Based on my earlier benchmark, I have a rough cost model for how expensive it is for git-annex smudge to be run on a file, vs how expensive it is for a gigabyte of a file's content to be read and piped through to filter-process. So, using that cost model, it can decide if using filter-process will be more or less expensive than running the smudge filter on the files to be restaged. It turned out to be *really* annoying to temporarily disable filter-process. I did find a way, but urk, this is horrible. Notice that, if it's interrupted with it disabled, it will remain disabled until the next time restagePointerFile runs. Which could be some time later. If the user runs `git add` or `git checkout` on a lot of small files before that, they will see slower than expected performance. (This commit also deletes where I wrote down the benchmark results earlier.) Sponsored-by: Noam Kremen on Patreon
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{- git repository command queue
- Copyright 2010-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns #-}
module Git.Queue (
) where
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Common
import Git
import Git.Command
import qualified Git.UpdateIndex
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
{- Queable actions that can be performed in a git repository. -}
data Action m
{- Updating the index file, using a list of streamers that can
- be added to as the queue grows. -}
= UpdateIndexAction [Git.UpdateIndex.Streamer] -- in reverse order
{- A git command to run, on a list of files that can be added to
- as the queue grows. -}
| CommandAction
{ getCommonParams :: [CommandParam]
-- ^ parameters that come before the git subcommand
-- (in addition to the Repo's gitGlobalOpts.
, getSubcommand :: String
, getParams :: [CommandParam]
-- ^ parameters that come after the git subcommand
, getFiles :: [CommandParam]
{- An internal action to run, on a list of files that can be added
- to as the queue grows. -}
| InternalAction
{ getRunner :: InternalActionRunner m
, getInternalFiles :: [(RawFilePath, IO Bool, FileSize)]
{- The String must be unique for each internal action. -}
data InternalActionRunner m = InternalActionRunner String (Repo -> [(RawFilePath, IO Bool, FileSize)] -> m ())
instance Eq (InternalActionRunner m) where
InternalActionRunner s1 _ == InternalActionRunner s2 _ = s1 == s2
{- A key that can uniquely represent an action in a Map. -}
data ActionKey
= UpdateIndexActionKey
| CommandActionKey [CommandParam] String [CommandParam]
| InternalActionKey String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
actionKey :: Action m -> ActionKey
actionKey (UpdateIndexAction _) = UpdateIndexActionKey
actionKey CommandAction { getCommonParams = c, getSubcommand = s, getParams = p } = CommandActionKey c s p
actionKey InternalAction { getRunner = InternalActionRunner s _ } = InternalActionKey s
{- A queue of actions to perform (in any order) on a git repository,
- with lists of files to perform them on. This allows coalescing
- similar git commands. -}
data Queue m = Queue
{ size :: Int
, _limit :: Int
, items :: M.Map ActionKey (Action m)
{- A recommended maximum size for the queue, after which it should be
- run.
- 10240 is semi-arbitrary. If we assume git filenames are between 10 and
- 255 characters long, then the queue will build up between 100kb and
- 2550kb long commands. The max command line length on linux is somewhere
- above 20k, so this is a fairly good balance -- the queue will buffer
- only a few megabytes of stuff and a minimal number of commands will be
- run by xargs. -}
defaultLimit :: Int
defaultLimit = 10240
{- Constructor for empty queue. -}
new :: Maybe Int -> Queue m
new lim = Queue 0 (fromMaybe defaultLimit lim) M.empty
{- Adds an git command to the queue.
- Git commands with the same subcommand but different parameters are
- assumed to be equivilant enough to perform in any order with the same
- end result.
addCommand :: MonadIO m => [CommandParam] -> String -> [CommandParam] -> [FilePath] -> Queue m -> Repo -> m (Queue m)
addCommand commonparams subcommand params files q repo =
updateQueue action different (length files) q repo
action = CommandAction
{ getCommonParams = commonparams
, getSubcommand = subcommand
, getParams = params
, getFiles = map File files
different (CommandAction { getSubcommand = s }) = s /= subcommand
different _ = True
{- Adds an internal action to the queue. -}
addInternalAction :: MonadIO m => InternalActionRunner m -> [(RawFilePath, IO Bool, FileSize)] -> Queue m -> Repo -> m (Queue m)
addInternalAction runner files q repo =
updateQueue action different (length files) q repo
action = InternalAction
{ getRunner = runner
, getInternalFiles = files
different (InternalAction { getRunner = r }) = r /= runner
different _ = True
{- Adds an update-index streamer to the queue. -}
addUpdateIndex :: MonadIO m => Git.UpdateIndex.Streamer -> Queue m -> Repo -> m (Queue m)
addUpdateIndex streamer q repo =
updateQueue action different 1 q repo
-- the list is built in reverse order
action = UpdateIndexAction [streamer]
different (UpdateIndexAction _) = False
different _ = True
{- Updates or adds an action in the queue. If the queue already contains a
- different action, it will be flushed; this is to ensure that conflicting
- actions, like add and rm, are run in the right order.-}
updateQueue :: MonadIO m => Action m -> (Action m -> Bool) -> Int -> Queue m -> Repo -> m (Queue m)
updateQueue !action different sizeincrease q repo
| null (filter different (M.elems (items q))) = return $ go q
| otherwise = go <$> flush q repo
go q' = newq
!newq = q'
{ size = newsize
, items = newitems
!newsize = size q' + sizeincrease
!newitems = M.insertWith combineNewOld (actionKey action) action (items q')
{- The new value comes first. It probably has a smaller list of files than
- the old value. So, the list append of the new value first is more
- efficient. -}
combineNewOld :: Action m -> Action m -> Action m
combineNewOld (CommandAction _cps1 _sc1 _ps1 fs1) (CommandAction cps2 sc2 ps2 fs2) =
CommandAction cps2 sc2 ps2 (fs1++fs2)
combineNewOld (UpdateIndexAction s1) (UpdateIndexAction s2) =
UpdateIndexAction (s1++s2)
combineNewOld (InternalAction _r1 fs1) (InternalAction r2 fs2) =
InternalAction r2 (fs1++fs2)
combineNewOld anew _aold = anew
{- Merges the contents of the second queue into the first.
- This should only be used when the two queues are known to contain
- non-conflicting actions. -}
merge :: Queue m -> Queue m -> Queue m
merge origq newq = origq
{ size = size origq + size newq
, items = M.unionWith combineNewOld (items newq) (items origq)
{- Is a queue large enough that it should be flushed? -}
full :: Queue m -> Bool
full (Queue cur lim _) = cur >= lim
{- Runs a queue on a git repository. -}
flush :: MonadIO m => Queue m -> Repo -> m (Queue m)
flush (Queue _ lim m) repo = do
forM_ (M.elems m) $ runAction repo
return $ Queue 0 lim M.empty
{- Runs an Action on a list of files in a git repository.
- Complicated by commandline length limits.
- Intentionally runs the command even if the list of files is empty;
- this allows queueing commands that do not need a list of files. -}
runAction :: MonadIO m => Repo -> Action m -> m ()
runAction repo (UpdateIndexAction streamers) =
-- list is stored in reverse order
liftIO $ Git.UpdateIndex.streamUpdateIndex repo $ reverse streamers
runAction repo action@(CommandAction {}) = liftIO $ do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
let p = (proc "xargs" $ "-0":"git":toCommand gitparams)
{ env = gitEnv repo
, std_in = CreatePipe
withCreateProcess p (go p)
-- Using xargs on Windows is problematic, so just run the command
-- once per file (not as efficient.)
if null (getFiles action)
then void $ boolSystemEnv "git" gitparams (gitEnv repo)
else forM_ (getFiles action) $ \f ->
void $ boolSystemEnv "git" (gitparams ++ [f]) (gitEnv repo)
gitparams = gitCommandLine
(getCommonParams action++Param (getSubcommand action):getParams action)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
go p (Just h) _ _ pid = do
hPutStr h $ intercalate "\0" $ toCommand $ getFiles action
hClose h
forceSuccessProcess p pid
go _ _ _ _ _ = error "internal"
runAction repo action@(InternalAction {}) =
let InternalActionRunner _ runner = getRunner action
in runner repo (getInternalFiles action)