This avoids a potential slowdown when using lots of views. I think that it makes sense for unused to ignore (local) view branches, since these are by definition supposed to be views of an existing branch, so looking at the branch should be sufficient (and if the view is out of date and has files that have since been deleted from the branch, the user's intent is not to preserve those from unused reaping).
97 lines
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97 lines
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{- git-annex recent views log
- The most recently accessed view comes first.
- This file is stored locally in .git/annex/, not in the git-annex branch.
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.View (
) where
import Common.Annex
import Types.View
import Types.MetaData
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Branch
import qualified Git.Ref
import Git.Types
import Utility.Tmp
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Char
setView :: View -> Annex ()
setView v = do
old <- take 99 . filter (/= v) <$> recentViews
writeViews (v : old)
writeViews :: [View] -> Annex ()
writeViews l = do
f <- fromRepo gitAnnexViewLog
liftIO $ viaTmp writeFile f $ unlines $ map show l
removeView :: View -> Annex ()
removeView v = writeViews =<< filter (/= v) <$> recentViews
recentViews :: Annex [View]
recentViews = do
f <- fromRepo gitAnnexViewLog
liftIO $ mapMaybe readish . lines <$> catchDefaultIO [] (readFile f)
{- Gets the currently checked out view, if there is one. -}
currentView :: Annex (Maybe View)
currentView = go =<< inRepo Git.Branch.current
go (Just b) | branchViewPrefix `isPrefixOf` fromRef b =
headMaybe . filter (\v -> branchView v == b) <$> recentViews
go _ = return Nothing
branchViewPrefix :: String
branchViewPrefix = "refs/heads/views"
{- Generates a git branch name for a View.
- There is no guarantee that each view gets a unique branch name,
- but the branch name is used to express the view as well as possible.
branchView :: View -> Git.Branch
branchView view
| null name = Git.Ref branchViewPrefix
| otherwise = Git.Ref $ branchViewPrefix ++ "/" ++ name
name = intercalate ";" $ map branchcomp (viewComponents view)
branchcomp c
| viewVisible c = branchcomp' c
| otherwise = "(" ++ branchcomp' c ++ ")"
branchcomp' (ViewComponent metafield viewfilter _) =concat
[ forcelegal (fromMetaField metafield)
, branchvals viewfilter
branchvals (FilterValues set) = '=' : branchset set
branchvals (FilterGlob glob) = '=' : forcelegal glob
branchvals (ExcludeValues set) = "!=" ++ branchset set
branchset = intercalate ","
. map (forcelegal . fromMetaValue)
. S.toList
forcelegal s
| Git.Ref.legal True s = s
| otherwise = map (\c -> if isAlphaNum c then c else '_') s
is_branchView :: Git.Branch -> Bool
is_branchView (Ref b)
| b == branchViewPrefix = True
| otherwise = (branchViewPrefix ++ "/") `isPrefixOf` b
prop_branchView_legal :: View -> Bool
prop_branchView_legal = Git.Ref.legal False . fromRef . branchView