdreader ->
catObjectStream g $ \ofeeder ocloser oreader -> do
processertid <- liftIO . async =<< forkState
(process mi ofeeder mdfeeder mdcloser False l)
mdprocessertid <- liftIO . async =<< forkState
(mdprocess mi mdreader ofeeder ocloser)
ifM (precachell mi)
( catObjectStream g $ \lfeeder lcloser lreader -> do
precachertid <- liftIO . async =<< forkState
(precacher mi config oreader lfeeder lcloser)
precachefinisher mi lreader checktimelimit
join (liftIO (wait precachertid))
, finisher mi oreader checktimelimit
join (liftIO (wait mdprocessertid))
join (liftIO (wait processertid))
propagateLsFilesError cleanup
finisher mi oreader checktimelimit = liftIO oreader >>= \case
Just ((si, f), content) -> checktimelimit (liftIO discard) $ do
keyaction f mi content $
commandAction . startAction seeker si f
finisher mi oreader checktimelimit
Nothing -> return ()
discard = oreader >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ -> discard
precachefinisher mi lreader checktimelimit = liftIO lreader >>= \case
Just ((logf, (si, f), k), logcontent) -> checktimelimit (liftIO discard) $ do
maybe noop (Annex.Branch.precache logf) logcontent
checkMatcherWhen mi
(matcherNeedsLocationLog mi && not (matcherNeedsFileName mi))
(MatchingFile $ FileInfo f f (Just k))
(commandAction $ startAction seeker si f k)
precachefinisher mi lreader checktimelimit
Nothing -> return ()
discard = lreader >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ -> discard
precacher mi config oreader lfeeder lcloser = liftIO oreader >>= \case
Just ((si, f), content) -> do
keyaction f mi content $ \k ->
let logf = locationLogFile config k
ref = Git.Ref.branchFileRef Annex.Branch.fullname logf
in liftIO $ lfeeder ((logf, (si, f), k), ref)
precacher mi config oreader lfeeder lcloser
Nothing -> liftIO $ void lcloser
feedmatches mi ofeeder si f sha = checkMatcherWhen mi
-- When the matcher needs a key or location log
-- (and does not need a worktree filename), it will be
-- checked later, to avoid a slow lookup here.
(not ((matcherNeedsKey mi || matcherNeedsLocationLog mi)
&& not (matcherNeedsFileName mi)))
(MatchingFile $ FileInfo f f Nothing)
(liftIO $ ofeeder ((si, f), sha))
keyaction f mi content a =
case parseLinkTargetOrPointerLazy =<< content of
Just k -> checkMatcherWhen mi
(matcherNeedsKey mi && not (matcherNeedsFileName mi || matcherNeedsLocationLog mi))
(MatchingFile $ FileInfo f f (Just k))
(checkpresence k (a k))
Nothing -> noop
checkpresence k cont = case checkContentPresent seeker of
Just v -> do
present <- inAnnex k
when (present == v) cont
Nothing -> cont
process mi ofeeder mdfeeder mdcloser seenpointer ((si, (f, sha, mode)):rest) =
case Git.toTreeItemType mode of
Just Git.TreeSymlink -> do
whenM (exists f) $
-- Once a pointer file has been seen,
-- symlinks have to be sent via the
-- metadata processor too. That is
-- slightly slower, but preserves the
-- requested file order.
if seenpointer
then liftIO $ mdfeeder ((si, f), sha)
else feedmatches mi ofeeder si f sha
process mi ofeeder mdfeeder mdcloser seenpointer rest
Just Git.TreeSubmodule ->
process mi ofeeder mdfeeder mdcloser seenpointer rest
-- Might be a pointer file, might be other
-- file in git, possibly large. Avoid catting
-- large files by first looking up the size.
Just _ -> do
whenM (exists f) $
liftIO $ mdfeeder ((si, f), sha)
process mi ofeeder mdfeeder mdcloser True rest
Nothing ->
process mi ofeeder mdfeeder mdcloser seenpointer rest
process _ _ _ mdcloser _ [] = liftIO $ void mdcloser
-- Check if files exist, because a deleted file will still be
-- listed by ls-tree, but should not be processed.
exists p = isJust <$> liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ R.getSymbolicLinkStatus p)
mdprocess mi mdreader ofeeder ocloser = liftIO mdreader >>= \case
Just ((si, f), Just (sha, size, _type))
| size < fromIntegral maxPointerSz -> do
feedmatches mi ofeeder si f sha
mdprocess mi mdreader ofeeder ocloser
Just _ -> mdprocess mi mdreader ofeeder ocloser
Nothing -> liftIO $ void ocloser
-- Precache location logs if it will speed things up.
-- When there are git-annex branches that are not able to be
-- merged, the precaching is disabled, since it only looks at the
-- git-annex branch and not at those.
precachell mi
| usesLocationLog seeker || matcherNeedsLocationLog mi =
null <$> Annex.Branch.getUnmergedRefs
| otherwise = pure False
seekHelper :: (a -> RawFilePath) -> WarnUnmatchWhen -> ([LsFiles.Options] -> [RawFilePath] -> Git.Repo -> IO ([a], IO Bool)) -> WorkTreeItems -> Annex ([(SeekInput, a)], IO Bool)
seekHelper c ww a (WorkTreeItems l) = do
os <- seekOptions ww
v <- liftIO $ newIORef []
r <- inRepo $ \g -> concat . concat <$> forM (segmentXargsOrdered l)
(runSegmentPaths' mk c (\fs -> go v os fs g) . map toRawFilePath)
return (r, cleanupall v)
mk (Just i) f = (SeekInput [fromRawFilePath i], f)
-- This is not accurate, but it only happens when there are a
-- great many input WorkTreeItems.
mk Nothing f = (SeekInput [fromRawFilePath (c f)], f)
go v os fs g = do
(ls, cleanup) <- a os fs g
liftIO $ modifyIORef' v (cleanup:)
return ls
cleanupall v = do
cleanups <- readIORef v
and <$> sequence cleanups
seekHelper _ _ _ NoWorkTreeItems = return ([], pure True)
data WarnUnmatchWhen = WarnUnmatchLsFiles | WarnUnmatchWorkTreeItems
seekOptions :: WarnUnmatchWhen -> Annex [LsFiles.Options]
seekOptions WarnUnmatchLsFiles =
ifM (annexSkipUnknown <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( return []
, return [LsFiles.ErrorUnmatch]
seekOptions WarnUnmatchWorkTreeItems = return []
-- Items in the work tree, which may be files or directories.
data WorkTreeItems
= WorkTreeItems [FilePath]
-- ^ An empty list often means all files.
| NoWorkTreeItems
-- ^ Used when no work tree items should be operated on.
deriving (Show)
-- When in an adjusted branch that hides some files, it may not exist
-- in the current work tree, but in the original branch. This allows
-- seeking for such files.
newtype AllowHidden = AllowHidden Bool
-- git ls-files without --error-unmatch seeks work tree items matching
-- some criteria, and silently skips over anything that does not exist.
-- Also, when two directories are symlinked, referring to a file
-- inside the symlinked directory will be silently skipped by
-- git ls-files without --error-unmatch.
-- Sometimes a command needs to use git-lsfiles that way, perhaps repeatedly.
-- But users expect an error message when one of the files they provided
-- as a command-line parameter doesn't exist, so this checks that each
-- exists when run with WarnUnmatchWorkTreeItems.
-- Note that, unlike --error-unmatch, using this does not warn
-- about command-line parameters that exist, but are not checked into git.
workTreeItems :: WarnUnmatchWhen -> CmdParams -> Annex WorkTreeItems
workTreeItems = workTreeItems' (AllowHidden False)
workTreeItems' :: AllowHidden -> WarnUnmatchWhen -> CmdParams -> Annex WorkTreeItems
workTreeItems' (AllowHidden allowhidden) ww ps = case ww of
WarnUnmatchWorkTreeItems -> runcheck
WarnUnmatchLsFiles ->
ifM (annexSkipUnknown <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( runcheck
, return $ WorkTreeItems ps
runcheck = do
currbranch <- getCurrentBranch
stopattop <- prepviasymlink
ps' <- flip filterM ps $ \p -> do
relf <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile $ toRawFilePath p
ifM (not <$> (exists p <||> hidden currbranch relf))
( prob (p ++ " not found")
, ifM (viasymlink stopattop (upFrom relf))
( prob (p ++ " is beyond a symbolic link")
, return True
if null ps' && not (null ps)
then return NoWorkTreeItems
else return (WorkTreeItems ps')
exists p = isJust <$> liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus p)
prepviasymlink = do
repotopst <- inRepo $
(pure Nothing)
(catchMaybeIO . R.getSymbolicLinkStatus)
. Git.repoWorkTree
return $ \st -> case repotopst of
Nothing -> False
Just tst -> fileID st == fileID tst
&& deviceID st == deviceID tst
viasymlink _ Nothing = return False
viasymlink stopattop (Just p) = do
st <- liftIO $ R.getSymbolicLinkStatus p
if stopattop st
then return False
else if isSymbolicLink st
then return True
else viasymlink stopattop (upFrom p)
hidden currbranch f
| allowhidden = isJust
<$> catObjectMetaDataHidden f currbranch
| otherwise = return False
prob msg = do
toplevelWarning False msg
return False
notSymlink :: RawFilePath -> IO Bool
notSymlink f = liftIO $ not . isSymbolicLink <$> R.getSymbolicLinkStatus f
{- Returns an action that, when there's a time limit, can be used
- to check it before processing a file. The first action is run when
- over the time limit, otherwise the second action is run one time to
- clean up. -}
mkCheckTimeLimit :: Annex (Annex () -> Annex () -> Annex ())
mkCheckTimeLimit = Annex.getState Annex.timelimit >>= \case
Nothing -> return $ \_ a -> a
Just (duration, cutoff) -> do
warningshownv <- liftIO $ newTVarIO False
return $ \cleanup a -> do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
if now > cutoff
then do
warningshown <- liftIO $ atomically $
swapTVar warningshownv True
unless warningshown $ do
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.reachedlimit = True }
warning $ "Time limit (" ++ fromDuration duration ++ ") reached! Shutting down..."
else a
propagateLsFilesError :: IO Bool -> Annex ()
propagateLsFilesError cleanup =
unlessM (liftIO cleanup) $