This is a git-remote-gcrypt encrypted special remote. Only sending files in to the remote works, and only for local repositories. Most of the work so far has involved making initremote work. A particular problem is that remote setup in this case needs to generate its own uuid, derivied from the gcrypt-id. That required some larger changes in the code to support. For ssh remotes, this will probably just reuse Remote.Rsync's code, so should be easy enough. And for downloading from a web remote, I will need to factor out the part of Remote.Git that does that. One particular thing that will need work is supporting hot-swapping a local gcrypt remote. I think it needs to store the gcrypt-id in the git config of the local remote, so that it can check it every time, and compare with the cached annex-uuid for the remote. If there is a mismatch, it can change both the cached annex-uuid and the gcrypt-id. That should work, and I laid some groundwork for it by already reading the remote's config when it's local. (Also needed for other reasons.) This commit was sponsored by Daniel Callahan.
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{- Amazon Glacier remotes.
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote.Glacier (remote, jobList) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Environment
import Common.Annex
import Types.Remote
import Types.Key
import qualified Git
import Config
import Config.Cost
import Remote.Helper.Special
import Remote.Helper.Encryptable
import qualified Remote.Helper.AWS as AWS
import Crypto
import Creds
import Utility.Metered
import qualified Annex
import Annex.Content
import Annex.UUID
import System.Process
type Vault = String
type Archive = FilePath
remote :: RemoteType
remote = RemoteType {
typename = "glacier",
enumerate = findSpecialRemotes "glacier",
generate = gen,
setup = glacierSetup
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex Remote
gen r u c gc = new <$> remoteCost gc veryExpensiveRemoteCost
new cst = encryptableRemote c
(storeEncrypted this)
(retrieveEncrypted this)
this = Remote {
uuid = u,
cost = cst,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
storeKey = store this,
retrieveKeyFile = retrieve this,
retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap this,
removeKey = remove this,
hasKey = checkPresent this,
hasKeyCheap = False,
whereisKey = Nothing,
config = c,
repo = r,
gitconfig = gc,
localpath = Nothing,
readonly = False,
globallyAvailable = True,
remotetype = remote
glacierSetup :: Maybe UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
glacierSetup mu c = do
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
glacierSetup' u c
glacierSetup' :: UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
glacierSetup' u c = do
c' <- encryptionSetup c
let fullconfig = c' `M.union` defaults
genVault fullconfig u
gitConfigSpecialRemote u fullconfig "glacier" "true"
c'' <- setRemoteCredPair fullconfig (AWS.creds u)
return (c'', u)
remotename = fromJust (M.lookup "name" c)
defvault = remotename ++ "-" ++ fromUUID u
defaults = M.fromList
[ ("datacenter", T.unpack $ AWS.defaultRegion AWS.Glacier)
, ("vault", defvault)
store :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
store r k _f p
| keySize k == Just 0 = do
warning "Cannot store empty files in Glacier."
return False
| otherwise = sendAnnex k (void $ remove r k) $ \src ->
metered (Just p) k $ \meterupdate ->
storeHelper r k $ streamMeteredFile src meterupdate
storeEncrypted :: Remote -> (Cipher, Key) -> Key -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeEncrypted r (cipher, enck) k p = sendAnnex k (void $ remove r enck) $ \src -> do
metered (Just p) k $ \meterupdate ->
storeHelper r enck $ \h ->
encrypt (getGpgEncParams r) cipher (feedFile src)
(readBytes $ meteredWrite meterupdate h)
retrieve :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
retrieve r k _f d p = metered (Just p) k $ \meterupdate ->
retrieveHelper r k $
readBytes $ meteredWriteFile meterupdate d
retrieveCheap :: Remote -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
retrieveCheap _ _ _ = return False
retrieveEncrypted :: Remote -> (Cipher, Key) -> Key -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
retrieveEncrypted r (cipher, enck) k d p = metered (Just p) k $ \meterupdate ->
retrieveHelper r enck $ readBytes $ \b ->
decrypt cipher (feedBytes b) $
readBytes $ meteredWriteFile meterupdate d
storeHelper :: Remote -> Key -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> Annex Bool
storeHelper r k feeder = go =<< glacierEnv c u
c = config r
u = uuid r
params = glacierParams c
[ Param "archive"
, Param "upload"
, Param "--name", Param $ archive r k
, Param $ getVault $ config r
, Param "-"
go Nothing = return False
go (Just e) = do
let p = (proc "glacier" (toCommand params)) { env = Just e }
liftIO $ catchBoolIO $
withHandle StdinHandle createProcessSuccess p $ \h -> do
feeder h
return True
retrieveHelper :: Remote -> Key -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> Annex Bool
retrieveHelper r k reader = go =<< glacierEnv c u
c = config r
u = uuid r
params = glacierParams c
[ Param "archive"
, Param "retrieve"
, Param "-o-"
, Param $ getVault $ config r
, Param $ archive r k
go Nothing = return False
go (Just e) = do
let p = (proc "glacier" (toCommand params)) { env = Just e }
ok <- liftIO $ catchBoolIO $
withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p $ \h ->
ifM (hIsEOF h)
( return False
, do
reader h
return True
unless ok later
return ok
later = showLongNote "Recommend you wait up to 4 hours, and then run this command again."
remove :: Remote -> Key -> Annex Bool
remove r k = glacierAction r
[ Param "archive"
, Param "delete"
, Param $ getVault $ config r
, Param $ archive r k
checkPresent :: Remote -> Key -> Annex (Either String Bool)
checkPresent r k = do
showAction $ "checking " ++ name r
go =<< glacierEnv (config r) (uuid r)
go Nothing = return $ Left "cannot check glacier"
go (Just e) = do
{- glacier checkpresent outputs the archive name to stdout if
- it's present. -}
v <- liftIO $ catchMsgIO $
readProcessEnv "glacier" (toCommand params) (Just e)
case v of
Right s -> do
let probablypresent = key2file k `elem` lines s
if probablypresent
then ifM (Annex.getFlag "trustglacier")
( return $ Right True, untrusted )
else return $ Right False
Left err -> return $ Left err
params =
[ Param "archive"
, Param "checkpresent"
, Param $ getVault $ config r
, Param "--quiet"
, Param $ archive r k
untrusted = return $ Left $ unlines
[ "Glacier's inventory says it has a copy."
, "However, the inventory could be out of date, if it was recently removed."
, "(Use --trust-glacier if you're sure it's still in Glacier.)"
, ""
glacierAction :: Remote -> [CommandParam] -> Annex Bool
glacierAction r params = runGlacier (config r) (uuid r) params
runGlacier :: RemoteConfig -> UUID -> [CommandParam] -> Annex Bool
runGlacier c u params = go =<< glacierEnv c u
go Nothing = return False
go (Just e) = liftIO $
boolSystemEnv "glacier" (glacierParams c params) (Just e)
glacierParams :: RemoteConfig -> [CommandParam] -> [CommandParam]
glacierParams c params = datacenter:params
datacenter = Param $ "--region=" ++
(fromJust $ M.lookup "datacenter" c)
glacierEnv :: RemoteConfig -> UUID -> Annex (Maybe [(String, String)])
glacierEnv c u = go =<< getRemoteCredPairFor "glacier" c creds
go Nothing = return Nothing
go (Just (user, pass)) = do
e <- liftIO getEnvironment
return $ Just $ (uk, user):(pk, pass):e
creds = AWS.creds u
(uk, pk) = credPairEnvironment creds
getVault :: RemoteConfig -> Vault
getVault = fromJust . M.lookup "vault"
archive :: Remote -> Key -> Archive
archive r k = fileprefix ++ key2file k
fileprefix = M.findWithDefault "" "fileprefix" $ config r
-- glacier vault create will succeed even if the vault already exists.
genVault :: RemoteConfig -> UUID -> Annex ()
genVault c u = unlessM (runGlacier c u params) $
error "Failed creating glacier vault."
params =
[ Param "vault"
, Param "create"
, Param $ getVault c
{- Partitions the input list of keys into ones which have
- glacier retieval jobs that have succeeded, or failed.
- A complication is that `glacier job list` will display the encrypted
- keys when the remote is encrypted.
jobList :: Remote -> [Key] -> Annex ([Key], [Key])
jobList r keys = go =<< glacierEnv (config r) (uuid r)
params = [ Param "job", Param "list" ]
nada = ([], [])
myvault = getVault $ config r
go Nothing = return nada
go (Just e) = do
v <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $
readProcessEnv "glacier" (toCommand params) (Just e)
maybe (return nada) extract v
extract s = do
let result@(succeeded, failed) =
parse nada $ (map words . lines) s
if result == nada
then return nada
else do
enckeys <- forM keys $ \k ->
maybe k snd <$> cipherKey (config r) k
let keymap = M.fromList $ zip enckeys keys
let convert = catMaybes . map (`M.lookup` keymap)
return (convert succeeded, convert failed)
parse c [] = c
parse c@(succeeded, failed) ((status:_date:vault:key:[]):rest)
| vault == myvault =
case file2key key of
Nothing -> parse c rest
Just k
| "a/d" `isPrefixOf` status ->
parse (k:succeeded, failed) rest
| "a/e" `isPrefixOf` status ->
parse (succeeded, k:failed) rest
| otherwise ->
parse c rest
parse c (_:rest) = parse c rest