When building an adjusted unlocked branch, make pointer files executable when the annex object file is executable. This slows down git-annex adjust --unlock/--unlock-present by needing to stat all annex object files in the tree. Probably not a significant slowdown compared to other work they do, but I have not benchmarked. I chose to leave git-annex adjust --unlock marked as stable, even though get or drop of an object file can change whether it would make the pointer file executable. Partly because making it unstable would slow down re-adjustment, and partly for symmetry with the handling of an unlocked pointer file that is executable when the content is dropped, which does not remove its execute bit.
688 lines
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688 lines
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{- adjusted branch
- Copyright 2016-2024 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Annex.AdjustedBranch (
) where
import Annex.Common
import Types.AdjustedBranch
import Annex.AdjustedBranch.Name
import qualified Annex
import Git
import Git.Types
import qualified Git.Branch
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.Tree
import qualified Git.DiffTree
import Git.Tree (TreeItem(..))
import Git.Sha
import Git.Env
import Git.Index
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Git.LockFile
import qualified Git.Version
import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.Link
import Annex.Content.Presence
import Annex.CurrentBranch
import Types.CleanupActions
import qualified Database.Keys
import Config
import Logs.View (is_branchView)
import Logs.AdjustedBranchUpdate
import Utility.FileMode
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.PosixCompat.Files (fileMode)
class AdjustTreeItem t where
-- How to perform various adjustments to a TreeItem.
adjustTreeItem :: t -> TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem)
-- Will adjusting a given tree always yield the same adjusted tree?
adjustmentIsStable :: t -> Bool
instance AdjustTreeItem Adjustment where
adjustTreeItem (LinkAdjustment l) t = adjustTreeItem l t
adjustTreeItem (PresenceAdjustment p Nothing) t = adjustTreeItem p t
adjustTreeItem (PresenceAdjustment p (Just l)) t =
adjustTreeItem p t >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just t' -> adjustTreeItem l t'
adjustTreeItem (LinkPresentAdjustment l) t = adjustTreeItem l t
adjustmentIsStable (LinkAdjustment l) = adjustmentIsStable l
adjustmentIsStable (PresenceAdjustment p _) = adjustmentIsStable p
adjustmentIsStable (LinkPresentAdjustment l) = adjustmentIsStable l
instance AdjustTreeItem LinkAdjustment where
adjustTreeItem UnlockAdjustment =
ifSymlink adjustToPointer noAdjust
adjustTreeItem LockAdjustment =
ifSymlink noAdjust adjustToSymlink
adjustTreeItem FixAdjustment =
ifSymlink adjustToSymlink noAdjust
adjustTreeItem UnFixAdjustment =
ifSymlink (adjustToSymlink' gitAnnexLinkCanonical) noAdjust
adjustmentIsStable _ = True
instance AdjustTreeItem PresenceAdjustment where
adjustTreeItem HideMissingAdjustment =
ifPresent noAdjust hideAdjust
adjustTreeItem ShowMissingAdjustment =
adjustmentIsStable HideMissingAdjustment = False
adjustmentIsStable ShowMissingAdjustment = True
instance AdjustTreeItem LinkPresentAdjustment where
adjustTreeItem UnlockPresentAdjustment =
ifPresent adjustToPointer adjustToSymlink
adjustTreeItem LockPresentAdjustment =
-- Turn all pointers back to symlinks, whether the content
-- is present or not. This is done because the content
-- availability may have changed and the branch not been
-- re-adjusted to keep up, so there may be pointers whose
-- content is not present.
ifSymlink noAdjust adjustToSymlink
adjustmentIsStable UnlockPresentAdjustment = False
adjustmentIsStable LockPresentAdjustment = True
:: (TreeItem -> Annex a)
-> (TreeItem -> Annex a)
-> TreeItem
-> Annex a
ifSymlink issymlink notsymlink ti@(TreeItem _f m _s)
| toTreeItemType m == Just TreeSymlink = issymlink ti
| otherwise = notsymlink ti
:: (TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem))
-> (TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem))
-> TreeItem
-> Annex (Maybe TreeItem)
ifPresent ispresent notpresent ti@(TreeItem _ _ s) =
catKey s >>= \case
Just k -> ifM (inAnnex k) (ispresent ti, notpresent ti)
Nothing -> return (Just ti)
noAdjust :: TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem)
noAdjust = return . Just
hideAdjust :: TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem)
hideAdjust _ = return Nothing
adjustToPointer :: TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem)
adjustToPointer ti@(TreeItem f _m s) = catKey s >>= \case
Just k -> do
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile k f
exe <- catchDefaultIO False $
(isExecutable . fileMode) <$>
(liftIO . R.getFileStatus
=<< calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation k))
let mode = fromTreeItemType $
if exe then TreeExecutable else TreeFile
Just . TreeItem f mode <$> hashPointerFile k
Nothing -> return (Just ti)
adjustToSymlink :: TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem)
adjustToSymlink = adjustToSymlink' gitAnnexLink
adjustToSymlink' :: (RawFilePath -> Key -> Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> IO RawFilePath) -> TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem)
adjustToSymlink' gitannexlink ti@(TreeItem f _m s) = catKey s >>= \case
Just k -> do
absf <- inRepo $ \r -> absPath $ fromTopFilePath f r
linktarget <- calcRepo $ gitannexlink absf k
Just . TreeItem f (fromTreeItemType TreeSymlink)
<$> hashSymlink linktarget
Nothing -> return (Just ti)
-- This is a hidden branch ref, that's used as the basis for the AdjBranch,
-- since pushes can overwrite the OrigBranch at any time. So, changes
-- are propagated from the AdjBranch to the head of the BasisBranch.
newtype BasisBranch = BasisBranch Ref
-- The basis for refs/heads/adjusted/master(unlocked) is
-- refs/basis/adjusted/master(unlocked).
basisBranch :: AdjBranch -> BasisBranch
basisBranch (AdjBranch adjbranch) = BasisBranch $
Ref ("refs/basis/" <> fromRef' (Git.Ref.base adjbranch))
getAdjustment :: Branch -> Maybe Adjustment
getAdjustment = fmap fst . adjustedToOriginal
fromAdjustedBranch :: Branch -> OrigBranch
fromAdjustedBranch b = maybe b snd (adjustedToOriginal b)
{- Enter an adjusted version of current branch (or, if already in an
- adjusted version of a branch, changes the adjustment of the original
- branch).
- Can fail, if no branch is checked out, or if the adjusted branch already
- exists, or if staged changes prevent a checkout.
enterAdjustedBranch :: Adjustment -> Annex Bool
enterAdjustedBranch adj = inRepo Git.Branch.current >>= \case
Just currbranch -> case getAdjustment currbranch of
Just curradj | curradj == adj ->
updateAdjustedBranch adj (AdjBranch currbranch)
(fromAdjustedBranch currbranch)
_ -> go currbranch
Nothing -> do
warning "not on any branch!"
return False
go currbranch = do
let origbranch = fromAdjustedBranch currbranch
let adjbranch = adjBranch $ originalToAdjusted origbranch adj
ifM (inRepo (Git.Ref.exists adjbranch) <&&> (not <$> Annex.getRead Annex.force) <&&> pure (not (is_branchView origbranch)))
( do
mapM_ (warning . UnquotedString . unwords)
[ [ "adjusted branch"
, Git.Ref.describe adjbranch
, "already exists."
, [ "Aborting because that branch may have changes that have not yet reached"
, Git.Ref.describe origbranch
, [ "You can check out the adjusted branch manually to enter it,"
, "or add the --force option to overwrite the old branch."
return False
, do
starttime <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
b <- preventCommits $ const $
adjustBranch adj origbranch
ok <- checkoutAdjustedBranch b False
when ok $
recordAdjustedBranchUpdateFinished starttime
return ok
checkoutAdjustedBranch :: AdjBranch -> Bool -> Annex Bool
checkoutAdjustedBranch (AdjBranch b) quietcheckout = do
-- checkout can have output in large repos
unless quietcheckout
inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool $
[ Param "checkout"
, Param $ fromRef $ Git.Ref.base b
, if quietcheckout then Param "--quiet" else Param "--progress"
{- Already in a branch with this adjustment, but the user asked to enter it
- again. This should have the same result as propagating any commits
- back to the original branch, checking out the original branch, deleting
- and rebuilding the adjusted branch, and then checking it out.
- But, it can be implemented more efficiently than that.
updateAdjustedBranch :: Adjustment -> AdjBranch -> OrigBranch -> Annex Bool
updateAdjustedBranch adj (AdjBranch currbranch) origbranch
| not (adjustmentIsStable adj) = do
(b, origheadfile, newheadfile) <- preventCommits $ \commitlck -> do
-- Avoid losing any commits that the adjusted branch
-- has that have not yet been propagated back to the
-- origbranch.
_ <- propigateAdjustedCommits' True origbranch adj commitlck
origheadfile <- inRepo $ readFileStrict . Git.Ref.headFile
origheadsha <- inRepo (Git.Ref.sha currbranch)
b <- adjustBranch adj origbranch
-- Git normally won't do anything when asked to check
-- out the currently checked out branch, even when its
-- ref has changed. Work around this by writing a raw
-- sha to .git/HEAD.
newheadfile <- case origheadsha of
Just s -> do
inRepo $ \r -> do
let newheadfile = fromRef s
writeFile (Git.Ref.headFile r) newheadfile
return (Just newheadfile)
_ -> return Nothing
return (b, origheadfile, newheadfile)
-- Make git checkout quiet to avoid warnings about
-- disconnected branch tips being lost.
ok <- checkoutAdjustedBranch b True
-- Avoid leaving repo with detached head.
unless ok $ case newheadfile of
Nothing -> noop
Just v -> preventCommits $ \_commitlck -> inRepo $ \r -> do
v' <- readFileStrict (Git.Ref.headFile r)
when (v == v') $
writeFile (Git.Ref.headFile r) origheadfile
return ok
| otherwise = preventCommits $ \commitlck -> do
-- Done for consistency.
_ <- propigateAdjustedCommits' True origbranch adj commitlck
-- No need to actually update the branch because the
-- adjustment is stable.
return True
{- Passed an action that, if it succeeds may get or drop the Key associated
- with the file. When the adjusted branch needs to be refreshed to reflect
- those changes, it's handled here.
- Note that the AssociatedFile must be verified by this to point to the
- Key. In some cases, the value was provided by the user and might not
- really be an associated file.
adjustedBranchRefresh :: AssociatedFile -> Annex a -> Annex a
adjustedBranchRefresh _af a = do
r <- a
return r
go = getCurrentBranch >>= \case
(Just origbranch, Just adj) ->
unless (adjustmentIsStable adj) $ do
n <- annexAdjustedBranchRefresh <$> Annex.getGitConfig
unless (n == 0) $ ifM (checkcounter n)
-- This is slow, it would be better to incrementally
-- adjust the AssociatedFile, and only call this once
-- at shutdown to handle cases where not all
-- AssociatedFiles are known.
( adjustedBranchRefreshFull' adj origbranch
, Annex.addCleanupAction AdjustedBranchUpdate $
adjustedBranchRefreshFull' adj origbranch
_ -> return ()
checkcounter n
-- Special case, 1 (or true) refreshes only at shutdown.
| n == 1 = pure False
| otherwise = Annex.withState $ \s ->
let !c = Annex.adjustedbranchrefreshcounter s + 1
!enough = c >= pred n
!c' = if enough then 0 else c
!s' = s { Annex.adjustedbranchrefreshcounter = c' }
in pure (s', enough)
{- Slow, but more dependable version of adjustedBranchRefresh that
- does not rely on all AssociatedFiles being known. -}
adjustedBranchRefreshFull :: Adjustment -> OrigBranch -> Annex ()
adjustedBranchRefreshFull adj origbranch =
whenM isAdjustedBranchUpdateNeeded $ do
adjustedBranchRefreshFull' adj origbranch
adjustedBranchRefreshFull' :: Adjustment -> OrigBranch -> Annex ()
adjustedBranchRefreshFull' adj origbranch = do
-- Restage pointer files so modifications to them due to get/drop
-- do not prevent checking out the updated adjusted branch.
restagePointerFiles =<< Annex.gitRepo
starttime <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
let adjbranch = originalToAdjusted origbranch adj
ifM (updateAdjustedBranch adj adjbranch origbranch)
( recordAdjustedBranchUpdateFinished starttime
, warning "Updating adjusted branch failed."
adjustToCrippledFileSystem :: Annex ()
adjustToCrippledFileSystem = do
warning "Entering an adjusted branch where files are unlocked as this filesystem does not support locked files."
whenM (isNothing <$> inRepo Git.Branch.current) $
commitForAdjustedBranch []
inRepo Git.Branch.current >>= \case
Just currbranch -> case getAdjustment currbranch of
Just curradj | curradj == adj -> return ()
_ -> do
let adjbranch = originalToAdjusted currbranch adj
ifM (inRepo (Git.Ref.exists $ adjBranch adjbranch))
( unlessM (checkoutAdjustedBranch adjbranch False) $
, unlessM (enterAdjustedBranch adj) $
Nothing -> failedenter
adj = LinkAdjustment UnlockAdjustment
failedenter = warning "Failed to enter adjusted branch!"
{- Commit before entering adjusted branch. Only needs to be done
- when the current branch does not have any commits yet.
- If something is already staged, it will be committed, but otherwise
- an empty commit will be made.
commitForAdjustedBranch :: [CommandParam] -> Annex ()
commitForAdjustedBranch ps = do
cmode <- annexCommitMode <$> Annex.getGitConfig
let cquiet = Git.Branch.CommitQuiet True
void $ inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitCommand cmode cquiet $
[ Param "--allow-empty"
, Param "-m"
, Param "commit before entering adjusted branch"
] ++ ps
setBasisBranch :: BasisBranch -> Ref -> Annex ()
setBasisBranch (BasisBranch basis) new =
inRepo $ Git.Branch.update' basis new
setAdjustedBranch :: String -> AdjBranch -> Ref -> Annex ()
setAdjustedBranch msg (AdjBranch b) r = inRepo $ Git.Branch.update msg b r
adjustBranch :: Adjustment -> OrigBranch -> Annex AdjBranch
adjustBranch adj origbranch = do
-- Start basis off with the current value of the origbranch.
setBasisBranch basis origbranch
sha <- adjustCommit adj basis
setAdjustedBranch "entering adjusted branch" adjbranch sha
return adjbranch
adjbranch = originalToAdjusted origbranch adj
basis = basisBranch adjbranch
adjustCommit :: Adjustment -> BasisBranch -> Annex Sha
adjustCommit adj basis = do
treesha <- adjustTree adj basis
commitAdjustedTree treesha basis
adjustTree :: Adjustment -> BasisBranch -> Annex Sha
adjustTree adj (BasisBranch basis) = do
let toadj = adjustTreeItem adj
treesha <- Git.Tree.adjustTree
(\_old new -> new)
basis =<< Annex.gitRepo
return treesha
type CommitsPrevented = Git.LockFile.LockHandle
{- Locks git's index file, preventing git from making a commit, merge,
- or otherwise changing the HEAD ref while the action is run.
- Throws an IO exception if the index file is already locked.
preventCommits :: (CommitsPrevented -> Annex a) -> Annex a
preventCommits = bracket setup cleanup
setup = do
lck <- fromRepo $ indexFileLock . indexFile
liftIO $ Git.LockFile.openLock (fromRawFilePath lck)
cleanup = liftIO . Git.LockFile.closeLock
{- Commits a given adjusted tree, with the provided parent ref.
- This should always yield the same value, even if performed in different
- clones of a repo, at different times. The commit message and other
- metadata is based on the parent.
commitAdjustedTree :: Sha -> BasisBranch -> Annex Sha
commitAdjustedTree treesha parent@(BasisBranch b) =
commitAdjustedTree' treesha parent [b]
commitAdjustedTree' :: Sha -> BasisBranch -> [Ref] -> Annex Sha
commitAdjustedTree' treesha (BasisBranch basis) parents =
go =<< catCommit basis
go Nothing = do
cmode <- annexCommitMode <$> Annex.getGitConfig
inRepo $ mkcommit cmode
go (Just basiscommit) = do
cmode <- annexCommitMode <$> Annex.getGitConfig
inRepo $ commitWithMetaData
(commitAuthorMetaData basiscommit)
(commitCommitterMetaData basiscommit)
(mkcommit cmode)
-- Make sure that the exact message is used in the commit,
-- since that message is looked for later.
-- After git-annex 10.20240227, it's possible to use
-- commitTree instead of this, but this is being kept
-- for some time, for compatibility with older versions.
mkcommit cmode = Git.Branch.commitTreeExactMessage cmode
adjustedBranchCommitMessage parents treesha
{- This message should never be changed. -}
adjustedBranchCommitMessage :: String
adjustedBranchCommitMessage = "git-annex adjusted branch"
{- Allow for a trailing newline after the message. -}
hasAdjustedBranchCommitMessage :: Commit -> Bool
hasAdjustedBranchCommitMessage c =
dropWhileEnd (\x -> x == '\n' || x == '\r') (commitMessage c)
== adjustedBranchCommitMessage
findAdjustingCommit :: AdjBranch -> Annex (Maybe Commit)
findAdjustingCommit (AdjBranch b) = go =<< catCommit b
go Nothing = return Nothing
go (Just c)
| hasAdjustedBranchCommitMessage c = return (Just c)
| otherwise = case commitParent c of
[p] -> go =<< catCommit p
_ -> return Nothing
{- Check for any commits present on the adjusted branch that have not yet
- been propagated to the basis branch, and propagate them to the basis
- branch and from there on to the orig branch.
- After propagating the commits back to the basis branch,
- rebase the adjusted branch on top of the updated basis branch.
propigateAdjustedCommits :: OrigBranch -> Adjustment -> Annex ()
propigateAdjustedCommits origbranch adj =
preventCommits $ \commitsprevented ->
join $ snd <$> propigateAdjustedCommits' True origbranch adj commitsprevented
{- Returns sha of updated basis branch, and action which will rebase
- the adjusted branch on top of the updated basis branch. -}
:: Bool
-> OrigBranch
-> Adjustment
-> CommitsPrevented
-> Annex (Maybe Sha, Annex ())
propigateAdjustedCommits' warnwhendiverged origbranch adj _commitsprevented =
inRepo (Git.Ref.sha basis) >>= \case
Just origsha -> catCommit currbranch >>= \case
Just currcommit ->
newcommits >>= go origsha origsha False >>= \case
Left e -> do
warning (UnquotedString e)
return (Nothing, return ())
Right newparent -> return
( Just newparent
, rebase currcommit newparent
Nothing -> return (Nothing, return ())
Nothing -> do
warning $ UnquotedString $
"Cannot find basis ref " ++ fromRef basis ++ "; not propagating adjusted commits to original branch " ++ fromRef origbranch
return (Nothing, return ())
(BasisBranch basis) = basisBranch adjbranch
adjbranch@(AdjBranch currbranch) = originalToAdjusted origbranch adj
newcommits = inRepo $ Git.Branch.changedCommits basis currbranch
-- Get commits oldest first, so they can be processed
-- in order made.
[Param "--reverse"]
go origsha parent _ [] = do
setBasisBranch (BasisBranch basis) parent
inRepo (Git.Ref.sha origbranch) >>= \case
Just origbranchsha | origbranchsha /= origsha ->
when warnwhendiverged $
warning $ UnquotedString $
"Original branch " ++ fromRef origbranch ++ " has diverged from current adjusted branch " ++ fromRef currbranch
_ -> inRepo $ Git.Branch.update' origbranch parent
return (Right parent)
go origsha parent pastadjcommit (sha:l) = catCommit sha >>= \case
Just c
| hasAdjustedBranchCommitMessage c ->
go origsha parent True l
| pastadjcommit ->
reverseAdjustedCommit parent adj (sha, c) origbranch
>>= \case
Left e -> return (Left e)
Right commit -> go origsha commit pastadjcommit l
_ -> go origsha parent pastadjcommit l
rebase currcommit newparent = do
-- Reuse the current adjusted tree, and reparent it
-- on top of the newparent.
commitAdjustedTree (commitTree currcommit) (BasisBranch newparent)
>>= inRepo . Git.Branch.update rebaseOnTopMsg currbranch
rebaseOnTopMsg :: String
rebaseOnTopMsg = "rebasing adjusted branch on top of updated original branch"
{- Reverses an adjusted commit, and commit with provided commitparent,
- yielding a commit sha.
- Adjusts the tree of the commitparent, changing only the files that the
- commit changed, and reverse adjusting those changes.
- The commit message, and the author and committer metadata are
- copied over from the basiscommit. However, any gpg signature
- will be lost, and any other headers are not copied either. -}
reverseAdjustedCommit :: Sha -> Adjustment -> (Sha, Commit) -> OrigBranch -> Annex (Either String Sha)
reverseAdjustedCommit commitparent adj (csha, basiscommit) origbranch
| length (commitParent basiscommit) > 1 = return $
Left $ "unable to propagate merge commit " ++ show csha ++ " back to " ++ show origbranch
| otherwise = do
cmode <- annexCommitMode <$> Annex.getGitConfig
treesha <- reverseAdjustedTree commitparent adj csha
revadjcommit <- inRepo $ commitWithMetaData
(commitAuthorMetaData basiscommit)
(commitCommitterMetaData basiscommit) $
Git.Branch.commitTree cmode
[commitMessage basiscommit]
[commitparent] treesha
return (Right revadjcommit)
{- Adjusts the tree of the basis, changing only the files that the
- commit changed, and reverse adjusting those changes.
- commitDiff does not support merge commits, so the csha must not be a
- merge commit. -}
reverseAdjustedTree :: Sha -> Adjustment -> Sha -> Annex Sha
reverseAdjustedTree basis adj csha = do
(diff, cleanup) <- inRepo (Git.DiffTree.commitDiff csha)
let (adds, others) = partition (\dti -> Git.DiffTree.srcsha dti `elem` nullShas) diff
let (removes, changes) = partition (\dti -> Git.DiffTree.dstsha dti `elem` nullShas) others
adds' <- catMaybes <$>
mapM (adjustTreeItem reverseadj) (map diffTreeToTreeItem adds)
treesha <- Git.Tree.adjustTree
(propchanges changes)
(\_old new -> new)
(map Git.DiffTree.file removes)
=<< Annex.gitRepo
void $ liftIO cleanup
return treesha
reverseadj = reverseAdjustment adj
propchanges changes ti@(TreeItem f _ _) =
case M.lookup (norm f) m of
Nothing -> return (Just ti) -- not changed
Just change -> adjustTreeItem reverseadj change
m = M.fromList $ map (\i@(TreeItem f' _ _) -> (norm f', i)) $
map diffTreeToTreeItem changes
norm = normalise . fromRawFilePath . getTopFilePath
diffTreeToTreeItem :: Git.DiffTree.DiffTreeItem -> TreeItem
diffTreeToTreeItem dti = TreeItem
(Git.DiffTree.file dti)
(Git.DiffTree.dstmode dti)
(Git.DiffTree.dstsha dti)
data AdjustedClone = InAdjustedClone | NotInAdjustedClone
{- Cloning a repository that has an adjusted branch checked out will
- result in the clone having the same adjusted branch checked out -- but
- the origbranch won't exist in the clone, nor will the basis. So
- to properly set up the adjusted branch, the origbranch and basis need
- to be set.
- We can't trust that the origin's origbranch matches up with the currently
- checked out adjusted branch; the origin could have the two branches
- out of sync (eg, due to another branch having been pushed to the origin's
- origbranch), or due to a commit on its adjusted branch not having been
- propagated back to origbranch.
- So, find the adjusting commit on the currently checked out adjusted
- branch, and use the parent of that commit as the basis, and set the
- origbranch to it.
checkAdjustedClone :: Annex AdjustedClone
checkAdjustedClone = ifM isBareRepo
( return NotInAdjustedClone
, go =<< inRepo Git.Branch.current
go Nothing = return NotInAdjustedClone
go (Just currbranch) = case adjustedToOriginal currbranch of
Nothing -> return NotInAdjustedClone
Just (adj, origbranch) -> do
let basis@(BasisBranch bb) = basisBranch (originalToAdjusted origbranch adj)
unlessM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists bb) $ do
aps <- fmap commitParent <$> findAdjustingCommit (AdjBranch currbranch)
case aps of
Just [p] -> do
unlessM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists origbranch) $
inRepo $ Git.Branch.update' origbranch p
setBasisBranch basis p
_ -> giveup $ "Unable to clean up from clone of adjusted branch; perhaps you should check out " ++ Git.Ref.describe origbranch
return InAdjustedClone
checkVersionSupported :: Annex ()
checkVersionSupported =
unlessM (liftIO isGitVersionSupported) $
giveup "Your version of git is too old; upgrade it to 2.2.0 or newer to use adjusted branches."
-- git 2.2.0 needed for GIT_COMMON_DIR which is needed
-- by updateAdjustedBranch to use withWorkTreeRelated.
isGitVersionSupported :: IO Bool
isGitVersionSupported = not <$> Git.Version.older "2.2.0"