Joey Hess ccef06da41 allow building webapp with EvilSplicer for non-android arm
Was able to reuse many of the android patches, but several had to be
re-done. On Android, ghc is a stage2 build, so can compile, but not run TH
code. But debian's ghc on armel cannot even compile TH code, so it has
to be patched out.

Some haskell packages have been updated to new versions, including yesod
and DAV, and their patches had to be redone.

The Makefile now has 2 new targets. The first is run on a companion x86
system to do the build and get TH splices. Then the second target is run
the same source tree on the arm system to build without needing TH.

This commit was sponsored by Svenne Krap.
2013-12-18 21:41:17 +00:00

597 lines
23 KiB

From ad0166a6e537021c9f5a1e01cde4b7c520edcf3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joey Hess <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:10:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove TH
Yesod/EmbeddedStatic.hs | 64 -----------
Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Generators.hs | 102 +----------------
Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Internal.hs | 41 -------
Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Types.hs | 14 ---
Yesod/Static.hs | 224 +------------------------------------
5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 433 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic.hs b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic.hs
index e819630..a564d4b 100644
--- a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic.hs
+++ b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic.hs
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ module Yesod.EmbeddedStatic (
-- * Subsite
, embeddedResourceR
- , mkEmbeddedStatic
, embedStaticContent
-- * Generators
@@ -91,69 +90,6 @@ instance Yesod master => YesodSubDispatch EmbeddedStatic (HandlerT master IO) wh
("widget":_) -> staticApp (widgetSettings site) req
_ -> return $ responseLBS status404 [] "Not Found"
--- | Create the haskell variable for the link to the entry
-mkRoute :: ComputedEntry -> Q [Dec]
-mkRoute (ComputedEntry { cHaskellName = Nothing }) = return []
-mkRoute (c@ComputedEntry { cHaskellName = Just name }) = do
- routeType <- [t| Route EmbeddedStatic |]
- link <- [| $(cLink c) |]
- return [ SigD name routeType
- , ValD (VarP name) (NormalB link) []
- ]
--- | Creates an 'EmbeddedStatic' by running, at compile time, a list of generators.
--- Each generator produces a list of entries to embed into the executable.
--- This template haskell splice creates a variable binding holding the resulting
--- 'EmbeddedStatic' and in addition creates variable bindings for all the routes
--- produced by the generators. For example, if a directory called static has
--- the following contents:
--- * js/jquery.js
--- * css/bootstrap.css
--- * img/logo.png
--- then a call to
--- > #ifdef DEVELOPMENT
--- > #define DEV_BOOL True
--- > #else
--- > #define DEV_BOOL False
--- > #endif
--- > mkEmbeddedStatic DEV_BOOL "myStatic" [embedDir "static"]
--- will produce variables
--- > myStatic :: EmbeddedStatic
--- > js_jquery_js :: Route EmbeddedStatic
--- > css_bootstrap_css :: Route EmbeddedStatic
--- > img_logo_png :: Route EmbeddedStatic
-mkEmbeddedStatic :: Bool -- ^ development?
- -> String -- ^ variable name for the created 'EmbeddedStatic'
- -> [Generator] -- ^ the generators (see "Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Generators")
- -> Q [Dec]
-mkEmbeddedStatic dev esName gen = do
- entries <- concat <$> sequence gen
- computed <- runIO $ mapM (if dev then devEmbed else prodEmbed) entries
- let settings = Static.mkSettings $ return $ map cStEntry computed
- devExtra = listE $ catMaybes $ map ebDevelExtraFiles entries
- ioRef = [| unsafePerformIO $ newIORef M.empty |]
- -- build the embedded static
- esType <- [t| EmbeddedStatic |]
- esCreate <- if dev
- then [| EmbeddedStatic (develApp $settings $devExtra) $ioRef |]
- else [| EmbeddedStatic (staticApp $! $settings) $ioRef |]
- let es = [ SigD (mkName esName) esType
- , ValD (VarP $ mkName esName) (NormalB esCreate) []
- ]
- routes <- mapM mkRoute computed
- return $ es ++ concat routes
-- | Use this for 'addStaticContent' to have the widget static content be served by
-- the embedded static subsite. For example,
diff --git a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Generators.hs b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Generators.hs
index e83785d..bc35359 100644
--- a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Generators.hs
+++ b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Generators.hs
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
module Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Generators (
-- * Generators
- , embedFile
- , embedFileAt
- , embedDir
- , embedDirAt
- , concatFiles
- , concatFilesWith
+ --, embedFile
+ --, embedFileAt
+ --, embedDir
+ --, embedDirAt
+ --, concatFiles
+ --, concatFilesWith
-- * Compression options for 'concatFilesWith'
, jasmine
@@ -50,28 +50,6 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Types
--- | Embed a single file. Equivalent to passing the same string twice to 'embedFileAt'.
-embedFile :: FilePath -> Generator
-embedFile f = embedFileAt f f
--- | Embed a single file at a given location within the static subsite and generate a
--- route variable based on the location via 'pathToName'. The @FilePath@ must be a relative
--- path to the directory in which you run @cabal build@. During development, the file located
--- at this filepath will be reloaded on every request. When compiling for production, the contents
--- of the file will be embedded into the executable and so the file does not need to be
--- distributed along with the executable.
-embedFileAt :: Location -> FilePath -> Generator
-embedFileAt loc f = do
- let mime = defaultMimeLookup $ T.pack f
- let entry = def {
- ebHaskellName = Just $ pathToName loc
- , ebLocation = loc
- , ebMimeType = mime
- , ebProductionContent = BL.readFile f
- , ebDevelReload = [| BL.readFile $(litE $ stringL f) |]
- }
- return [entry]
-- | List all files recursively in a directory
getRecursiveContents :: Location -- ^ The directory to search
-> FilePath -- ^ The prefix to add to the filenames
@@ -88,74 +66,6 @@ getRecursiveContents prefix topdir = do
else return [(loc, path)]
return (concat paths)
--- | Embed all files in a directory into the static subsite.
--- Equivalent to passing the empty string as the location to 'embedDirAt',
--- so the directory path itself is not part of the resource locations (and so
--- also not part of the generated route variable names).
-embedDir :: FilePath -> Generator
-embedDir = embedDirAt ""
--- | Embed all files in a directory to a given location within the static subsite.
--- The directory tree rooted at the 'FilePath' (which must be relative to the directory in
--- which you run @cabal build@) is embedded into the static subsite at the given
--- location. Also, route variables will be created based on the final location
--- of each file. For example, if a directory \"static\" contains the files
--- * css/bootstrap.css
--- * js/jquery.js
--- * js/bootstrap.js
--- then @embedDirAt \"somefolder\" \"static\"@ will
--- * Make the file @static\/css\/bootstrap.css@ available at the location
--- @somefolder\/css\/bootstrap.css@ within the static subsite and similarly
--- for the other two files.
--- * Create variables @somefolder_css_bootstrap_css@, @somefolder_js_jquery_js@,
--- @somefolder_js_bootstrap_js@ all of type @Route EmbeddedStatic@.
--- * During development, the files will be reloaded on every request. During
--- production, the contents of all files will be embedded into the executable.
--- * During development, files that are added to the directory while the server
--- is running will not be detected. You need to recompile the module which
--- contains the call to @mkEmbeddedStatic@. This will also generate new route
--- variables for the new files.
-embedDirAt :: Location -> FilePath -> Generator
-embedDirAt loc dir = do
- files <- runIO $ getRecursiveContents loc dir
- concat <$> mapM (uncurry embedFileAt) files
--- | Concatinate a list of files and embed it at the location. Equivalent to passing @return@ to
--- 'concatFilesWith'.
-concatFiles :: Location -> [FilePath] -> Generator
-concatFiles loc files = concatFilesWith loc return files
--- | Concatinate a list of files into a single 'BL.ByteString', run the resulting content through the given
--- function, embed it at the given location, and create a haskell variable name for the route based on
--- the location.
--- The processing function is only run when compiling for production, and the processing function is
--- executed at compile time. During development, on every request the files listed are reloaded,
--- concatenated, and served as a single resource at the given location without being processed.
-concatFilesWith :: Location -> (BL.ByteString -> IO BL.ByteString) -> [FilePath] -> Generator
-concatFilesWith loc process files = do
- let load = do putStrLn $ "Creating " ++ loc
- BL.concat <$> mapM BL.readFile files >>= process
- expFiles = listE $ map (litE . stringL) files
- expCt = [| BL.concat <$> mapM BL.readFile $expFiles |]
- mime = defaultMimeLookup $ T.pack loc
- return [def { ebHaskellName = Just $ pathToName loc
- , ebLocation = loc
- , ebMimeType = mime
- , ebProductionContent = load
- , ebDevelReload = expCt
- }]
-- | Convienient rexport of 'minifym' with a type signature to work with 'concatFilesWith'.
jasmine :: BL.ByteString -> IO BL.ByteString
jasmine ct = return $ either (const ct) id $ minifym ct
diff --git a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Internal.hs b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Internal.hs
index 0882c16..6f61a0f 100644
--- a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Internal.hs
+++ b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Internal.hs
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
module Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Internal (
, Route(..)
- , ComputedEntry(..)
- , devEmbed
- , prodEmbed
, develApp
, AddStaticContent
, staticContentHelper
@@ -68,44 +65,6 @@ instance ParseRoute EmbeddedStatic where
parseRoute (["widget",h], _) = Just $ EmbeddedWidgetR h
parseRoute _ = Nothing
--- | At compile time, one of these is created for every 'Entry' created by
--- the generators. The cLink is a template haskell expression of type @Route EmbeddedStatic@.
-data ComputedEntry = ComputedEntry {
- cHaskellName :: Maybe Name -- ^ Optional haskell name to create a variable for the route
- , cStEntry :: Static.EmbeddableEntry -- ^ The entry to be embedded into the executable
- , cLink :: ExpQ -- ^ The route for this entry
-mkStr :: String -> ExpQ
-mkStr = litE . stringL
--- | Create a 'ComputedEntry' for development mode, reloading the content on every request.
-devEmbed :: Entry -> IO ComputedEntry
-devEmbed e = return computed
- where
- st = Static.EmbeddableEntry {
- Static.eLocation = "res/" `T.append` T.pack (ebLocation e)
- , Static.eMimeType = ebMimeType e
- , Static.eContent = Right [| $(ebDevelReload e) >>= \c ->
- return (T.pack (base64md5 c), c) |]
- }
- link = [| EmbeddedResourceR (T.splitOn (T.pack "/") $ T.pack $(mkStr $ ebLocation e)) [] |]
- computed = ComputedEntry (ebHaskellName e) st link
--- | Create a 'ComputedEntry' for production mode, hashing and embedding the content into the executable.
-prodEmbed :: Entry -> IO ComputedEntry
-prodEmbed e = do
- ct <- ebProductionContent e
- let hash = base64md5 ct
- link = [| EmbeddedResourceR (T.splitOn (T.pack "/") $ T.pack $(mkStr $ ebLocation e))
- [(T.pack "etag", T.pack $(mkStr hash))] |]
- st = Static.EmbeddableEntry {
- Static.eLocation = "res/" `T.append` T.pack (ebLocation e)
- , Static.eMimeType = ebMimeType e
- , Static.eContent = Left (T.pack hash, ct)
- }
- return $ ComputedEntry (ebHaskellName e) st link
tryExtraDevelFiles :: [[T.Text] -> IO (Maybe (MimeType, BL.ByteString))] -> Application
tryExtraDevelFiles [] _ = return $ responseLBS status404 [] ""
tryExtraDevelFiles (f:fs) r = do
diff --git a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Types.hs b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Types.hs
index 5cbd662..d3e514f 100644
--- a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Types.hs
+++ b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Types.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Types(
- , Generator
-- ** Entry
, Entry
, ebHaskellName
@@ -52,16 +51,3 @@ data Entry = Entry {
-- taking as input the list of path pieces and optionally returning a mime type
-- and content.
--- | When using 'def', you must fill in at least 'ebLocation'.
-instance Default Entry where
- def = Entry { ebHaskellName = Nothing
- , ebLocation = "xxxx"
- , ebMimeType = "application/octet-stream"
- , ebProductionContent = return BL.empty
- , ebDevelReload = [| return BL.empty |]
- , ebDevelExtraFiles = Nothing
- }
--- | An embedded generator is executed at compile time to produce the entries to embed.
-type Generator = Q [Entry]
diff --git a/Yesod/Static.hs b/Yesod/Static.hs
index ef27f1b..5795f45 100644
--- a/Yesod/Static.hs
+++ b/Yesod/Static.hs
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ module Yesod.Static
, staticDevel
-- * Combining CSS/JS
-- $combining
- , combineStylesheets'
- , combineScripts'
+ --, combineStylesheets'
+ --, combineScripts'
-- ** Settings
, CombineSettings
, csStaticDir
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ module Yesod.Static
, csJsPreProcess
, csCombinedFolder
-- * Template Haskell helpers
- , staticFiles
- , staticFilesList
- , publicFiles
+ --, staticFiles
+ --, staticFilesList
+ --, publicFiles
-- * Hashing
, base64md5
-- * Embed
- , embed
+ --, embed
, getFileListPieces
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Prelude
import System.Directory
import Control.Monad
-import Data.FileEmbed (embedDir)
import Yesod.Core
import Yesod.Core.Types
@@ -135,21 +134,6 @@ staticDevel dir = do
hashLookup <- cachedETagLookupDevel dir
return $ Static $ webAppSettingsWithLookup (F.decodeString dir) hashLookup
--- | Produce a 'Static' based on embedding all of the static files' contents in the
--- executable at compile time.
--- You should use "Yesod.EmbeddedStatic" instead, it is much more powerful.
--- Nota Bene: if you replace the scaffolded 'static' call in Settings/StaticFiles.hs
--- you will need to change the scaffolded addStaticContent. Otherwise, some of your
--- assets will be 404'ed. This is because by default yesod will generate compile those
--- assets to @static/tmp@ which for 'static' is fine since they are served out of the
--- directory itself. With embedded static, that will not work.
--- You can easily change @addStaticContent@ to @\_ _ _ -> return Nothing@ as a workaround.
--- This will cause yesod to embed those assets into the generated HTML file itself.
-embed :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q Exp
-embed fp = [|Static (embeddedSettings $(embedDir fp))|]
instance RenderRoute Static where
-- | A route on the static subsite (see also 'staticFiles').
@@ -214,59 +198,6 @@ getFileListPieces = flip evalStateT M.empty . flip go id
put $ M.insert s s m
return s
--- | Template Haskell function that automatically creates routes
--- for all of your static files.
--- For example, if you used
--- > staticFiles "static/"
--- and you had files @\"static\/style.css\"@ and
--- @\"static\/js\/script.js\"@, then the following top-level
--- definitions would be created:
--- > style_css = StaticRoute ["style.css"] []
--- > js_script_js = StaticRoute ["js/script.js"] []
--- Note that dots (@.@), dashes (@-@) and slashes (@\/@) are
--- replaced by underscores (@\_@) to create valid Haskell
--- identifiers.
-staticFiles :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q [Dec]
-staticFiles dir = mkStaticFiles dir
--- | Same as 'staticFiles', but takes an explicit list of files
--- to create identifiers for. The files path given are relative
--- to the static folder. For example, to create routes for the
--- files @\"static\/js\/jquery.js\"@ and
--- @\"static\/css\/normalize.css\"@, you would use:
--- > staticFilesList \"static\" [\"js\/jquery.js\", \"css\/normalize.css\"]
--- This can be useful when you have a very large number of static
--- files, but only need to refer to a few of them from Haskell.
-staticFilesList :: Prelude.FilePath -> [Prelude.FilePath] -> Q [Dec]
-staticFilesList dir fs =
- mkStaticFilesList dir (map split fs) "StaticRoute" True
- where
- split :: Prelude.FilePath -> [String]
- split [] = []
- split x =
- let (a, b) = break (== '/') x
- in a : split (drop 1 b)
--- | Same as 'staticFiles', but doesn't append an ETag to the
--- query string.
--- Using 'publicFiles' will speed up the compilation, since there
--- won't be any need for hashing files during compile-time.
--- However, since the ETag ceases to be part of the URL, the
--- 'Static' subsite won't be able to set the expire date too far
--- on the future. Browsers still will be able to cache the
--- contents, however they'll need send a request to the server to
--- see if their copy is up-to-date.
-publicFiles :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q [Dec]
-publicFiles dir = mkStaticFiles' dir "StaticRoute" False
mkHashMap :: Prelude.FilePath -> IO (M.Map F.FilePath S8.ByteString)
mkHashMap dir = do
@@ -309,53 +240,6 @@ cachedETagLookup dir = do
etags <- mkHashMap dir
return $ (\f -> return $ M.lookup f etags)
-mkStaticFiles :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q [Dec]
-mkStaticFiles fp = mkStaticFiles' fp "StaticRoute" True
-mkStaticFiles' :: Prelude.FilePath -- ^ static directory
- -> String -- ^ route constructor "StaticRoute"
- -> Bool -- ^ append checksum query parameter
- -> Q [Dec]
-mkStaticFiles' fp routeConName makeHash = do
- fs <- qRunIO $ getFileListPieces fp
- mkStaticFilesList fp fs routeConName makeHash
- :: Prelude.FilePath -- ^ static directory
- -> [[String]] -- ^ list of files to create identifiers for
- -> String -- ^ route constructor "StaticRoute"
- -> Bool -- ^ append checksum query parameter
- -> Q [Dec]
-mkStaticFilesList fp fs routeConName makeHash = do
- concat `fmap` mapM mkRoute fs
- where
- replace' c
- | 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' = c
- | 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' = c
- | '0' <= c && c <= '9' = c
- | otherwise = '_'
- mkRoute f = do
- let name' = intercalate "_" $ map (map replace') f
- routeName = mkName $
- case () of
- ()
- | null name' -> error "null-named file"
- | isDigit (head name') -> '_' : name'
- | isLower (head name') -> name'
- | otherwise -> '_' : name'
- f' <- [|map pack $(TH.lift f)|]
- let route = mkName routeConName
- pack' <- [|pack|]
- qs <- if makeHash
- then do hash <- qRunIO $ base64md5File $ pathFromRawPieces fp f
- [|[(pack "etag", pack $(TH.lift hash))]|]
- else return $ ListE []
- return
- [ SigD routeName $ ConT route
- , FunD routeName
- [ Clause [] (NormalB $ (ConE route) `AppE` f' `AppE` qs) []
- ]
- ]
base64md5File :: Prelude.FilePath -> IO String
base64md5File = fmap (base64 . encode) . hashFile
@@ -379,55 +263,6 @@ base64 = map tr
tr '/' = '_'
tr c = c
--- $combining
--- A common scenario on a site is the desire to include many external CSS and
--- Javascript files on every page. Doing so via the Widget functionality in
--- Yesod will work, but would also mean that the same content will be
--- downloaded many times. A better approach would be to combine all of these
--- files together into a single static file and serve that as a static resource
--- for every page. That resource can be cached on the client, and bandwidth
--- usage reduced.
--- This could be done as a manual process, but that becomes tedious. Instead,
--- you can use some Template Haskell code which will combine these files into a
--- single static file at compile time.
-data CombineType = JS | CSS
-combineStatics' :: CombineType
- -> CombineSettings
- -> [Route Static] -- ^ files to combine
- -> Q Exp
-combineStatics' combineType CombineSettings {..} routes = do
- texts <- qRunIO $ runResourceT $ mapM_ yield fps $$ awaitForever readUTFFile =$ consume
- ltext <- qRunIO $ preProcess $ TL.fromChunks texts
- bs <- qRunIO $ postProcess fps $ TLE.encodeUtf8 ltext
- let hash' = base64md5 bs
- suffix = csCombinedFolder </> F.decodeString hash' <.> extension
- fp = csStaticDir </> suffix
- qRunIO $ do
- createTree $ fp
- L.writeFile (F.encodeString fp) bs
- let pieces = map T.unpack $ T.splitOn "/" $ either id id $ F.toText suffix
- [|StaticRoute (map pack pieces) []|]
- where
- fps :: [F.FilePath]
- fps = map toFP routes
- toFP (StaticRoute pieces _) = csStaticDir </> F.concat (map F.fromText pieces)
- readUTFFile fp = sourceFile (F.encodeString fp) =$= CT.decode CT.utf8
- postProcess =
- case combineType of
- JS -> csJsPostProcess
- CSS -> csCssPostProcess
- preProcess =
- case combineType of
- JS -> csJsPreProcess
- CSS -> csCssPreProcess
- extension =
- case combineType of
- JS -> "js"
- CSS -> "css"
-- | Data type for holding all settings for combining files.
@@ -504,50 +339,3 @@ instance Default CombineSettings where
errorIntro :: [FilePath] -> [Char] -> [Char]
errorIntro fps s = "Error minifying " ++ show fps ++ ": " ++ s
-liftRoutes :: [Route Static] -> Q Exp
-liftRoutes =
- fmap ListE . mapM go
- where
- go :: Route Static -> Q Exp
- go (StaticRoute x y) = [|StaticRoute $(liftTexts x) $(liftPairs y)|]
- liftTexts = fmap ListE . mapM liftT
- liftT t = [|pack $(TH.lift $ T.unpack t)|]
- liftPairs = fmap ListE . mapM liftPair
- liftPair (x, y) = [|($(liftT x), $(liftT y))|]
--- | Combine multiple CSS files together. Common usage would be:
--- >>> combineStylesheets' development def 'StaticR [style1_css, style2_css]
--- Where @development@ is a variable in your site indicated whether you are in
--- development or production mode.
--- Since 1.2.0
-combineStylesheets' :: Bool -- ^ development? if so, perform no combining
- -> CombineSettings
- -> Name -- ^ Static route constructor name, e.g. \'StaticR
- -> [Route Static] -- ^ files to combine
- -> Q Exp
-combineStylesheets' development cs con routes
- | development = [| mapM_ (addStylesheet . $(return $ ConE con)) $(liftRoutes routes) |]
- | otherwise = [| addStylesheet $ $(return $ ConE con) $(combineStatics' CSS cs routes) |]
--- | Combine multiple JS files together. Common usage would be:
--- >>> combineScripts' development def 'StaticR [script1_js, script2_js]
--- Where @development@ is a variable in your site indicated whether you are in
--- development or production mode.
--- Since 1.2.0
-combineScripts' :: Bool -- ^ development? if so, perform no combining
- -> CombineSettings
- -> Name -- ^ Static route constructor name, e.g. \'StaticR
- -> [Route Static] -- ^ files to combine
- -> Q Exp
-combineScripts' development cs con routes
- | development = [| mapM_ (addScript . $(return $ ConE con)) $(liftRoutes routes) |]
- | otherwise = [| addScript $ $(return $ ConE con) $(combineStatics' JS cs routes) |]