
Special remote programs that use GETCONFIG/SETCONFIG are recommended to implement it. The description is not yet used, but will be useful later when adding a way to make initremote list all accepted configs. configParser now takes a RemoteConfig parameter. Normally, that's not needed, because configParser returns a parter, it does not parse it itself. But, it's needed to look at externaltype and work out what external remote program to run for LISTCONFIGS. Note that, while externalUUID is changed to a Maybe UUID, checkExportSupported used to use NoUUID. The code that now checks for Nothing used to behave in some undefined way if the external program made requests that triggered it. Also, note that in externalSetup, once it generates external, it parses the RemoteConfig strictly. That generates a ParsedRemoteConfig, which is thrown away. The reason it's ok to throw that away, is that, if the strict parse succeeded, the result must be the same as the earlier, lenient parse. initremote of an external special remote now runs the program three times. First for LISTCONFIGS, then EXPORTSUPPORTED, and again LISTCONFIGS+INITREMOTE. It would not be hard to eliminate at least one of those, and it should be possible to only run the program once.
240 lines
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240 lines
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{- git-annex assistant webapp configurators for Amazon AWS services
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.AWS where
import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import Assistant.WebApp.MakeRemote
#ifdef WITH_S3
import qualified Remote.S3 as S3
import Logs.Remote
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import qualified Remote.Glacier as Glacier
import qualified Remote.Helper.AWS as AWS
import Types.Remote (RemoteConfig)
import Types.StandardGroups
import Creds
import Assistant.Gpg
import Git.Types (RemoteName)
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
import Types.ProposedAccepted
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
awsConfigurator :: Widget -> Handler Html
awsConfigurator = page "Add an Amazon repository" (Just Configuration)
glacierConfigurator :: Widget -> Handler Html
glacierConfigurator a = do
ifM (liftIO $ inPath "glacier")
( awsConfigurator a
, awsConfigurator needglaciercli
needglaciercli = $(widgetFile "configurators/needglaciercli")
data StorageClass = StandardRedundancy | StandardInfrequentAccess | ReducedRedundancy
deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded)
instance Show StorageClass where
show StandardRedundancy = "STANDARD"
show StandardInfrequentAccess = "STANDARD_IA"
show ReducedRedundancy = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"
data AWSInput = AWSInput
{ accessKeyID :: Text
, secretAccessKey :: Text
, datacenter :: Text
-- Only used for S3, not Glacier.
, storageClass :: StorageClass
, repoName :: Text
, enableEncryption :: EnableEncryption
data AWSCreds = AWSCreds Text Text
extractCreds :: AWSInput -> AWSCreds
extractCreds i = AWSCreds (accessKeyID i) (secretAccessKey i)
s3InputAForm :: Maybe CredPair -> MkAForm AWSInput
s3InputAForm defcreds = AWSInput
<$> accessKeyIDFieldWithHelp (T.pack . fst <$> defcreds)
<*> secretAccessKeyField (T.pack . snd <$> defcreds)
<*> datacenterField AWS.S3
<*> areq (selectFieldList storageclasses) (bfs "Storage class") (Just StandardRedundancy)
<*> areq textField (bfs "Repository name") (Just "S3")
<*> enableEncryptionField
storageclasses :: [(Text, StorageClass)]
storageclasses =
[ ("Standard redundancy", StandardRedundancy)
#ifdef WITH_S3
, ("Infrequent access (cheaper for backups and archives)", StandardInfrequentAccess)
, ("Reduced redundancy (costs less)", ReducedRedundancy)
glacierInputAForm :: Maybe CredPair -> MkAForm AWSInput
glacierInputAForm defcreds = AWSInput
<$> accessKeyIDFieldWithHelp (T.pack . fst <$> defcreds)
<*> secretAccessKeyField (T.pack . snd <$> defcreds)
<*> datacenterField AWS.Glacier
<*> pure StandardRedundancy
<*> areq textField (bfs "Repository name") (Just "glacier")
<*> enableEncryptionField
awsCredsAForm :: Maybe CredPair -> MkAForm AWSCreds
awsCredsAForm defcreds = AWSCreds
<$> accessKeyIDFieldWithHelp (T.pack . fst <$> defcreds)
<*> secretAccessKeyField (T.pack . snd <$> defcreds)
accessKeyIDField :: Widget -> Maybe Text -> MkAForm Text
accessKeyIDField help = areq (textField `withNote` help) (bfs "Access Key ID")
accessKeyIDFieldWithHelp :: Maybe Text -> MkAForm Text
accessKeyIDFieldWithHelp = accessKeyIDField help
help = [whamlet|
<a href="https://portal.aws.amazon.com/gp/aws/securityCredentials#id_block">
Get Amazon access keys
secretAccessKeyField :: Maybe Text -> MkAForm Text
secretAccessKeyField = areq passwordField (bfs "Secret Access Key")
datacenterField :: AWS.Service -> MkAForm Text
datacenterField service = areq (selectFieldList list) (bfs "Datacenter") defregion
list = M.toList $ AWS.regionMap service
defregion = Just $ AWS.defaultRegion service
getAddS3R :: Handler Html
getAddS3R = postAddS3R
postAddS3R :: Handler Html
#ifdef WITH_S3
postAddS3R = awsConfigurator $ do
defcreds <- liftAnnex previouslyUsedAWSCreds
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPostNoToken $ renderBootstrap3 bootstrapFormLayout $ s3InputAForm defcreds
case result of
FormSuccess input -> liftH $ do
let name = T.unpack $ repoName input
makeAWSRemote initSpecialRemote S3.remote TransferGroup (extractCreds input) name $ M.fromList
[ configureEncryption $ enableEncryption input
, (typeField, Proposed "S3")
, (Proposed "datacenter", Proposed $ T.unpack $ datacenter input)
, (Proposed "storageclass", Proposed $ show $ storageClass input)
, (Proposed "chunk", Proposed "1MiB")
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/adds3")
postAddS3R = giveup "S3 not supported by this build"
getAddGlacierR :: Handler Html
getAddGlacierR = postAddGlacierR
postAddGlacierR :: Handler Html
#ifdef WITH_S3
postAddGlacierR = glacierConfigurator $ do
defcreds <- liftAnnex previouslyUsedAWSCreds
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPostNoToken $ renderBootstrap3 bootstrapFormLayout $ glacierInputAForm defcreds
case result of
FormSuccess input -> liftH $ do
let name = T.unpack $ repoName input
makeAWSRemote initSpecialRemote Glacier.remote SmallArchiveGroup (extractCreds input) name $ M.fromList
[ configureEncryption $ enableEncryption input
, (typeField, Proposed "glacier")
, (Proposed "datacenter", Proposed $ T.unpack $ datacenter input)
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/addglacier")
postAddGlacierR = giveup "S3 not supported by this build"
getEnableS3R :: UUID -> Handler Html
#ifdef WITH_S3
getEnableS3R uuid = do
m <- liftAnnex readRemoteLog
isia <- case M.lookup uuid m of
Just c -> liftAnnex $ do
pc <- either mempty id . parseRemoteConfig c
<$> Remote.configParser S3.remote c
return $ S3.configIA pc
Nothing -> return False
if isia
then redirect $ EnableIAR uuid
else postEnableS3R uuid
getEnableS3R = postEnableS3R
postEnableS3R :: UUID -> Handler Html
#ifdef WITH_S3
postEnableS3R uuid = awsConfigurator $ enableAWSRemote S3.remote uuid
postEnableS3R _ = giveup "S3 not supported by this build"
getEnableGlacierR :: UUID -> Handler Html
getEnableGlacierR = postEnableGlacierR
postEnableGlacierR :: UUID -> Handler Html
postEnableGlacierR = glacierConfigurator . enableAWSRemote Glacier.remote
enableAWSRemote :: RemoteType -> UUID -> Widget
#ifdef WITH_S3
enableAWSRemote remotetype uuid = do
defcreds <- liftAnnex previouslyUsedAWSCreds
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPostNoToken $ renderBootstrap3 bootstrapFormLayout $ awsCredsAForm defcreds
case result of
FormSuccess creds -> liftH $ do
m <- liftAnnex readRemoteLog
let name = fromJust $ lookupName $
fromJust $ M.lookup uuid m
makeAWSRemote enableSpecialRemote remotetype SmallArchiveGroup creds name M.empty
_ -> do
description <- liftAnnex $
T.pack <$> Remote.prettyUUID uuid
$(widgetFile "configurators/enableaws")
enableAWSRemote _ _ = giveup "S3 not supported by this build"
makeAWSRemote :: SpecialRemoteMaker -> RemoteType -> StandardGroup -> AWSCreds -> RemoteName -> RemoteConfig -> Handler ()
makeAWSRemote maker remotetype defaultgroup (AWSCreds ak sk) name config =
setupCloudRemote defaultgroup Nothing $
maker hostname remotetype (Just creds) config
creds = (T.unpack ak, T.unpack sk)
{- AWS services use the remote name as the basis for a host
- name, so filter it to contain valid characters. -}
hostname = case filter isAlphaNum name of
[] -> "aws"
n -> n
getRepoInfo :: RemoteConfig -> Widget
getRepoInfo c = [whamlet|S3 remote using bucket: #{bucket}|]
bucket = maybe "" fromProposedAccepted $ M.lookup (Accepted "bucket") c
#ifdef WITH_S3
previouslyUsedAWSCreds :: Annex (Maybe CredPair)
previouslyUsedAWSCreds = getM gettype [S3.remote, Glacier.remote]
gettype t = previouslyUsedCredPair AWS.creds t $
not . S3.configIA . Remote.config