Fourth or fifth try at this and finally found a way to make it work. Absurd amount of busy-work forced on me by change in cabal's behavior. Split up Utility modules that need posix stuff out of ones used by Setup. Various other hacks around inability for Setup to use anything that ifdefs a use of unix. Probably lost a full day of my life to this. This is how build systems make their users hate them. Just saying.
33 lines
848 B
33 lines
848 B
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module Common (module X) where
import Control.Monad as X
import Control.Monad.IfElse as X
import Control.Applicative as X
import Control.Monad.IO.Class as X (liftIO)
import Data.Maybe as X
import Data.List as X hiding (head, tail, init, last)
import Data.Monoid as X
import Data.Default as X
import System.FilePath as X
import System.IO as X hiding (FilePath)
import System.Exit as X
import System.PosixCompat.Files as X hiding (fileSize)
import Utility.Misc as X
import Utility.Exception as X
import Utility.SafeCommand as X
import Utility.Process as X
import Utility.Path as X
import Utility.Directory as X
import Utility.Monad as X
import Utility.Data as X
import Utility.Applicative as X
import Utility.FileSize as X
import Utility.Network as X
import Utility.Split as X
import Utility.PartialPrelude as X