Prevent haskell http-client from decompressing gzip files, so downloads of such files works the same as it used to with wget and curl. Explicitly setting accept-encoding to "identity" is probably not needed, but that's what wget sends (curl does not send the header), and since http-client is trying to be excessively smart, it seems we need to set hAcceptEncoding to something to prevent it from inserting its own, and this seems better than some hack like "". This commit was sponsored by Ole-Morten Duesund on Patreon.
508 lines
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508 lines
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{- Url downloading.
- Copyright 2011-2018 Joey Hess <>
- License: BSD-2-clause
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Utility.Url (
) where
import Common
import Utility.Metered
import Network.URI
import Network.HTTP.Types
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Network.HTTP.Client (brRead, withResponse)
import Data.Conduit
#if ! MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
responseTimeoutNone :: Maybe Int
responseTimeoutNone = Nothing
managerSettings :: ManagerSettings
#if MIN_VERSION_http_conduit(2,1,7)
managerSettings = tlsManagerSettings
managerSettings = conduitManagerSettings
{ managerResponseTimeout = responseTimeoutNone }
type URLString = String
type Headers = [String]
type UserAgent = String
data UrlOptions = UrlOptions
{ userAgent :: Maybe UserAgent
, reqHeaders :: Headers
, urlDownloader :: UrlDownloader
, applyRequest :: Request -> Request
, httpManager :: Manager
data UrlDownloader
= DownloadWithConduit
| DownloadWithCurl [CommandParam]
defUrlOptions :: IO UrlOptions
defUrlOptions = UrlOptions
<$> pure Nothing
<*> pure []
<*> pure DownloadWithConduit
<*> pure id
<*> newManager managerSettings
mkUrlOptions :: Maybe UserAgent -> Headers -> [CommandParam] -> Manager -> UrlOptions
mkUrlOptions defuseragent reqheaders reqparams manager =
UrlOptions useragent reqheaders urldownloader applyrequest manager
urldownloader = if null reqparams
#if MIN_VERSION_cryptonite(0,6,0)
then DownloadWithConduit
-- Work around for old cryptonite bug that broke tls.
then DownloadWithCurl reqparams
else DownloadWithCurl reqparams
applyrequest = \r -> r { requestHeaders = requestHeaders r ++ addedheaders }
addedheaders = uaheader ++ otherheaders
useragent = maybe defuseragent (Just . B8.toString . snd)
(headMaybe uafromheaders)
uaheader = case useragent of
Nothing -> []
Just ua -> [(hUserAgent, B8.fromString ua)]
(uafromheaders, otherheaders) = partition (\(h, _) -> h == hUserAgent)
(map toheader reqheaders)
toheader s =
let (h, v) = separate (== ':') s
h' = (B8.fromString h)
in case v of
(' ':v') -> (h', B8.fromString v')
_ -> (h', B8.fromString v)
curlParams :: UrlOptions -> [CommandParam] -> [CommandParam]
curlParams uo ps = ps ++ uaparams ++ headerparams ++ addedparams
uaparams = case userAgent uo of
Nothing -> []
Just ua -> [Param "--user-agent", Param ua]
headerparams = concatMap (\h -> [Param "-H", Param h]) (reqHeaders uo)
addedparams = case urlDownloader uo of
DownloadWithConduit -> []
DownloadWithCurl l -> l
{- Checks that an url exists and could be successfully downloaded,
- also checking that its size, if available, matches a specified size. -}
checkBoth :: URLString -> Maybe Integer -> UrlOptions -> IO Bool
checkBoth url expected_size uo = do
v <- check url expected_size uo
return (fst v && snd v)
check :: URLString -> Maybe Integer -> UrlOptions -> IO (Bool, Bool)
check url expected_size uo = go <$> getUrlInfo url uo
go (UrlInfo False _ _) = (False, False)
go (UrlInfo True Nothing _) = (True, True)
go (UrlInfo True s _) = case expected_size of
Just _ -> (True, expected_size == s)
Nothing -> (True, True)
exists :: URLString -> UrlOptions -> IO Bool
exists url uo = urlExists <$> getUrlInfo url uo
data UrlInfo = UrlInfo
{ urlExists :: Bool
, urlSize :: Maybe Integer
, urlSuggestedFile :: Maybe FilePath
deriving (Show)
assumeUrlExists :: UrlInfo
assumeUrlExists = UrlInfo True Nothing Nothing
{- Checks that an url exists and could be successfully downloaded,
- also returning its size and suggested filename if available. -}
getUrlInfo :: URLString -> UrlOptions -> IO UrlInfo
getUrlInfo url uo = case parseURIRelaxed url of
Just u -> case (urlDownloader uo, parseUrlConduit (show u)) of
(DownloadWithConduit, Just req) -> catchJust
-- When http redirects to a protocol which
-- conduit does not support, it will throw
-- a StatusCodeException with found302.
(matchStatusCodeException (== found302))
(existsconduit req)
(const (existscurl u))
`catchNonAsync` (const dne)
-- http-conduit does not support file:, ftp:, etc urls,
-- so fall back to reading files and using curl.
| uriScheme u == "file:" -> do
let f = unEscapeString (uriPath u)
s <- catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus f
case s of
Just stat -> do
sz <- getFileSize' f stat
found (Just sz) Nothing
Nothing -> dne
| otherwise -> existscurl u
Nothing -> dne
dne = return $ UrlInfo False Nothing Nothing
found sz f = return $ UrlInfo True sz f
curlparams = curlParams uo $
[ Param "-s"
, Param "--head"
, Param "-L", Param url
, Param "-w", Param "%{http_code}"
extractlencurl s = case lastMaybe $ filter ("Content-Length:" `isPrefixOf`) (lines s) of
Just l -> case lastMaybe $ words l of
Just sz -> readish sz
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
extractlen = readish . B8.toString
<=< lookup hContentLength . responseHeaders
extractfilename = contentDispositionFilename . B8.toString
<=< lookup hContentDisposition . responseHeaders
existsconduit req = do
let req' = headRequest (applyRequest uo req)
runResourceT $ do
resp <- http req' (httpManager uo)
-- forces processing the response while
-- within the runResourceT
liftIO $ if responseStatus resp == ok200
then found
(extractlen resp)
(extractfilename resp)
else dne
existscurl u = do
output <- catchDefaultIO "" $
readProcess "curl" $ toCommand curlparams
let len = extractlencurl output
let good = found len Nothing
let isftp = or
[ "ftp" `isInfixOf` uriScheme u
-- Check to see if http redirected to ftp.
, "Location: ftp://" `isInfixOf` output
case lastMaybe (lines output) of
Just ('2':_:_) -> good
-- don't try to parse ftp status codes; if curl
-- got a length, it's good
_ | isftp && isJust len -> good
_ -> dne
-- Parse eg: attachment; filename="fname.ext"
-- per RFC 2616
contentDispositionFilename :: String -> Maybe FilePath
contentDispositionFilename s
| "attachment; filename=\"" `isPrefixOf` s && "\"" `isSuffixOf` s =
Just $ reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse $
drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '"') s
| otherwise = Nothing
headRequest :: Request -> Request
headRequest r = r
{ method = methodHead
-- remove defaut Accept-Encoding header, to get actual,
-- not gzip compressed size.
, requestHeaders = (hAcceptEncoding, B.empty) :
filter (\(h, _) -> h /= hAcceptEncoding)
(requestHeaders r)
{- Download a perhaps large file, with auto-resume of incomplete downloads.
- By default, conduit is used for the download, except for file: urls,
- which are copied. If the url scheme is not supported by conduit, falls
- back to using curl.
- Displays error message on stderr when download failed.
download :: MeterUpdate -> URLString -> FilePath -> UrlOptions -> IO Bool
download meterupdate url file uo =
catchJust matchHttpException go showhttpexception
`catchNonAsync` showerr
go = case parseURIRelaxed url of
Just u -> case (urlDownloader uo, parseUrlConduit (show u)) of
(DownloadWithConduit, Just req) -> catchJust
-- When http redirects to a protocol which
-- conduit does not support, it will throw
-- a StatusCodeException with found302.
(matchStatusCodeException (== found302))
(downloadconduit req)
(const downloadcurl)
| uriScheme u == "file:" -> do
let src = unEscapeString (uriPath u)
withMeteredFile src meterupdate $
L.writeFile file
return True
| otherwise -> downloadcurl
Nothing -> return False
downloadconduit req = catchMaybeIO (getFileSize file) >>= \case
Nothing -> runResourceT $ do
resp <- http req' (httpManager uo)
if responseStatus resp == ok200
then store zeroBytesProcessed WriteMode resp
else showrespfailure resp
Just sz -> resumeconduit req' sz
-- Override http-client's default decompression of gzip
-- compressed files. We want the unmodified file content.
req' = req
{ requestHeaders = (hAcceptEncoding, "identity") :
filter ((/= hAcceptEncoding) . fst)
(requestHeaders req)
, decompress = const False
alreadydownloaded sz s h = s == requestedRangeNotSatisfiable416
&& case lookup hContentRange h of
-- This could be improved by fixing
Just crh -> crh == B8.fromString ("bytes */" ++ show sz)
Nothing -> False
-- Resume download from where a previous download was interrupted,
-- when supported by the http server. The server may also opt to
-- send the whole file rather than resuming.
resumeconduit req sz = catchJust
(matchStatusCodeHeadersException (alreadydownloaded sz))
(const $ return True)
dl = runResourceT $ do
let req' = req { requestHeaders = resumeFromHeader sz : requestHeaders req }
resp <- http req' (httpManager uo)
if responseStatus resp == partialContent206
then store (BytesProcessed sz) AppendMode resp
else if responseStatus resp == ok200
then store zeroBytesProcessed WriteMode resp
else showrespfailure resp
showrespfailure resp = liftIO $ do
hPutStrLn stderr $ B8.toString $
statusMessage $ responseStatus resp
hFlush stderr
return False
showhttpexception he = do
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
let msg = case he of
HttpExceptionRequest _ (StatusCodeException _ msgb) ->
B8.toString msgb
HttpExceptionRequest _ other -> show other
_ -> show he
let msg = case he of
StatusCodeException status _ _ ->
B8.toString (statusMessage status)
_ -> show he
hPutStrLn stderr $ "download failed: " ++ msg
hFlush stderr
return False
showerr e = do
hPutStrLn stderr (show e)
hFlush stderr
return False
store initialp mode resp = do
sinkResponseFile meterupdate initialp file mode resp
return True
downloadcurl = do
-- curl does not create destination file
-- if the url happens to be empty, so pre-create.
unlessM (doesFileExist file) $
writeFile file ""
let ps = curlParams uo
[ Param "-sS"
, Param "-f"
, Param "-L"
, Param "-C", Param "-"
boolSystem "curl" (ps ++ [Param "-o", File file, File url])
{- Sinks a Response's body to a file. The file can either be opened in
- WriteMode or AppendMode. Updates the meter as data is received.
- Note that the responseStatus is not checked by this function.
:: MonadResource m
=> MeterUpdate
-> BytesProcessed
-> FilePath
-> IOMode
#if MIN_VERSION_http_conduit(2,3,0)
-> Response (ConduitM () B8.ByteString m ())
-> Response (ResumableSource m B8.ByteString)
-> m ()
sinkResponseFile meterupdate initialp file mode resp = do
(fr, fh) <- allocate (openBinaryFile file mode) hClose
#if MIN_VERSION_http_conduit(2,3,0)
runConduit $ responseBody resp .| go initialp fh
responseBody resp $$+- go initialp fh
release fr
go sofar fh = await >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just bs -> do
let sofar' = addBytesProcessed sofar (B.length bs)
liftIO $ do
void $ meterupdate sofar'
B.hPut fh bs
go sofar' fh
{- Downloads at least the specified number of bytes from an url. -}
downloadPartial :: URLString -> UrlOptions -> Int -> IO (Maybe L.ByteString)
downloadPartial url uo n = case parseURIRelaxed url of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just u -> go u `catchNonAsync` const (return Nothing)
go u = case parseUrlConduit (show u) of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just req -> do
let req' = applyRequest uo req
withResponse req' (httpManager uo) $ \resp ->
if responseStatus resp == ok200
then Just <$> brread n [] (responseBody resp)
else return Nothing
-- could use brReadSome here, needs newer http-client dependency
brread n' l rb
| n' <= 0 = return (L.fromChunks (reverse l))
| otherwise = do
bs <- brRead rb
if B.null bs
then return (L.fromChunks (reverse l))
else brread (n' - B.length bs) (bs:l) rb
{- Allows for spaces and other stuff in urls, properly escaping them. -}
parseURIRelaxed :: URLString -> Maybe URI
parseURIRelaxed s = maybe (parseURIRelaxed' s) Just $
parseURI $ escapeURIString isAllowedInURI s
parseUrlConduit :: URLString -> Maybe Request
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,4,30)
parseUrlConduit = parseUrlThrow
parseUrlConduit = parseUrl
{- Some characters like '[' are allowed in eg, the address of
- an uri, but cannot appear unescaped further along in the uri.
- This handles that, expensively, by successively escaping each character
- from the back of the url until the url parses.
parseURIRelaxed' :: URLString -> Maybe URI
parseURIRelaxed' s = go [] (reverse s)
go back [] = parseURI back
go back (c:cs) = case parseURI (escapeURIString isAllowedInURI (reverse (c:cs)) ++ back) of
Just u -> Just u
Nothing -> go (escapeURIChar escapemore c ++ back) cs
escapemore '[' = False
escapemore ']' = False
escapemore c = isAllowedInURI c
hAcceptEncoding :: CI.CI B.ByteString
hAcceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding"
hContentDisposition :: CI.CI B.ByteString
hContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition"
hContentRange :: CI.CI B.ByteString
hContentRange = "Content-Range"
resumeFromHeader :: FileSize -> Header
resumeFromHeader sz = (hRange, renderByteRanges [ByteRangeFrom sz])
{- Use with eg:
- > catchJust (matchStatusCodeException (== notFound404))
matchStatusCodeException :: (Status -> Bool) -> HttpException -> Maybe HttpException
matchStatusCodeException want = matchStatusCodeHeadersException (\s _h -> want s)
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
matchStatusCodeHeadersException :: (Status -> ResponseHeaders -> Bool) -> HttpException -> Maybe HttpException
matchStatusCodeHeadersException want e@(HttpExceptionRequest _ (StatusCodeException r _))
| want (responseStatus r) (responseHeaders r) = Just e
| otherwise = Nothing
matchStatusCodeHeadersException _ _ = Nothing
matchStatusCodeHeadersException :: (Status -> ResponseHeaders -> Bool) -> HttpException -> Maybe HttpException
matchStatusCodeHeadersException want e@(StatusCodeException s r _)
| want s r = Just e
| otherwise = Nothing
matchStatusCodeHeadersException _ _ = Nothing
{- Use with eg:
- > catchJust matchHttpException
matchHttpException :: HttpException -> Maybe HttpException
matchHttpException = Just
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
matchHttpExceptionContent :: (HttpExceptionContent -> Bool) -> HttpException -> Maybe HttpException
matchHttpExceptionContent want e@(HttpExceptionRequest _ hec)
| want hec = Just e
| otherwise = Nothing
matchHttpExceptionContent _ _ = Nothing
matchHttpExceptionContent :: (HttpException -> Bool) -> HttpException -> Maybe HttpException
matchHttpExceptionContent want e
| want e = Just e
| otherwise = Nothing