Prep for move --to --from, which needs to download from a src repo
without updating the location log for the local repo, before sending the
content on to the dest repo.
Note that caller of download' already update the log themselves.
See previous commit a422a056f2
that pushed it up to download from getViaTmpFrom.
(Also removed in passing a debug print + readline that I accidentially
committed last week on this branch.)
Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's DANDI project
494 lines
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494 lines
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2010-2023 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Command.Move where
import Command
import qualified Command.Drop
import qualified Annex
import Annex.Content
import qualified Remote
import Annex.UUID
import Annex.Transfer
import Logs.Presence
import Logs.Trust
import Logs.File
import Logs.Location
import Annex.NumCopies
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
cmd :: Command
cmd = withAnnexOptions [jobsOption, jsonOptions, jsonProgressOption, annexedMatchingOptions] $
command "move" SectionCommon
"move content of files to/from another repository"
paramPaths (seek <--< optParser)
data MoveOptions = MoveOptions
{ moveFiles :: CmdParams
, fromToOptions :: Maybe FromToHereOptions
, removeWhen :: RemoveWhen
, keyOptions :: Maybe KeyOptions
, batchOption :: BatchMode
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser MoveOptions
optParser desc = MoveOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> parseFromToHereOptions
<*> pure RemoveSafe
<*> optional (parseKeyOptions <|> parseFailedTransfersOption)
<*> parseBatchOption True
instance DeferredParseClass MoveOptions where
finishParse v = MoveOptions
<$> pure (moveFiles v)
<*> maybe (pure Nothing) (Just <$$> finishParse)
(fromToOptions v)
<*> pure (removeWhen v)
<*> pure (keyOptions v)
<*> pure (batchOption v)
data RemoveWhen = RemoveSafe | RemoveNever
deriving (Show, Eq)
seek :: MoveOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = case fromToOptions o of
Just fto -> seek' o fto
Nothing -> giveup "Specify --from or --to"
seek' :: MoveOptions -> FromToHereOptions -> CommandSeek
seek' o fto = startConcurrency stages $ do
case batchOption o of
NoBatch -> withKeyOptions (keyOptions o) False seeker
(commandAction . keyaction)
(withFilesInGitAnnex ww seeker)
=<< workTreeItems ww (moveFiles o)
Batch fmt -> batchOnly (keyOptions o) (moveFiles o) $
batchAnnexed fmt seeker keyaction
seeker = AnnexedFileSeeker
{ startAction = start fto (removeWhen o)
, checkContentPresent = case fto of
FromOrToRemote (FromRemote _) -> Nothing
FromOrToRemote (ToRemote _) -> Just True
ToHere -> Nothing
FromRemoteToRemote _ _ -> Nothing
, usesLocationLog = True
stages = case fto of
FromOrToRemote (FromRemote _) -> downloadStages
FromOrToRemote (ToRemote _) -> commandStages
ToHere -> downloadStages
FromRemoteToRemote _ _ -> commandStages
keyaction = startKey fto (removeWhen o)
ww = WarnUnmatchLsFiles
start :: FromToHereOptions -> RemoveWhen -> SeekInput -> RawFilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start fromto removewhen si f k = start' fromto removewhen afile si k ai
afile = AssociatedFile (Just f)
ai = mkActionItem (k, afile)
startKey :: FromToHereOptions -> RemoveWhen -> (SeekInput, Key, ActionItem) -> CommandStart
startKey fromto removewhen (si, k, ai) =
start' fromto removewhen (AssociatedFile Nothing) si k ai
start' :: FromToHereOptions -> RemoveWhen -> AssociatedFile -> SeekInput -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
start' fromto removewhen afile si key ai =
case fromto of
FromOrToRemote (FromRemote src) ->
checkFailedTransferDirection ai Download $
fromStart removewhen afile key ai si =<< getParsed src
FromOrToRemote (ToRemote dest) ->
checkFailedTransferDirection ai Upload $
toStart removewhen afile key ai si =<< getParsed dest
ToHere ->
checkFailedTransferDirection ai Download $
toHereStart removewhen afile key ai si
FromRemoteToRemote src dest -> do
src' <- getParsed src
dest' <- getParsed dest
fromToStart removewhen afile key ai si src' dest'
describeMoveAction :: RemoveWhen -> String
describeMoveAction RemoveNever = "copy"
describeMoveAction _ = "move"
toStart :: RemoveWhen -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> ActionItem -> SeekInput -> Remote -> CommandStart
toStart removewhen afile key ai si dest = do
u <- getUUID
if u == Remote.uuid dest
then stop
else toStart' dest removewhen afile key ai si
toStart' :: Remote -> RemoveWhen -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> ActionItem -> SeekInput -> CommandStart
toStart' dest removewhen afile key ai si = do
fast <- Annex.getRead Annex.fast
if fast && removewhen == RemoveNever
then ifM (expectedPresent dest key)
( stop
, go True (pure $ Right False)
else go False (Remote.hasKey dest key)
go fastcheck isthere =
starting (describeMoveAction removewhen) (OnlyActionOn key ai) si $
toPerform dest removewhen key afile fastcheck =<< isthere
expectedPresent :: Remote -> Key -> Annex Bool
expectedPresent dest key = do
remotes <- Remote.keyPossibilities key
return $ dest `elem` remotes
toPerform :: Remote -> RemoveWhen -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Bool -> Either String Bool -> CommandPerform
toPerform dest removewhen key afile fastcheck isthere = do
srcuuid <- getUUID
case isthere of
Left err -> do
showNote err
Right False -> logMove srcuuid destuuid False key $ \deststartedwithcopy -> do
showAction $ "to " ++ Remote.name dest
ok <- notifyTransfer Upload afile $
upload dest key afile stdRetry
if ok
then finish deststartedwithcopy $
Remote.logStatus dest key InfoPresent
else do
logMoveCleanup deststartedwithcopy
when fastcheck $
warning "This could have failed because --fast is enabled."
Right True -> logMove srcuuid destuuid True key $ \deststartedwithcopy ->
finish deststartedwithcopy $
unlessM (expectedPresent dest key) $
Remote.logStatus dest key InfoPresent
destuuid = Remote.uuid dest
finish deststartedwithcopy setpresentremote = case removewhen of
RemoveNever -> do
logMoveCleanup deststartedwithcopy
next $ return True
RemoveSafe -> lockContentForRemoval key lockfailed $ \contentlock -> do
srcuuid <- getUUID
r <- willDropMakeItWorse srcuuid destuuid deststartedwithcopy key afile >>= \case
DropAllowed -> drophere setpresentremote contentlock "moved"
DropCheckNumCopies -> do
(numcopies, mincopies) <- getSafestNumMinCopies afile key
(tocheck, verified) <- verifiableCopies key [srcuuid]
verifyEnoughCopiesToDrop "" key (Just contentlock)
numcopies mincopies [srcuuid] verified
(UnVerifiedRemote dest : tocheck)
(drophere setpresentremote contentlock . showproof)
(faileddrophere setpresentremote)
DropWorse -> faileddrophere setpresentremote
logMoveCleanup deststartedwithcopy
return r
showproof proof = "proof: " ++ show proof
drophere setpresentremote contentlock reason = do
fastDebug "Command.Move" $ unwords
[ "Dropping from here"
, "(" ++ reason ++ ")"
-- Drop content before updating location logs,
-- in case disk space is very low this frees
-- up space before writing data to disk.
removeAnnex contentlock
next $ do
() <- setpresentremote
Command.Drop.cleanupLocal key (Command.Drop.DroppingUnused False)
faileddrophere setpresentremote = do
showLongNote "(Use --force to override this check, or adjust numcopies.)"
showLongNote "Content not dropped from here."
next $ do
() <- setpresentremote
return False
-- This occurs when, for example, two files are being dropped
-- and have the same content. The seek stage checks if the content
-- is present, but due to buffering, may find it present for the
-- second file before the first is dropped. If so, nothing remains
-- to be done except for cleaning up.
lockfailed = next $ Command.Drop.cleanupLocal key (Command.Drop.DroppingUnused False)
fromStart :: RemoveWhen -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> ActionItem -> SeekInput -> Remote -> CommandStart
fromStart removewhen afile key ai si src =
stopUnless (fromOk src key) $
starting (describeMoveAction removewhen) (OnlyActionOn key ai) si $
fromPerform src removewhen key afile
fromOk :: Remote -> Key -> Annex Bool
fromOk src key
-- check if the remote contains the key, when it can be done cheaply
| Remote.hasKeyCheap src =
Remote.hasKey src key >>= \case
Right True -> return True
-- Don't skip getting the key just because the
-- remote no longer contains it if the log
-- says the remote is supposed to contain it;
-- that would be surprising behavior.
_ -> checklog
| otherwise = checklog
checklog = do
u <- getUUID
remotes <- Remote.keyPossibilities key
return $ u /= Remote.uuid src && elem src remotes
fromPerform :: Remote -> RemoveWhen -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> CommandPerform
fromPerform src removewhen key afile = do
present <- inAnnex key
fromPerform' present src removewhen key afile
fromPerform' :: Bool -> Remote -> RemoveWhen -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> CommandPerform
fromPerform' present src removewhen key afile = do
showAction $ "from " ++ Remote.name src
destuuid <- getUUID
logMove srcuuid destuuid present key $ \deststartedwithcopy ->
if present
then dispatch removewhen deststartedwithcopy True
else dispatch removewhen deststartedwithcopy =<< get
get = notifyTransfer Download afile $
logStatusAfter key .
download src key afile stdRetry
dispatch _ deststartedwithcopy False = do
logMoveCleanup deststartedwithcopy
stop -- copy failed
dispatch RemoveNever deststartedwithcopy True = do
logMoveCleanup deststartedwithcopy
next $ return True -- copy complete
dispatch RemoveSafe deststartedwithcopy True = lockContentShared key $ \_lck -> do
destuuid <- getUUID
willDropMakeItWorse srcuuid destuuid deststartedwithcopy key afile >>= \case
DropAllowed -> dropremote deststartedwithcopy "moved"
DropCheckNumCopies -> do
(numcopies, mincopies) <- getSafestNumMinCopies afile key
(tocheck, verified) <- verifiableCopies key [Remote.uuid src]
verifyEnoughCopiesToDrop "" key Nothing numcopies mincopies [Remote.uuid src] verified
tocheck (dropremote deststartedwithcopy . showproof) (faileddropremote deststartedwithcopy)
DropWorse -> faileddropremote deststartedwithcopy
srcuuid = Remote.uuid src
showproof proof = "proof: " ++ show proof
dropremote deststartedwithcopy reason = do
fastDebug "Command.Move" $ unwords
[ "Dropping from remote"
, show src
, "(" ++ reason ++ ")"
ok <- Remote.action (Remote.removeKey src key)
when ok $
logMoveCleanup deststartedwithcopy
next $ Command.Drop.cleanupRemote key src (Command.Drop.DroppingUnused False) ok
faileddropremote deststartedwithcopy = do
showLongNote "(Use --force to override this check, or adjust numcopies.)"
showLongNote $ "Content not dropped from " ++ Remote.name src ++ "."
logMoveCleanup deststartedwithcopy
next $ return False
{- Moves (or copies) the content of an annexed file from reachable remotes
- to the current repository.
- When moving, the content is removed from all the reachable remotes that
- it can safely be removed from. -}
toHereStart :: RemoveWhen -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> ActionItem -> SeekInput -> CommandStart
toHereStart removewhen afile key ai si =
startingNoMessage (OnlyActionOn key ai) $ do
rs <- Remote.keyPossibilities key
forM_ rs $ \r ->
includeCommandAction $
starting (describeMoveAction removewhen) ai si $
fromPerform r removewhen key afile
next $ return True
fromToStart :: RemoveWhen -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> ActionItem -> SeekInput -> Remote -> Remote -> CommandStart
fromToStart removewhen afile key ai si src dest = do
if Remote.uuid src == Remote.uuid dest
then stop
else do
u <- getUUID
if u == Remote.uuid src
then toStart removewhen afile key ai si dest
else if u == Remote.uuid dest
then fromStart removewhen afile key ai si src
else stopUnless (fromOk src key) $
starting (describeMoveAction removewhen) (OnlyActionOn key ai) si $
fromToPerform src dest removewhen key afile
{- When there is a local copy, transfer it to the dest, and drop from the src.
- Otherwise, download a copy from the dest, populating the local annex
- copy, but not updating location logs. Then transfer that to the dest,
- drop the local copy, and finally drop from the src.
- Using a regular download of the local copy, rather than download to
- some other file makes resuming an interruped download work as usual,
- and simplifies implementation. It does mean that, if `git-annex get` of
- the same content is being run at the same time, it will see that
- the local copy exists, but then it would get deleted. To avoid that
- unexpected behavior, check the location log before dropping the local
- copy, and if it has been updated (by another process) to say that the
- content is present locally, skip dropping the local copy.
- (That leaves a small race, where the other process updates the location
- log after we check it. And another where the other process sees the
- local copy exists just before we drop it. In either case the resulting
- behavior is similar to `git-annex move --to` being run concurrently
- with `git-annex get`.)
- The other complication of this approach is that the temporary local
- copy could be seen by another process that uses it as one of the
- necessary copies when dropping from somewhere else. To avoid the number
- of copies being reduced in such a situation (or the local copy not being
- able to be safely dropped), lock the local copy for drop before
- downloading it (v10) or immediately after download (v9 or older).
fromToPerform :: Remote -> Remote -> RemoveWhen -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> CommandPerform
fromToPerform src dest removewhen key afile = do
present <- inAnnex key
if present
then gopresent
else do
showAction $ "from " ++ Remote.name src
showAction $ "to " ++ Remote.name dest
error "TODO"
sendlocaltodest = error "TODO"
downloadsrctotemp = error "TODO"
sendtemptodest = error "TODO"
dropfromsrc = error "TODO"
gopresent = do
haskey <- Remote.hasKey dest key
toPerform dest RemoveNever key afile False haskey >>= \case
Just cleanup -> fromPerform' True src removewhen key afile >>= \case
Just cleanup' -> return $ Just $ do
ok <- cleanup
ok' <- cleanup'
return (ok && ok')
Nothing -> return $ Just cleanup
Nothing -> return Nothing
{- The goal of this command is to allow the user maximum freedom to move
- files as they like, while avoiding making bad situations any worse
- than they already were.
- When the destination repository already had a copy of a file
- before the move operation began, dropping it from the source
- repository reduces the number of copies, and should fail if
- that would violate numcopies settings.
- On the other hand, when the destination repository does not already
- have a copy of a file, it can be dropped without making numcopies
- worse, so the move is allowed even if numcopies is not met.
- Similarly, a file can move from an untrusted repository to another
- untrusted repository, even if that is the only copy of the file.
- But, moving a file from a repository with higher trust to an untrusted
- repository must still check that there are enough other copies to be
- safe.
- Also, required content settings should not be violated.
- This function checks all that. It needs to know if the destination
- repository already had a copy of the file before the move began.
willDropMakeItWorse :: UUID -> UUID -> DestStartedWithCopy -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Annex DropCheck
willDropMakeItWorse srcuuid destuuid (DestStartedWithCopy deststartedwithcopy _) key afile =
ifM (Command.Drop.checkRequiredContent (Command.Drop.PreferredContentChecked False) srcuuid key afile)
( if deststartedwithcopy
then unlessforced DropCheckNumCopies
else ifM checktrustlevel
( return DropAllowed
, unlessforced DropCheckNumCopies
, unlessforced DropWorse
unlessforced r = ifM (Annex.getRead Annex.force)
( return DropAllowed
, return r
checktrustlevel = do
desttrust <- lookupTrust destuuid
srctrust <- lookupTrust srcuuid
return (desttrust > UnTrusted || desttrust >= srctrust)
data DropCheck = DropWorse | DropAllowed | DropCheckNumCopies
data DestStartedWithCopy = DestStartedWithCopy Bool (Annex ())
{- This should be called once the move has succeeded, or if it failed
- without doing anything. It should not be called if the move transferred
- the content but failed to drop due to eg a network error. In such a
- case, the move can be restarted later, so the move log should be
- preserved. -}
logMoveCleanup :: DestStartedWithCopy -> Annex ()
logMoveCleanup (DestStartedWithCopy _ a) = a
{- Runs an action that performs a move, and logs the move, allowing an
- failed or interrupted move to be re-done later.
- This deals with the situation where dest did not start with a copy,
- but the move downloaded it, and was then interrupted before dropping
- it from the source. Re-running the move would see dest has a
- copy, and so could refuse to allow the drop. By providing the logged
- DestStartedWithCopy, this avoids that annoyance.
logMove :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool -> Key -> (DestStartedWithCopy -> Annex a) -> Annex a
logMove srcuuid destuuid deststartedwithcopy key a = go =<< setup
logline = L.fromStrict $ B8.unwords
[ fromUUID srcuuid
, fromUUID destuuid
, serializeKey' key
setup = do
logf <- fromRepo gitAnnexMoveLog
lckf <- fromRepo gitAnnexMoveLock
-- Only log when there was no copy.
unless deststartedwithcopy $
appendLogFile logf lckf logline
return (logf, lckf)
cleanup (logf, lckf) =
-- This buffers the log file content in memory.
-- The log file length is limited to the number of
-- concurrent jobs, times the number of times a move
-- (of different files) has been interrupted.
-- That could grow without bounds given enough time,
-- so the log is also truncated to the most recent
-- 100 items.
modifyLogFile logf lckf
(filter (/= logline) . reverse . take 100 . reverse)
go fs@(logf, lckf)
-- Only need to check log when there is a copy.
| deststartedwithcopy = do
wasnocopy <- checkLogFile logf lckf (== logline)
if wasnocopy
then go' fs False
else go' fs deststartedwithcopy
| otherwise = go' fs deststartedwithcopy
go' fs deststartedwithcopy' = a $
DestStartedWithCopy deststartedwithcopy' (cleanup fs)