The url log could have an url for a key, while the location log thinks it's not present in the web. In this case, addurl --file url would not do anything. Fixed it to re-add the web as a location. I don't know how this situation could arise, but I saw it in the wild in the conference_proceedings repo, affecting key URL-s17806003--http://mirror.linux.org.au/pub/linux.conf.au/2014/Wednesday/53-Building_Effective_Alliances_around_the_Trans-Pacific_Partnershi-c0505b631127ccc67e38e637344d988e Investigating the presence log, it looked like that key was originally listed as present in the web, then in commit 56abf9e9f3e691ed9d83513037d4019313321ca3 someone else's git-annex set it and some other things to not present in the web. It would be interesting to know what that user did, but I doubt I'll be able to find out. All I can tell from this investigation is that the inconsistency was not introduced when originally addurl-ing the url.
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{- Web url logs.
- Copyright 2011-2014 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.Web (
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Tuple.Utils
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex
import Logs
import Logs.Presence
import Logs.Location
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Annex.CatFile
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.LsFiles
import Utility.Url
{- Gets all urls that a key might be available from. -}
getUrls :: Key -> Annex [URLString]
getUrls key = do
l <- go $ urlLogFile key : oldurlLogs key
tmpl <- Annex.getState (maybeToList . M.lookup key . Annex.tempurls)
return (tmpl ++ l)
go [] = return []
go (l:ls) = do
us <- currentLog l
if null us
then go ls
else return us
getUrlsWithPrefix :: Key -> String -> Annex [URLString]
getUrlsWithPrefix key prefix = filter (prefix `isPrefixOf`) <$> getUrls key
setUrlPresent :: UUID -> Key -> URLString -> Annex ()
setUrlPresent uuid key url = do
us <- getUrls key
unless (url `elem` us) $
addLog (urlLogFile key) =<< logNow InfoPresent url
logChange key uuid InfoPresent
setUrlMissing :: UUID -> Key -> URLString -> Annex ()
setUrlMissing uuid key url = do
addLog (urlLogFile key) =<< logNow InfoMissing url
whenM (null <$> getUrls key) $
logChange key uuid InfoMissing
{- Finds all known urls. -}
knownUrls :: Annex [URLString]
knownUrls = do
{- Ensure the git-annex branch's index file is up-to-date and
- any journaled changes are reflected in it, since we're going
- to query its index directly. -}
Annex.Branch.commit "update"
Annex.Branch.withIndex $ do
top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ Git.LsFiles.stagedDetails [top]
r <- mapM (geturls . snd3) $ filter (isUrlLog . fst3) l
void $ liftIO cleanup
return $ concat r
geturls Nothing = return []
geturls (Just logsha) = getLog . L.unpack <$> catObject logsha
setTempUrl :: Key -> URLString -> Annex ()
setTempUrl key url = Annex.changeState $ \s ->
s { Annex.tempurls = M.insert key url (Annex.tempurls s) }
removeTempUrl :: Key -> Annex ()
removeTempUrl key = Annex.changeState $ \s ->
s { Annex.tempurls = M.delete key (Annex.tempurls s) }
data Downloader = WebDownloader | QuviDownloader | OtherDownloader
deriving (Eq)
{- To keep track of how an url is downloaded, it's mangled slightly in
- the log. For quvi, "quvi:" is prefixed. For urls that are handled by
- some other remote, ":" is prefixed. -}
setDownloader :: URLString -> Downloader -> String
setDownloader u WebDownloader = u
setDownloader u QuviDownloader = "quvi:" ++ u
setDownloader u OtherDownloader = ":" ++ u
getDownloader :: URLString -> (URLString, Downloader)
getDownloader u = case separate (== ':') u of
("quvi", u') -> (u', QuviDownloader)
("", u') -> (u', OtherDownloader)
_ -> (u, WebDownloader)