Joey Hess 2a16796a1c
move pull/push/sync into getSimActionComponents
As well as being a more pleasing implementation than I managed
yesterday, this allows for those actions to be run concurrently in the
2024-09-17 10:54:44 -04:00

1053 lines
34 KiB

{- git-annex simulator
- Copyright 2024 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Annex.Sim where
import Annex.Common
import Utility.DataUnits
import Types.NumCopies
import Types.Group
import Types.StandardGroups
import Types.TrustLevel
import Types.Difference
import Git
import Backend.Hash (genTestKey)
import Annex.UUID
import Annex.FileMatcher
import Annex.Init
import Annex.Startup
import Annex.Link
import Annex.Wanted
import Logs.Group
import Logs.Trust
import Logs.PreferredContent
import Logs.NumCopies
import Logs.Remote
import Logs.MaxSize
import Logs.Difference
import Logs.UUID
import Logs.Location
import qualified Annex
import qualified Remote
import qualified Git.Construct
import qualified Annex.Queue
import System.Random
import Data.Word
import Text.Read
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.UUID as U
import qualified Data.UUID.V5 as U5
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
data SimState t = SimState
{ simRepos :: M.Map RepoName UUID
, simRepoState :: M.Map UUID (SimRepoState t)
, simConnections :: M.Map UUID (S.Set RemoteName)
, simFiles :: M.Map RawFilePath Key
, simRng :: Int
, simTrustLevels :: M.Map UUID TrustLevel
, simNumCopies :: NumCopies
, simMinCopies :: MinCopies
, simGroups :: M.Map UUID (S.Set Group)
, simWanted :: M.Map UUID PreferredContentExpression
, simRequired :: M.Map UUID PreferredContentExpression
, simGroupWanted :: M.Map Group PreferredContentExpression
, simMaxSize :: M.Map UUID MaxSize
, simRebalance :: Bool
, simHistory :: [SimCommand]
, simVectorClock :: VectorClock
, simFile :: Maybe FilePath
, simRootDirectory :: FilePath
deriving (Show, Read)
emptySimState :: Int -> FilePath -> SimState t
emptySimState rngseed rootdir = SimState
{ simRepos = mempty
, simRepoState = mempty
, simConnections = mempty
, simFiles = mempty
, simRng = rngseed
, simTrustLevels = mempty
, simNumCopies = configuredNumCopies 1
, simMinCopies = configuredMinCopies 1
, simGroups = mempty
, simWanted = mempty
, simRequired = mempty
, simGroupWanted = mempty
, simMaxSize = mempty
, simRebalance = False
, simHistory = []
, simVectorClock = VectorClock 0
, simFile = Nothing
, simRootDirectory = rootdir
-- State that can vary between different repos in the simulation.
data SimRepoState t = SimRepoState
{ simLocations :: M.Map Key (M.Map UUID LocationState)
, simIsSpecialRemote :: Bool
, simRepo :: Maybe t
, simRepoName :: RepoName
deriving (Show, Read)
data LocationState = LocationState VectorClock Bool
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
newtype VectorClock = VectorClock Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
newerLocationState :: LocationState -> LocationState -> LocationState
newerLocationState l1@(LocationState vc1 _) l2@(LocationState vc2 _)
| vc1 > vc2 = l1
| otherwise = l2
{- Updates the state of stu to indicate that a key is present or not in u. -}
setPresentKey :: Bool -> UUID -> Key -> UUID -> SimState SimRepo -> SimState SimRepo
setPresentKey present u k stu st = st
{ simRepoState = case M.lookup stu (simRepoState st) of
Just rst -> M.insert stu
(setPresentKey' present (simVectorClock st) u k rst)
(simRepoState st)
Nothing -> error "no simRepoState in setPresentKey"
setPresentKey' :: Bool -> VectorClock -> UUID -> Key -> SimRepoState t -> SimRepoState t
setPresentKey' present vc u k rst = rst
{ simLocations =
M.insertWith (M.unionWith newerLocationState) k
(M.singleton u (LocationState vc present))
(simLocations rst)
getSimLocations :: SimRepoState t -> Key -> S.Set UUID
getSimLocations rst k =
maybe mempty getSimLocations' $
M.lookup k (simLocations rst)
getSimLocations' :: M.Map UUID LocationState -> S.Set UUID
getSimLocations' = M.keysSet . M.filter present
present (LocationState _ b) = b
addHistory :: SimState t -> SimCommand -> SimState t
addHistory st c = st { simHistory = c : simHistory st }
newtype RepoName = RepoName { fromRepoName :: String }
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
newtype RemoteName = RemoteName { fromRemoteName :: String }
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
remoteNameToRepoName :: RemoteName -> RepoName
remoteNameToRepoName (RemoteName n) = RepoName n
repoNameToRemoteName :: RepoName -> RemoteName
repoNameToRemoteName (RepoName n) = RemoteName n
data Connections
= RepoName :-> RemoteName
| RemoteName :<- RepoName
| RepoName :<-> RepoName
| RepoName :=> Connections
| RemoteName :<= Connections
| RepoName :<=> Connections
deriving (Show, Read)
leftSideOfConnection :: Connections -> RepoName
leftSideOfConnection (reponame :-> _) = reponame
leftSideOfConnection (remotename :<- _) = remoteNameToRepoName remotename
leftSideOfConnection (reponame :<-> _) = reponame
leftSideOfConnection (reponame :=> _) = reponame
leftSideOfConnection (remotename :<= _) = remoteNameToRepoName remotename
leftSideOfConnection (reponame :<=> _) = reponame
getConnection :: Connections -> (RepoName, RemoteName, Maybe Connections)
getConnection (reponame :-> remotename) = (reponame, remotename, Nothing)
getConnection (remotename :<- reponame) = (reponame, remotename, Nothing)
getConnection (reponame1 :<-> reponame2) =
( reponame1
, repoNameToRemoteName reponame2
, Just (reponame2 :-> repoNameToRemoteName reponame1)
getConnection (reponame :=> c) =
(reponame, repoNameToRemoteName (leftSideOfConnection c), Just c)
getConnection (remotename :<= c) = (leftSideOfConnection c, remotename, Just c)
getConnection (reponame :<=> c) =
( reponame
, repoNameToRemoteName (leftSideOfConnection c)
, Just (reponame :=> c)
data SimCommand
= CommandInit RepoName
| CommandInitRemote RepoName
| CommandUse RepoName String
| CommandConnect Connections
| CommandDisconnect Connections
| CommandAddTree RepoName PreferredContentExpression
| CommandAdd RawFilePath ByteSize [RepoName]
| CommandStep Int
| CommandAction SimAction
| CommandSeed Int
| CommandPresent RepoName RawFilePath
| CommandNotPresent RepoName RawFilePath
| CommandNumCopies Int
| CommandMinCopies Int
| CommandTrustLevel RepoName TrustLevel
| CommandGroup RepoName Group
| CommandUngroup RepoName Group
| CommandWanted RepoName PreferredContentExpression
| CommandRequired RepoName PreferredContentExpression
| CommandGroupWanted Group PreferredContentExpression
| CommandMaxSize RepoName MaxSize
| CommandRebalance Bool
| CommandComment String
| CommandBlank
deriving (Show, Read)
data SimAction
= ActionPull RepoName RemoteName
| ActionPush RepoName RemoteName
| ActionSync RepoName RemoteName
| ActionGetWanted RepoName RemoteName
| ActionDropUnwanted RepoName (Maybe RemoteName)
| ActionSendWanted RepoName RemoteName
| ActionGitPush RepoName RemoteName
| ActionGitPull RepoName RemoteName
| ActionWhile SimAction SimAction
deriving (Show, Read)
runSimCommand :: SimCommand -> GetExistingRepoByName -> SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)
runSimCommand (CommandStep n) repobyname st
| n > 0 = case randomRepo st of
(Just (repo, u), st') ->
let (act, st'') = randomAction repo u st'
in runSimCommand (CommandAction act) repobyname st''
>>= runSimCommand (CommandStep (pred n)) repobyname
(Nothing, st') -> return st'
| otherwise = return st
runSimCommand cmd repobyname st =
case applySimCommand cmd st repobyname of
Left err -> giveup err
Right (Right st') -> return st'
Right (Left mkst) -> mkst
:: SimCommand
-> SimState SimRepo
-> GetExistingRepoByName
-> Either String (Either (Annex (SimState SimRepo)) (SimState SimRepo))
applySimCommand cmd st =
applySimCommand' cmd $ flip addHistory cmd $ st
{ simVectorClock =
let (VectorClock clk) = simVectorClock st
in VectorClock (succ clk)
:: SimCommand
-> SimState SimRepo
-> GetExistingRepoByName
-> Either String (Either (Annex (SimState SimRepo)) (SimState SimRepo))
applySimCommand' (CommandInit reponame) st _ =
checkNonexistantRepo reponame st $
let (u, st') = genSimUUID st reponame
in Right $ Right $ addRepo reponame (newSimRepoConfig u False) st'
applySimCommand' (CommandInitRemote reponame) st _ =
checkNonexistantRepo reponame st $
let (u, st') = genSimUUID st reponame
in Right $ Right $ addRepo reponame (newSimRepoConfig u True) st'
applySimCommand' (CommandUse reponame s) st repobyname =
case getExistingRepoByName repobyname s of
Right existingrepo -> checkNonexistantRepo reponame st $
Right $ Right $ addRepo reponame existingrepo st
Left msg -> Left $ "Unable to use a repository \""
++ fromRepoName reponame
++ "\" in the simulation because " ++ msg
applySimCommand' (CommandConnect connections) st repobyname =
let (repo, remote, mconnections) = getConnection connections
in checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
let st' = st
{ simConnections =
let s = case M.lookup u (simConnections st) of
Just cs -> S.insert remote cs
Nothing -> S.singleton remote
in M.insert u s (simConnections st)
in case mconnections of
Nothing -> Right $ Right st'
Just connections' ->
applySimCommand' (CommandConnect connections') st' repobyname
applySimCommand' (CommandDisconnect connections) st repobyname =
let (repo, remote, mconnections) = getConnection connections
in checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
let st' = st
{ simConnections =
let sc = case M.lookup u (simConnections st) of
Just s -> S.delete remote s
Nothing -> S.empty
in M.insert u sc (simConnections st)
in case mconnections of
Nothing -> Right $ Right $ st
Just connections' ->
applySimCommand' (CommandDisconnect connections') st' repobyname
applySimCommand' (CommandAddTree repo expr) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ const $
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr $ Left $
error "TODO" -- XXX
applySimCommand' (CommandAdd file sz repos) st _ =
let (k, st') = genSimKey sz st
in go k st' repos
go _k st' [] = Right $ Right st'
go k st' (repo:rest) = checkKnownRepo repo st' $ \u ->
let st'' = setPresentKey True u k u $ st'
{ simFiles = M.insert file k (simFiles st')
in go k st'' rest
applySimCommand' (CommandStep _) _ _ = error "applySimCommand' CommandStep"
applySimCommand' (CommandAction act) st _ =
case getSimActionComponents act st of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st') -> Right (Right st')
Right (Left (st', l)) -> Right $ Left $ go l st'
go [] st' = return st'
go (a:as) st' = a st' >>= go as
applySimCommand' (CommandSeed rngseed) st _ =
Right $ Right $ st
{ simRng = rngseed
applySimCommand' (CommandPresent repo file) st _ = checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
case (M.lookup file (simFiles st), M.lookup u (simRepoState st)) of
(Just k, Just rst)
| u `S.member` getSimLocations rst k ->
Right $ Right st
| otherwise -> missing
(Just _, Nothing) -> missing
(Nothing, _) -> Left $ "Expected " ++ fromRawFilePath file
++ " to be present in " ++ fromRepoName repo
++ ", but the simulation does not include that file."
missing = Left $ "Expected " ++ fromRawFilePath file
++ " to be present in "
++ fromRepoName repo ++ ", but it is not."
applySimCommand' (CommandNotPresent repo file) st _ = checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
case (M.lookup file (simFiles st), M.lookup u (simRepoState st)) of
(Just k, Just rst)
| u `S.notMember` getSimLocations rst k ->
Right $ Right st
| otherwise -> present
(Just _, Nothing) -> present
(Nothing, _) -> Left $ "Expected " ++ fromRawFilePath file
++ " to not be present in " ++ fromRepoName repo
++ ", but the simulation does not include that file."
present = Left $ "Expected " ++ fromRawFilePath file
++ " not to be present in "
++ fromRepoName repo ++ ", but it is present."
applySimCommand' (CommandNumCopies n) st _ =
Right $ Right $ st
{ simNumCopies = configuredNumCopies n
applySimCommand' (CommandMinCopies n) st _ =
Right $ Right $ st
{ simMinCopies = configuredMinCopies n
applySimCommand' (CommandTrustLevel repo trustlevel) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ st
{ simTrustLevels = M.insert u trustlevel
(simTrustLevels st)
applySimCommand' (CommandGroup repo groupname) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ st
{ simGroups = M.insertWith S.union u
(S.singleton groupname)
(simGroups st)
applySimCommand' (CommandUngroup repo groupname) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ st
{ simGroups = M.adjust (S.delete groupname) u (simGroups st)
applySimCommand' (CommandWanted repo expr) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr $ Right $ st
{ simWanted = M.insert u expr (simWanted st)
applySimCommand' (CommandRequired repo expr) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr $ Right $ st
{ simRequired = M.insert u expr (simRequired st)
applySimCommand' (CommandGroupWanted groupname expr) st _ =
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr $ Right $ st
{ simGroupWanted = M.insert groupname expr (simGroupWanted st)
applySimCommand' (CommandMaxSize repo sz) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ st
{ simMaxSize = M.insert u sz (simMaxSize st)
applySimCommand' (CommandRebalance b) st _ =
Right $ Right $ st
{ simRebalance = b
applySimCommand' (CommandComment _) st _ = Right $ Right st
applySimCommand' CommandBlank st _ = Right $ Right st
:: SimAction
-> SimState SimRepo
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)]) (SimState SimRepo))
getSimActionComponents (ActionGetWanted repo remote) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
let go _remoteu f k _r st' = setPresentKey True u k u $
addHistory st' $ CommandPresent repo f
in overFilesRemote repo u remote S.member wanted go st
wanted k f _ = wantGet NoLiveUpdate False k f
getSimActionComponents (ActionSendWanted repo remote) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
overFilesRemote repo u remote S.notMember wanted (go u) st
wanted = wantGetBy NoLiveUpdate False
go u remoteu f k _r st' =
-- Sending to a remote updates the location log
-- of both the repository sending and the remote.
setPresentKey True remoteu k remoteu $
setPresentKey True remoteu k u $
addHistory st' $ CommandPresent (remoteNameToRepoName remote) f
getSimActionComponents (ActionDropUnwanted repo Nothing) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Left (st, map (go u) $ M.toList $ simFiles st)
go u (f, k) st' = liftIO $ runSimRepo u st' $ \rst ->
let af = AssociatedFile $ Just f
in if present u rst k
then ifM (wantDrop NoLiveUpdate False Nothing (Just k) af Nothing)
( return $ checkdrop u rst k st'
, return st'
else return st'
present u rst k = u `S.member` getSimLocations rst k
checkdrop u rst k st' =
let numcopies = simNumCopies st'
mincopies = simMinCopies st'
verifiedcopies = mapMaybe (verifypresent u k st') $
filter (/= u) $ S.toList $ getSimLocations rst k
in case safeDropAnalysis numcopies mincopies verifiedcopies Nothing of
UnsafeDrop -> st'
SafeDrop -> dodrop u k st'
SafeDropCheckTime -> dodrop u k st'
dodrop u k = setPresentKey False u k u
remotes u = S.fromList $ mapMaybe
(\remote -> M.lookup (remoteNameToRepoName remote) (simRepos st))
(maybe mempty S.toList $ M.lookup u $ simConnections st)
verifypresent u k st' ru = do
rst <- M.lookup ru (simRepoState st')
if present u rst k
then if ru `S.member` remotes u
then Just $ if simIsSpecialRemote rst
then mkVerifiedCopy RecentlyVerifiedCopy ru
else mkVerifiedCopy LockedCopy ru
else case M.lookup ru (simTrustLevels st') of
Just Trusted -> Just $
mkVerifiedCopy TrustedCopy ru
_ -> Nothing
else Nothing
getSimActionComponents (ActionDropUnwanted _repo (Just _remote)) _st =
undefined -- TODO
getSimActionComponents (ActionGitPush repo remote) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
checkKnownRemote remote repo u st $ \_ ->
simulateGitAnnexMerge repo (remoteNameToRepoName remote) st
getSimActionComponents (ActionGitPull repo remote) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
checkKnownRemote remote repo u st $ \_ ->
simulateGitAnnexMerge (remoteNameToRepoName remote) repo st
getSimActionComponents (ActionWhile a b) st =
case getSimActionComponents a st of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st') -> getSimActionComponents b st'
Right (Left (st', as)) ->
case getSimActionComponents b st' of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st'') -> Right $ Left (st'', as)
Right (Left (st'', bs)) ->
Right $ Left $ mingle as bs st'' []
mingle [] subbs st' c = (st', reverse c ++ subbs)
mingle subas [] st' c = (st', reverse c ++ subas)
mingle (suba:subas) (subb:subbs) st' c =
let (coinflip, st'') = simRandom st' random id
in if coinflip
then mingle subas (subb:subbs) st'' (suba:c)
else mingle (suba:subas) subbs st'' (subb:c)
getSimActionComponents (ActionPull repo remote) st =
[ ActionGitPull repo remote
, ActionGetWanted repo remote
, ActionDropUnwanted repo Nothing
] st
getSimActionComponents (ActionPush repo remote) st =
[ ActionSendWanted repo remote
, ActionDropUnwanted repo (Just remote)
, ActionGitPush repo remote
] st
getSimActionComponents (ActionSync repo remote) st =
[ ActionGitPull repo remote
, ActionGetWanted repo remote
, ActionSendWanted repo remote
, ActionDropUnwanted repo (Just remote)
, ActionGitPush repo remote
] st
:: [SimAction]
-> SimState SimRepo
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)]) (SimState SimRepo))
simActionSequence [] st = Right (Right st)
simActionSequence (a:as) st = case getSimActionComponents a st of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st') -> simActionSequence as st'
Right (Left (st', subas)) -> go st' subas as
go st' c [] = Right $ Left (st', c)
go st' c (a':as') = case getSimActionComponents a' st' of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st'') -> go st'' c as'
Right (Left (st'', subas)) -> go st'' (c ++ subas) as'
:: RepoName
-> RemoteName
-> (UUID -> S.Set UUID -> Bool)
-> (Maybe Key -> AssociatedFile -> UUID -> Annex Bool)
-> (UUID -> RawFilePath -> Key -> RepoName -> SimState SimRepo -> SimState SimRepo)
-> SimState SimRepo
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)]) (SimState SimRepo))
overFilesRemote r u remote remotepred checkwant handlewanted st =
checkKnownRemote remote r u st $ \remoteu ->
Right (Left (st, map (go remoteu) $ M.toList $ simFiles st))
go remoteu (f, k) st' =
let af = AssociatedFile $ Just f
in liftIO $ runSimRepo u st' $ \rst ->
if checkremotepred remoteu rst k
then ifM (checkwant (Just k) af remoteu)
( return $ handlewanted remoteu f k r st'
, return st'
else return st'
checkremotepred remoteu rst k =
remotepred remoteu (getSimLocations rst k)
:: RepoName
-> RepoName
-> SimState SimRepo
-> Either String (Either a (SimState SimRepo))
simulateGitAnnexMerge src dest st =
case (M.lookup src (simRepos st), M.lookup dest (simRepos st)) of
(Just srcu, Just destu) -> case M.lookup destu (simRepoState st) of
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to find simRepoState for " ++ fromRepoName dest
Just destst -> case M.lookup srcu (simRepoState st) of
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to find simRepoState for " ++ fromRepoName src
Just srcst -> Right $ Right $
let locs = M.unionWith
(M.unionWith newerLocationState)
(simLocations destst)
(simLocations srcst)
destst' = destst { simLocations = locs }
in st
{ simRepoState = M.insert destu
(simRepoState st)
_ -> Left $ "Unable to find " ++ fromRepoName src ++ " or " ++ fromRepoName dest ++ " in simRepos"
checkNonexistantRepo :: RepoName -> SimState SimRepo -> Either String a -> Either String a
checkNonexistantRepo reponame st a = case M.lookup reponame (simRepos st) of
Nothing -> a
Just _ -> Left $ "There is already a repository in the simulation named \""
++ fromRepoName reponame ++ "\"."
checkKnownRepo :: RepoName -> SimState SimRepo -> (UUID -> Either String a) -> Either String a
checkKnownRepo reponame st a = case M.lookup reponame (simRepos st) of
Just u -> a u
Nothing -> Left $ "No repository in the simulation is named \""
++ fromRepoName reponame ++ "\"."
checkKnownRemote :: RemoteName -> RepoName -> UUID -> SimState SimRepo -> (UUID -> Either String a) -> Either String a
checkKnownRemote remotename reponame u st a =
let rs = fromMaybe mempty $ M.lookup u (simConnections st)
in if S.member remotename rs
then checkKnownRepo (remoteNameToRepoName remotename) st a
else Left $ "Repository " ++ fromRepoName reponame
++ " does not have a remote \""
++ fromRemoteName remotename ++ "\"."
checkValidPreferredContentExpression :: PreferredContentExpression -> v -> Either String v
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr v =
case checkPreferredContentExpression expr of
Nothing -> Right v
Just e -> Left $ "Failed parsing \"" ++ expr ++ "\": " ++ e
simRandom :: SimState t -> (StdGen -> (v, StdGen)) -> (v -> r) -> (r, SimState t)
simRandom st mk f =
let rng = mkStdGen (simRng st)
(v, rng') = mk rng
(newseed, _) = random rng'
in (f v, st { simRng = newseed })
randomRepo :: SimState SimRepo -> (Maybe (RepoName, UUID), SimState SimRepo)
randomRepo st
| null repolist = (Nothing, st)
| otherwise = simRandom st
(randomR (0, length repolist - 1)) $ \n -> do
let r = repolist !! n
u <- M.lookup r (simRepos st)
return (r, u)
repolist = M.keys (simRepos st)
randomAction :: RepoName -> UUID -> SimState SimRepo -> (SimAction, SimState SimRepo)
randomAction repo u st = case M.lookup u (simConnections st) of
Just cs | not (S.null cs) ->
let (mkact, st') = simRandom st (randomR (0, length mkactions - 1))
(mkactions !!)
(remote, st'') = simRandom st' (randomR (0, S.size cs - 1))
(`S.elemAt` cs)
in (mkact repo remote, st'')
-- When there are no remotes, this is the only possible action.
_ -> (ActionDropUnwanted repo Nothing, st)
mkactions =
[ ActionPull
, ActionPush
, ActionSync
, ActionGetWanted
, \repo' remote -> ActionDropUnwanted repo' (Just remote)
, \repo' _remote -> ActionDropUnwanted repo' Nothing
, ActionSendWanted
, ActionGitPush
, ActionGitPull
randomWords :: Int -> StdGen -> ([Word8], StdGen)
randomWords = go []
go c n g
| n < 1 = (c, g)
| otherwise =
let (w, g') = random g
in go (w:c) (pred n) g'
genSimKey :: ByteSize -> SimState t -> (Key, SimState t)
genSimKey sz st = simRandom st (randomWords 1024) mk
mk b =
let tk = genTestKey $ L.pack b
in alterKey tk $ \kd -> kd { keySize = Just sz }
genSimUUID :: SimState t -> RepoName -> (UUID, SimState t)
genSimUUID st (RepoName reponame) = simRandom st (randomWords 1024)
(\l -> genUUIDInNameSpace simUUIDNameSpace (encodeBS reponame <> B.pack l))
simUUIDNameSpace :: U.UUID
simUUIDNameSpace = U5.generateNamed U5.namespaceURL $
B.unpack ""
newtype GetExistingRepoByName = GetExistingRepoByName
{ getExistingRepoByName :: String -> Either String SimRepoConfig
instance Show GetExistingRepoByName where
show _ = "GetExistingRepoByName"
data SimRepoConfig = SimRepoConfig
{ simRepoConfigUUID :: UUID
, simRepoConfigIsSpecialRemote :: Bool
, simRepoConfigGroups :: S.Set Group
, simRepoConfigTrustLevel :: TrustLevel
, simRepoConfigPreferredContent :: Maybe PreferredContentExpression
, simRepoConfigRequiredContent :: Maybe PreferredContentExpression
, simRepoConfigGroupPreferredContent :: M.Map Group PreferredContentExpression
, simRepoConfigMaxSize :: Maybe MaxSize
deriving (Show)
newSimRepoConfig :: UUID -> Bool -> SimRepoConfig
newSimRepoConfig u isspecialremote = SimRepoConfig
{ simRepoConfigUUID = u
, simRepoConfigIsSpecialRemote = isspecialremote
, simRepoConfigGroups = mempty
, simRepoConfigTrustLevel = def
, simRepoConfigPreferredContent = Nothing
, simRepoConfigRequiredContent = Nothing
, simRepoConfigGroupPreferredContent = mempty
, simRepoConfigMaxSize = Nothing
addRepo :: RepoName -> SimRepoConfig -> SimState SimRepo -> SimState SimRepo
addRepo reponame simrepo st = st
{ simRepos = M.insert reponame u (simRepos st)
, simRepoState = M.insert u rst (simRepoState st)
, simConnections = M.insert u mempty (simConnections st)
, simGroups = M.insert u (simRepoConfigGroups simrepo) (simGroups st)
, simTrustLevels = M.insert u
(simRepoConfigTrustLevel simrepo)
(simTrustLevels st)
, simWanted = M.alter
(const $ simRepoConfigPreferredContent simrepo)
(simWanted st)
, simRequired = M.alter
(const $ simRepoConfigRequiredContent simrepo)
(simRequired st)
, simGroupWanted = M.union
(simRepoConfigGroupPreferredContent simrepo)
(simGroupWanted st)
, simMaxSize = M.alter
(const $ simRepoConfigMaxSize simrepo)
(simMaxSize st)
u = simRepoConfigUUID simrepo
rst = SimRepoState
{ simLocations = mempty
, simIsSpecialRemote = simRepoConfigIsSpecialRemote simrepo
, simRepo = Nothing
, simRepoName = reponame
mkGetExistingRepoByName :: Annex GetExistingRepoByName
mkGetExistingRepoByName = do
groupmap <- groupMap
trustmap <- trustMap
pcmap <- preferredContentMapRaw
rcmap <- requiredContentMapRaw
gpcmap <- groupPreferredContentMapRaw
maxsizes <- getMaxSizes
nametouuid <- Remote.nameToUUID''
remoteconfigmap <- readRemoteLog
return $ GetExistingRepoByName $ \name ->
case nametouuid name of
(u:[], _) -> Right $
let gs = fromMaybe S.empty $
M.lookup u (groupsByUUID groupmap)
in SimRepoConfig
{ simRepoConfigUUID = u
, simRepoConfigIsSpecialRemote =
M.member u remoteconfigmap
, simRepoConfigGroups = gs
, simRepoConfigTrustLevel =
lookupTrust' u trustmap
, simRepoConfigPreferredContent =
M.lookup u pcmap
, simRepoConfigRequiredContent =
M.lookup u rcmap
, simRepoConfigGroupPreferredContent =
M.restrictKeys gpcmap gs
, simRepoConfigMaxSize =
M.lookup u maxsizes
(_, msg) -> Left msg
-- Information about a git repository that is cloned and used to represent
-- a repository in the simulation
data SimRepo = SimRepo
{ simRepoGitRepo :: Repo
, simRepoAnnex :: (Annex.AnnexState, Annex.AnnexRead)
, simRepoCurrState :: SimState SimRepo
, simRepoUUID :: UUID
instance Show SimRepo where
show _ = "SimRepo"
{- Inits and updates SimRepos to reflect the SimState. -}
updateSimRepos :: SimState SimRepo -> IO (SimState SimRepo)
updateSimRepos st = updateSimRepoStates st >>= initNewSimRepos
updateSimRepoStates :: SimState SimRepo -> IO (SimState SimRepo)
updateSimRepoStates st = go st (M.toList $ simRepoState st)
go st' [] = return st'
go st' ((u, rst):rest) = case simRepo rst of
Just sr -> do
sr' <- updateSimRepoState st sr
let rst' = rst { simRepo = Just sr' }
let st'' = st
{ simRepoState = M.insert u rst'
(simRepoState st)
go st'' rest
Nothing -> go st' rest
initNewSimRepos :: SimState SimRepo -> IO (SimState SimRepo)
initNewSimRepos = \st -> go st (M.toList $ simRepoState st)
go st [] = return st
go st ((u, rst):rest) =
case simRepo rst of
Nothing -> do
let d = simRepoDirectory st u
sr <- initSimRepo (simRepoName rst) u d st
let rst' = rst { simRepo = Just sr }
let st' = st
{ simRepoState = M.insert u rst'
(simRepoState st)
go st' rest
_ -> go st rest
simRepoDirectory :: SimState t -> UUID -> FilePath
simRepoDirectory st u = simRootDirectory st </> fromUUID u
initSimRepo :: RepoName -> UUID -> FilePath -> SimState SimRepo -> IO SimRepo
initSimRepo simreponame u dest st = do
inited <- boolSystem "git"
[ Param "init"
, Param "--quiet"
, File dest
unless inited $
giveup "git init failed"
simrepo <- Git.Construct.fromPath (toRawFilePath dest)
ast <- simrepo
((), ast') <- ast $ doQuietAction $ do
storeUUID u
-- Prevent merging this simulated git-annex branch with
-- any real one.
recordDifferences simulationDifferences u
let desc = simulatedRepositoryDescription simreponame
initialize startupAnnex (Just desc) Nothing
updateSimRepoState st $ SimRepo
{ simRepoGitRepo = simrepo
, simRepoAnnex = ast'
, simRepoCurrState =
emptySimState (simRng st) (simRootDirectory st)
, simRepoUUID = u
simulatedRepositoryDescription :: RepoName -> String
simulatedRepositoryDescription simreponame =
"simulated repository " ++ fromRepoName simreponame
simulationDifferences :: Differences
simulationDifferences = mkDifferences $ S.singleton Simulation
runSimRepo :: UUID -> SimState SimRepo -> (SimRepoState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)) -> IO (SimState SimRepo)
runSimRepo u st a = do
st' <- updateSimRepos st
case M.lookup u (simRepoState st') of
Just rst -> case simRepo rst of
Just sr -> do
(st'', strd) <- (simRepoAnnex sr) $
doQuietAction (a rst)
let sr' = sr
{ simRepoAnnex = strd
return $ st''
{ simRepoState = M.adjust
(\rst' -> rst' { simRepo = Just sr' })
(simRepoState st'')
Nothing -> error $ "runSimRepo simRepo not set for " ++ fromUUID u
Nothing -> error $ "runSimRepo simRepoState not found for " ++ fromUUID u
updateSimRepoState :: SimState SimRepo -> SimRepo -> IO SimRepo
updateSimRepoState newst sr = do
((), (ast, ard)) <- (simRepoAnnex sr) $ doQuietAction $ do
let oldst = simRepoCurrState sr
updateField oldst newst simRepos $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = const . setdesc
, addDiff = setdesc
, removeDiff = const $ const noop
updateField oldst newst simTrustLevels $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = const . trustSet
, addDiff = trustSet
, removeDiff = const . flip trustSet def
when (simNumCopies oldst /= simNumCopies newst) $
setGlobalNumCopies (simNumCopies newst)
when (simMinCopies oldst /= simMinCopies newst) $
setGlobalMinCopies (simMinCopies newst)
updateField oldst newst simGroups $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = \u -> const . groupChange u . const
, addDiff = \u -> groupChange u . const
, removeDiff = const . flip groupChange (const mempty)
updateField oldst newst simWanted $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = const . preferredContentSet
, addDiff = preferredContentSet
, removeDiff = const . flip preferredContentSet mempty
updateField oldst newst simRequired $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = const . requiredContentSet
, addDiff = requiredContentSet
, removeDiff = const . flip requiredContentSet mempty
updateField oldst newst simGroupWanted $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = const . groupPreferredContentSet
, addDiff = groupPreferredContentSet
, removeDiff = const . flip groupPreferredContentSet mempty
updateField oldst newst simMaxSize $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = const . recordMaxSize
, addDiff = recordMaxSize
, removeDiff = const . flip recordMaxSize (MaxSize 0)
updateField oldst newst getlocations $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = \k newls oldls -> do
let news = getSimLocations' newls
let olds = getSimLocations' oldls
setlocations InfoPresent k
(S.difference news olds)
setlocations InfoMissing k
(S.difference olds news)
, addDiff = \k ls -> setlocations InfoPresent k
(getSimLocations' ls)
, removeDiff = \k ls -> setlocations InfoMissing k
(getSimLocations' ls)
updateField oldst newst simFiles $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = const . stageannexedfile
, addDiff = stageannexedfile
, removeDiff = const . unstageannexedfile
let ard' = ard { Annex.rebalance = simRebalance newst }
return $ sr
{ simRepoAnnex = (ast, ard')
, simRepoCurrState = newst
setdesc r u = describeUUID u $ toUUIDDesc $
simulatedRepositoryDescription r
stageannexedfile f k = do
let f' = annexedfilepath f
l <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLink f' k
addAnnexLink l f'
unstageannexedfile f = do
liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink $
annexedfilepath f
annexedfilepath f = repoPath (simRepoGitRepo sr) P.</> f
getlocations = maybe mempty simLocations
. M.lookup (simRepoUUID sr)
. simRepoState
setlocations s k =
mapM_ (\l -> logChange NoLiveUpdate k l s)
data DiffUpdate a b m = DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff :: a -> b -> b -> m ()
-- ^ The first value is the new one, the second is the old one.
, addDiff :: a -> b -> m ()
, removeDiff :: a -> b -> m ()
:: (Monad m, Ord a, Eq b)
=> M.Map a b
-> M.Map a b
-> DiffUpdate a b m
-> m ()
updateMap old new diffupdate = do
forM_ (M.toList $ M.intersectionWith (,) new old) $
\(k, (newv, oldv))->
when (newv /= oldv) $
replaceDiff diffupdate k newv oldv
forM_ (M.toList $ M.difference new old) $
uncurry (addDiff diffupdate)
forM_ (M.toList $ M.difference old new) $
\(k, oldv) -> removeDiff diffupdate k oldv
:: (Monad m, Ord a, Eq b)
=> v
-> v
-> (v -> M.Map a b)
-> DiffUpdate a b m
-> m ()
updateField old new f = updateMap (f old) (f new)
suspendSim :: SimState SimRepo -> IO ()
suspendSim st = do
-- Update the sim repos before suspending, so that at restore time
-- they are up-to-date.
st' <- updateSimRepos st
let st'' = st'
{ simRepoState = freeze (simRepoState st)
writeFile (simRootDirectory st </> "state") (show st'')
freeze :: SimRepoState SimRepo -> SimRepoState ()
freeze rst = rst { simRepo = Nothing }
restoreSim :: RawFilePath -> IO (Either String (SimState SimRepo))
restoreSim rootdir =
tryIO (readFile (fromRawFilePath rootdir </> "state")) >>= \case
Left err -> return (Left (show err))
Right c -> case readMaybe c :: Maybe (SimState ()) of
Nothing -> return (Left "unable to parse sim state file")
Just st -> do
repostate <- M.fromList
<$> mapM (thaw st) (M.toList (simRepoState st))
let st' = st
{ simRepoState = (finishthaw st') repostate
return (Right st')
thaw st (u, rst) = tryNonAsync (thaw' st u) >>= return . \case
Left _ -> (u, rst { simRepo = Nothing })
Right r -> (u, rst { simRepo = Just r })
thaw' st u = do
simrepo <- Git.Construct.fromPath $ toRawFilePath $
simRepoDirectory st u
ast <- simrepo
return $ SimRepo
{ simRepoGitRepo = simrepo
, simRepoAnnex = ast
, simRepoCurrState =
-- Placeholder, replaced later with current
-- state.
emptySimState (simRng st)
(simRootDirectory st)
, simRepoUUID = u
finishthaw st rst = rst
{ simRepo = case simRepo rst of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just sr -> Just $ sr { simRepoCurrState = st }