This includes a full parser for the boolean expressions in the log, that compiles them into Matchers. Those matchers are not used yet. A complication is that matching against an expression should never crash git-annex with an error. Instead, vicfg checks that the expressions parse. If a bad expression (or an expression understood by some future git-annex version) gets into the log, it'll be ignored. Most of the code in Limit couldn't fail anyway, but I did have to make limitCopies check its parameter first, and return an error if it's bad, rather than erroring at runtime.
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{- git-annex group log
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.Group (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Annex
import Logs.UUIDBased
import Types.Group
{- Filename of group.log. -}
groupLog :: FilePath
groupLog = "group.log"
{- Returns the groups of a given repo UUID. -}
lookupGroups :: UUID -> Annex (S.Set Group)
lookupGroups u = (fromMaybe S.empty . M.lookup u) . groupsByUUID <$> groupMap
{- Applies a set modifier to change the groups for a uuid in the groupLog. -}
groupChange :: UUID -> (S.Set Group -> S.Set Group) -> Annex ()
groupChange uuid@(UUID _) modifier = do
curr <- lookupGroups uuid
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
Annex.Branch.change groupLog $
showLog (unwords . S.toList) .
changeLog ts uuid (modifier curr) .
parseLog (Just . S.fromList . words)
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.groupmap = Nothing }
groupChange NoUUID _ = error "unknown UUID; cannot modify"
groupSet :: UUID -> S.Set Group -> Annex ()
groupSet u g = groupChange u (const g)
{- Read the groupLog into a map. The map is cached for speed. -}
groupMap :: Annex GroupMap
groupMap = do
cached <- Annex.getState Annex.groupmap
case cached of
Just m -> return m
Nothing -> do
m <- makeGroupMap . simpleMap .
parseLog (Just . S.fromList . words) <$>
Annex.Branch.get groupLog
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.groupmap = Just m }
return m
makeGroupMap :: M.Map UUID (S.Set Group) -> GroupMap
makeGroupMap byuuid = GroupMap byuuid bygroup
bygroup = M.fromListWith S.union $
concat $ map explode $ M.toList byuuid
explode (u, s) = map (\g -> (g, S.singleton u)) (S.toList s)