This does not change the overall license of the git-annex program, which was already AGPL due to a number of sources files being AGPL already. Legally speaking, I'm adding a new license under which these files are now available; I already released their current contents under the GPL license. Now they're dual licensed GPL and AGPL. However, I intend for all my future changes to these files to only be released under the AGPL license, and I won't be tracking the dual licensing status, so I'm simply changing the license statement to say it's AGPL. (In some cases, others wrote parts of the code of a file and released it under the GPL; but in all cases I have contributed a significant portion of the code in each file and it's that code that is getting the AGPL license; the GPL license of other contributors allows combining with AGPL code.)
90 lines
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90 lines
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{- git-annex extra config files
- Copyright 2012-2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
module Config.Files where
import Common
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.FreeDesktop
{- ~/.config/git-annex/file -}
userConfigFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
userConfigFile file = do
dir <- userConfigDir
return $ dir </> "git-annex" </> file
autoStartFile :: IO FilePath
autoStartFile = userConfigFile "autostart"
{- Returns anything listed in the autostart file (which may not exist). -}
readAutoStartFile :: IO [FilePath]
readAutoStartFile = do
f <- autoStartFile
filter valid . nub . map dropTrailingPathSeparator . lines
<$> catchDefaultIO "" (readFile f)
-- Ignore any relative paths; some old buggy versions added eg "."
valid = isAbsolute
modifyAutoStartFile :: ([FilePath] -> [FilePath]) -> IO ()
modifyAutoStartFile func = do
dirs <- readAutoStartFile
let dirs' = nubBy equalFilePath $ func dirs
when (dirs' /= dirs) $ do
f <- autoStartFile
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir f)
viaTmp writeFile f $ unlines dirs'
{- Adds a directory to the autostart file. If the directory is already
- present, it's moved to the top, so it will be used as the default
- when opening the webapp. -}
addAutoStartFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
addAutoStartFile path = do
path' <- absPath path
modifyAutoStartFile $ (:) path'
{- Removes a directory from the autostart file. -}
removeAutoStartFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeAutoStartFile path = do
path' <- absPath path
modifyAutoStartFile $
filter (not . equalFilePath path')
{- The path to git-annex is written here; which is useful when cabal
- has installed it to some awful non-PATH location. -}
programFile :: IO FilePath
programFile = userConfigFile "program"
{- Returns a command to run for git-annex. -}
readProgramFile :: IO FilePath
readProgramFile = do
programfile <- programFile
p <- catchDefaultIO cmd $
fromMaybe cmd . headMaybe . lines <$> readFile programfile
ifM (inPath p)
( return p
, ifM (inPath cmd)
( return cmd
, cannotFindProgram
cmd = "git-annex"
cannotFindProgram :: IO a
cannotFindProgram = do
f <- programFile
giveup $ "cannot find git-annex program in PATH or in the location listed in " ++ f
{- A .noannex file in a git repository prevents git-annex from
- initializing that repository.. The content of the file is returned. -}
noAnnexFileContent :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Maybe String)
noAnnexFileContent repoworktree = case repoworktree of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just wt -> catchMaybeIO (readFile (wt </> ".noannex"))